Changing children to eat, once a famine occurred in ancient times, everyone was too hungry to survive, and they would eat children.

But my own children couldn't bear to eat, so they ran out and exchanged children with others, neighbors, neighbors, strangers.

As long as the other party has children, they will exchange each other, and then burn the pot to eat meat.

This is why there are many historical records that people can still eat meat during famines. It is not because the historical records are wrong, nor is it because officials lied about it. It is just that what they eat is human flesh, the same kind of meat.

At that time, the children who starved to death were the first, and the children and girls were the second.

Think about it, brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents eat meat in exchange for their children, what kind of mood is it?
Whose child is not a child, if it is not extremely difficult, who would do this?
This is the only way for the children to survive and for the inheritance to continue.

As long as there are grass roots, trees, and even mounds nearby, they will be eaten up.

In ancient times, romance and coziness belonged to wealthy families, and more, it was disaster.

So countless little girls dreamed of being able to live in ancient times, disliked everything in modern times, and wanted to find a place to live in seclusion.

Basically, you can starve to death after traveling back for a few days.

Unless you travel to a rich family, you can't help your fate.

Why did Zhu Yuanzhang hate corrupt officials so much?Isn't it because the corrupt officials enjoy everything, and the people suffer?

It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang is cruel, yes, he is indeed cruel to corrupt officials.

There are countless cruel punishments, such as skinning and filling grass, beheading in half, Ling Chi, brain opening, etc., one after another, countless, making people feel weak when they hear the name.

But these are all for corrupt officials, but they are extremely gentle for the common people.

Why do those people discredit him and hate him.

Because it touched the interests of the powerful, in the eyes of the officials, the common people were like ants.

If you die, you will die. What is the point of not being a corrupt official?
He embezzled a bucket of rice, and countless people starved to death.

But in their view, it is the honor of these starving people, and it is their blessing for eight lifetimes to die for his enjoyment of wealth and honor.

So, why is Zhu Yuanzhang not cruel?
In the face of these corrupt criminals, he will use the cruelest means to let them know that being an official is for the people, not for getting rich, not for enjoying the glory and wealth.

To be an official under him, one must either be a clean official or wait for death.

He is not generally good to the people, and he is making decisions for the people.

Those who once prevented the public from suing imperial petitions were basically killed, or paraded in the streets.

What's more, a man named Chen Shouliu rushed into the county government office and kidnapped the official Gu Ying.

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang beheaded Gu Ying and supported Chen Shouliu's actions, advocating that this was correct.It was publicized nationwide, and the three were rewarded with clothing and money.

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally calculated the most important point.

Anyone who wants to take revenge on Chen Shouliu and harass Chen Shouliu will directly kill him and destroy the whole family.The same is true for fabricating charges and framing him.

There are many cases like this, and the number of homicides is already countless. The people in the Hongwu period may not be the happiest, but they must be the most comfortable.

In his eyes, corrupt officials are no longer human beings, they are beasts in wolf's clothing, and officials who oppress the people deserve to die.

He also stipulated that any official who disturbs the people has the right to be arrested, and he will be directly dismissed from office.

Therefore, being an official during the Hongwu period was definitely a high-risk occupation, and life was in danger at any time.

After his death, the officials hid his great patent, which was once regarded as a sacred object by the people, and since then withdrew from the stage of history, and at the same time, some people began to try their best to discredit him.

But so what?

The people naturally know who treats them well, but these people are not of the official class, and they have no way to record such things, so they can only spread them by word of mouth.

On the day of Hongwu's death, the whole country wept bitterly.

This is also why Zhu Yuanzhang had such a big reaction after seeing someone wasting food, and why he felt sorry for his business when he saw the boss's sincerity, and stopped eating meat.

Maybe this is a trivial matter in the eyes of others, and it does not conform to the emperor's behavior and majesty.

But, this is the real Emperor Hongwu.

This is the emperor who is willing to make decisions for the people and support the people in history.

If he is not as close to the people as he is today, and he does not cherish food as much as he is today.

Then in history, he would never be so kind to the people, would never do such 'ridiculous' behaviors, would not keep his true nature, would not appear in imperial edicts, words like me make people laugh.

Ning An looked at Zhu Yuanzhang solemnly, sighed with infinite emotion in his heart.

"Your Majesty's heart is admirable."

At this moment, the guest who stood up and left suddenly rushed over, grabbed the food on the table and stuffed it into his mouth desperately.

"Your Majesty, I will never waste food in the future, absolutely not."

As he spoke, he swallowed, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang with tears in his eyes, his heart was greatly touched.

For him, it was normal for him to have some food left over. How much could he eat with such a little food?Enough for how many people?There is not enough food for one person.

Well, one person is less, but what about ten people?What about a hundred people?What about a thousand people?What about all the people in the country combined?

The food wasted by all people can feed at least [-] million people. What a terrible statistic, you know, how many people were there in the Hongwu Year?Only tens of millions of people.

The food was enough to feed the people of Hong Wunian several times more. If Zhu Yuanzhang knew this data, he would probably collapse and go crazy.

He would be very puzzled, man, how can such a waste of food?

Isn't that the most beautiful thing in the world?
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the guest who was eating, smiled, then walked to his seat, and buried himself in eating.

Some people at the dinner table saw this scene on their mobile phones, and they all silently picked up their rice bowls, and some families who were planning to throw away their meals silently put them in the refrigerator.

The people watching in the restaurant all called the waiter to pack.

No matter what happens tomorrow, today, the whole country is willing to stop wasting food for Zhu Yuanzhang and Mr. Yuan.

Even if it's only for one day, that's enough.

I have to say that Zhu Yuanzhang is really edible.

After more than half an hour, Zhu Yuanzhang burped in satisfaction, wiped his mouth contentedly, and licked his body, not caring about his image at all.

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, Zhu Yuanzhang's appetite is indeed amazing, more than half an hour doesn't sound like much, and now people eat for more than an hour, but the key is that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't play with his mobile phone, didn't chat, just ate, which was really ruthless.

But for some reason, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang eating like this, everyone felt that the food in their rice bowls was more delicious.

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