At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 178 Heavy 8, You Don't Listen to Chapters Again

After saying this sentence, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have aged several decades.

All the strength in his body dissipated, and he looked at the other party with a pale face.

"Quick! Give us back our sister, we don't want this country anymore."

Zhu Yuanzhang clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth.The sound of his teeth clinking up and down could be heard from far away, as if he was about to be crushed in the next moment.

Ning An took a deep breath, he knew the other party's mood at the moment.

It is to replace each other amidst anxiety and complexity, hesitation, and difficulty in making a choice.

"Give back the girl to us quickly!!!"

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang let out an angry roar.Like a raging dragon, his eyes are scarlet.The clenched fist rattled.The veins on his body were exposed, and his whole body was in a violent state.

It seemed that the next moment, he would tear Ning An apart.

The audience was frightened by this situation, and many of them gasped.

"To be honest, although I don't think Zhu Yuanzhang will give up his throne for Empress Ma, but I don't know why, after seeing the current Zhu Yuanzhang, I think this is the Zhu Yuanzhang in history."

"The image is lifelike. This acting skill is simply amazing. It fully expresses the intricacies and mixed feelings of the characters. The reluctance to give up power and the attachment to the person next to the pillow."

"Maybe it's not that he wants to behave like this, but Zhu Yuanzhang is also afraid, afraid that he will change his mind and change his mind in the next moment."

"Zhu Yuanzhang is really a strange person. For the sake of beauty, he doesn't want Jiangshan. I once heard such a joke that if Zhu Biao wanted to rebel, Zhu Yuanzhang would allocate troops to the opponent and encourage him. Perhaps in his heart, the one who died in the Queen Ma At that time, everything in this world will be worth nostalgia."

At this moment, the audience all agreed with this Zhu Yuanzhang.

Everyone's initial expectations and doubts turned into approval, everyone believed it, and the murderous Zhu Yuanzhang also had such a side.

Institute of History.

Seeing this scene, Song Ren's heart surged, and he burst into tears instantly.

Those dry, wrinkled hands stretched out tremblingly, and stroked the screen.

"This is the Zhu Yuanzhang in our mind!"

"He is the least emperor-like emperor in history, and also the most emperor-like emperor."

"In terms of wrist and iron blood, there are very few emperors who can match him in history. After all, when it comes to killing officials, he kills them in batches. A batch is hundreds of thousands, 10,000+ people. There are such His courage, this emperor is really powerful."

"But Zhu Yuanzhang is also a man of flesh and blood, with feelings and feelings. It's just a pity that Empress Ma is dead, and the prince is also dead. The emperor's grandson is an idiot who can't be supported, but if the emperor's grandson strives to be better, maybe Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't need to kill so There are many people."

"Everyone says he is iron-blooded, but who knows the pain in his heart?"

When studying history, one cannot judge only from historical events.

It is also necessary to find hidden clues from a series of things behind.

At this moment, in the screen.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly moved forward and grabbed Ning An by the collar.

A pair of eyeballs stared like copper bells, he said viciously.

"Boy, are you playing tricks on us? We don't care what skills you have, as long as you dare to lie to us, we will do our best to destroy you."

When he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang's voice trembled.

He is afraid, he is afraid.

He was afraid that Ning An was lying to him. He made this decision after having endless hopes and countless struggles. How could Zhu Yuanzhang accept it if he got such a result in the end?
"Chongba, you're angry again."

The familiar voice sounded again, and Zhu Yuanzhang let go of it instantly, grabbing Ning An's hand.

He turned around slowly, looked at the figure, and smiled at himself.

In just an instant, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he owned the whole world.

At this time, nothing is important, what country, what throne?
It's not as important as his sister, he recalled, the girl brought him cakes that year.There was a burnt scar on his chest that would never heal.

He thought of the girl's unyielding will when he quarreled with her.

Throwing Yu Ruyi to the ground hard, at that time, he actually knew he was wrong.

It's just that because of the emperor's face, he refused to admit his mistake.


This sincere girl's voice broke my heart.

It was the joy of regaining what was lost. Although it was only separated for a moment, it seemed like autumn.

Zhu Yuanzhang is now a frail old man, a husband who lost his wife.

He walked towards the other party tremblingly, every step was extraordinarily light.

I'm afraid that as long as I use a little force, I will scare Queen Ma away.

One step two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps.

It was obviously a very short distance, but Zhu Yuanzhang walked for a long time.

During this process, his eyes fixed on Empress Ma without letting go.

His pupils gradually stretched out from the initial nervousness and fear, and became relaxed and satisfied.

It seems that such a short journey has already completed a new life.

When he came in front of Queen Ma, he stretched out his hand cautiously.

Then, as if remembering something, he quickly withdrew his hand back.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his lips, as if he had a thousand words to say.

"Heavchi, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the person in front of him calling his name, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded fiercely.


He replied emphatically. In the past, he thought this name was extremely rustic.But hearing it in my ears today is extraordinarily comfortable.

"Chongba, you are disobedient again. Didn't you agree that it doesn't matter if I'm here or not. Are you going to be a good emperor? Why did you kill those imperial doctors? What's wrong with them?"

Who knew that when this was mentioned, Zhu Yuanzhang became furious instantly.

"Trash, they are all trash. We raised them to cure diseases and save people. As a result, this group of sons of bitches, even you can't save them. What's the use of them? Killing them is light. It's not that our temper has improved a lot, we must punish his nine clans."

With that said, Zhu Yuanzhang put his hands behind his back.He started pacing back and forth in the palace, as if to vent his dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, Empress Ma in front of her didn't say a word, she just looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with a smile.

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang lowered his head decadently like a defeated rooster.

"We know, let's not kill them. As long as you are happy, we will listen to you."

Hearing this, Ning An applauded beside him. He knew that it was time for him to appear on stage.

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