In fact, the main reason for Zhu Yuanzhang's anger was Zhu Di's betrayal.

He trusted Zhu Di so much, but the other party betrayed him and failed his trust.

At this moment, Zhu Di raised his head proudly, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang word by word: "Giving this country to him is definitely not good for me. Daming will be better only if it is in my hands. I, Zhu Di, is the best choice." .”

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious when he heard this. He thought that the other party had some last resort.Even if you say that Zhu Yunqi forced you to rebel, it's fine if you did something outrageous, and you can even accuse him of being surrounded by treacherous people.

However, Zhu Di chose a reason why Zhu Yuanzhang was most angry.


Ning An reached out to stop Zhu Yuanzhang this time, and heaved a long sigh.

"Your Majesty, in fact, King Yan is right. Looking at the history books, the world is indeed better in his hands."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was full of disbelief, looking at Ning An, he didn't expect the other party to say such a thing.

Is this the evaluation of later generations?Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang was really wrong?

Ning An said slowly: "Your Majesty, it is because of your misfortune in your childhood that you hope that your children and grandchildren can live a better life and stop suffering."

"For the future of the empire and its descendants, you have established a complete system. You firmly believe that the empire will always prosper."

"For this reason, you did not hesitate to kill Hu Weiyong, Li Shanchang, Lan Yu, etc. Moreover, you also attacked your old friends."


Before Ning An could finish speaking, Zhu Di spoke first. He shouted violently and stared at Ning An with an angry expression, his eyes could not stop being cold.

Perhaps Zhu Yuanzhang at this age has not experienced that, but Zhu Di actually came from that era. He watched the old man pave the way for future generations, and personally sent those brothers from the past to the Hall of Yama.

Even if, for this, he could be infamous through the ages.

Why are the people who blacked Zhu Yuanzhang in history always the Hu Lan case, because they have nothing else to say.

Looking at Zhu Di's appearance, Ning An sighed and didn't say anything more.

He knew that no matter how cruel these things Zhu Yuanzhang did were in the eyes of outsiders, to the descendants of the Zhu family, they were all manifestations of deep affection and Zhu Yuanzhang's deep love for them.

"King Yan, you continue."

After finishing speaking, Ning An kept silent, and stood by and listened quietly.This is a special Chinese live broadcast of classics, more like a statement-like interpretation.

Then Zhu Di looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, and he felt a lot more relaxed, as if it was a daily conversation between father and son.

"Father, just because I'm not the son of a concubine or the empress, am I not qualified to sit in that position? I'm not convinced, they are all your sons, why is there such a big difference?"

When Zhu Di said this, the audience immediately exploded.

"What? Zhu Di was not born to Empress Ma? Are the program crew sure? Is this nonsense? It is recorded in Ming Shilu's Chengzu Shilu that his mother is Empress Ma's, please stop making trouble?"

"I was so scared that I quickly searched on Baidu. It was also recorded on Baidu that Zhu Di's mother, Empress Ma, had an oolong in the show?"

"It's not wrong. This has indeed been disputed and manifested in history. There is a lot of evidence that Zhu Di has revised his birth records."

"Yes, he modified it after he became the emperor. But obviously, he did not deceive future generations."

"Oh my god, if this is true, then my three views will be completely subverted. I seem to remember that this incident was recorded in those incidents in the Ming Dynasty."

Many viewers discussed and expressed their opinions on this.

However, Zhu Di couldn't see this, and now he just wanted to confide everything about himself.

"Compared to elder brother, dad, have you really cared about us brothers? Since I was young, I knew that I can only be the servant of elder brother in the future. I'm going to die, I have to thank you, I can't refuse."

"Why? Just because he was born a few years earlier than me?"

Zhu Di's words at this time also shocked countless people.Now most people think that Zhu Di respects Zhu Biao very much, as long as Zhu Biao is not dead, Zhu Di dare not rebel.

But unexpectedly, Zhu Di had such a big opinion on Zhu Biao.They thought that Zhu Di's greed for the throne came after Zhu Biao's death, but they didn't expect that it had been there since he was a child.

"Father, you established the East Palace that year, and invited the most famous scholar in the world, Song Lian, to teach the elder brother's studies. You also let Li Shanchang serve as the prince's young teacher, and Xu Da concurrently served as the prince's young teacher. Dad, how envious my brothers are! ,Do you know?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent. He could not refute Zhu Di's words. Indeed, for Zhu Biao, he had put in too much effort.

After all, that was his favorite child.

He can't wait to give him everything. There is such a joke that if Zhu Biao rebels, Zhu Yuanzhang will not only not get angry, but will be ecstatic. help.

Although it was a joke, it was true that he loved Zhu Biao.

The most luxurious lineup of civil servants and generals in the world is all concentrated around the prince.

In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang is a black face, and Zhu Biao is a smiling face. It can be said that Zhu Biao was the heir recognized by everyone at that time.

But Zhu Di was different. When he was born, his father was still a person who never finished his last meal. Compared with Zhu Biao, his status was far behind.

After all, the meaning of the eldest son in ancient times is really extraordinary.

But for the rest, it makes no difference.Zhu Yuanzhang gave birth to 26 sons, more than ten daughters, and more than 20 adopted sons. Zhu Di was destined to be one of these people.

When they were young, except for Zhu Biao, the rest of the children were basically not bothered about learning and education.

Therefore, what he made a fool of was knives, murder, and some tricks and tricks.

Seeing his elder brother being treated alone by Zhu Yuanzhang, he naturally felt a little envious in his heart.

Children are the simplest, but they are also the most easily distorted.

(The textual research of Pan Yuzhang and others in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties shows that Zhu Biao should be produced by Concubine Li Shu. "Nanjing Taichang Temple Records" records that Xiaoling worships Emperor Gao and Empress Ma. The concubine Li on the left, Prince Yiwen, King Qin Min, and King Gong of Jin were born; the second concubine from the left, King Chu, King Lu, King Dai, King Ying, King Qi, King Shu, King Gu, King Tang, King Yi, and King Tan; The three imperial concubines on the left gave birth to King Xiangxian, King Su, King Han, and King Shen; the four nobles on the left gave birth to King Liao; the five emperors on the left gave birth to King Ning and An; Emperor Zuwen.)
(There are also some other records in "Guangyang Miscellaneous Notes". Following Mingyue Dada back then, I agree that Zhu Di was indeed not born to Empress Ma, so lightly spray it.)
(In addition, I thought you were modern, but later I remembered that you have been integrated since the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Sorry, sorry.)
(Then, these contents may be different from what you may know. The most important thing is to learn from those things in the Ming Dynasty, from the psychological analysis of the small environment, not just the book records.)

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