Suddenly, a resplendent palace appeared on the pitch-black screen.

The red walls and yellow tiles are dazzling, and the carved beams and painted buildings are beautiful.

The eaves on the side are pecked high and well arranged.The carved beasts are lifelike, as if they will come alive in the next moment.

There are gorgeous patterns carved on the city wall of more than ten meters, and the rows of jade railings are white and flawless, which makes people feel refreshed.

Ning An was wearing a flying fish suit, with an embroidered spring knife on his waist, walking under the city wall, an inexplicable sense of fit was revealed.

In front, the Imperial Forest Army guarding the palace is grand, solemn and majestic, and it feels sacred and inviolable from a distance.

Around, from time to time, Jin Yiwei walked out quickly, with busy faces and non-stop footsteps.

The bright yellow glazed tile roof hangs on the roof, and the bluestone slabs sit on the ground, reflecting the goose yellow walls. Everything is so beautiful.

Ning An stepped in the Yingtian Mansion, felt the magnificent buildings, and couldn't help feeling the great wisdom of the ancients.

He came to a drum, looked at the guards around him, smiled, then picked up the drumsticks, and beat the famous Dengwen drum.

The sound of the drums was like thunder, and instantly woke up everything around.

The guards around looked at Ning An, and then formed a team to protect Ning An, each wearing golden armor, holding a weapon, and full of murderous looks.

They looked around vigilantly, and clenched the spears in their hands. Anyone who dared to approach would be killed without mercy!

The sound of drums spread into the deep palace, even the empty Yingtian Mansion was full of drums.

Pass through the lawn, flowers and trees, Xumi in the courtyard, cross the painted golden dragon and seal paintings, and reach the main hall.

Above the main hall, the red pillars stand on top of the main hall like the sky, and there is a lifelike golden dragon hovering in the pillars, it seems that it will jump out of it in the next moment and devour people.

What a majestic palace, on top of the main hall, a tall but slightly thin old man sat on the high hall, and below were all the officials.

He wore a dragon robe on his body, which added a bit of domineering.

Those eyes, like lamps, made people shudder.

It's just that if you look carefully, you can find a touch of worry and sorrow hidden deep in the old man's eyes.

Unfortunately, no one can see.

Dengwen Drum, which originated from Yao and Shun, is the drum of daring to remonstrate.

Zhou Youlu Drum, Emperor Wu of Jin suspended Dengwen Drum.

The Northern Wei Dynasty also imitated it. The Dengwen drum was hung on the left side of the que, and the Lao drum was played when people were poor and wronged. The performance was played on the bus.

In the Sui Dynasty, the Quartet resigned from the lawsuit... There was something unsatisfactory, and I listened to the drums of Lao Dengwen, which was played by a secretary.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a man named Dengwen Drum,...the head officer must accept it, and those who do not accept it will be punished with a higher level of crime.

In the Song Dynasty, Dengwen Drum Institute and Dengwen Drum Inspection Institute were established.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, set up Dengwengu, which was managed by a special person, and the emperor personally tried it.If there is obstruction, all sentences will be re-sentenced.

As for the Qing Dynasty, it must be concerned with military and state affairs, with great greed and evil, and strange injustice and misery.Otherwise, you are not allowed to play drums, or you will be charged with a felony.

Therefore, Dengwen drum was a dumb drum in the Qing Dynasty, with no sound at all.

But in today's Ming Dynasty, his drums are very loud.

The sound of the drums is as soul-stirring and exciting as a magnificent symphony.

"There was such an emperor in history who had zero tolerance for corrupt officials. In his eyes, no sand could be tolerated. In his heart, both corrupt and mediocre officials deserved to die."

"Being an official should be for the benefit of the people, not for making money and being cruel."

"Preaching the scriptures and righteousness of thousands of years, burning the eternal lamp."

"Today, let's go and see that workaholic, the beggar emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Ning An's voice sounded, accompanied by the magnificent Forbidden City and the surrounding soldiers, the atmosphere was instantly heightened.

"I, Cao, did I spend a lot of money this time? So many extras? My God, aren't these extras too real? This momentum, this murderous look, tsk tsk tsk."

"Is this the Forbidden City? It doesn't look like it, does it? Could it be that the place was specially made for filming? Fuck, how much does it cost?"

"Awesome, other than that, I don't know what else to say, it's so fucking awesome. This issue is shocking, and I'm looking forward to it."

The audience became excited, and even some actors felt their scalps go numb. Looking at the group performers in the video, they felt ashamed of themselves. These people acted so realistically.

With this, they are not comparable.

Seeing this scene, many directors stared blankly, without speaking for a long time.

This scene, this special effect, this detail, this acting skill, is absolutely amazing.

Those directors who shoot costume dramas feel that they are all bad, and feel that after this show comes out, they may not be able to watch costume dramas in the future.

Their details, their shots, their actors.

Fuck, what kind of rubbish did I shoot before?
Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway, but anyone who understands knows that this is definitely not something that can be photographed with money.

It takes countless professionals to help, and it takes a lot of effort to be able to do it.

Today, Huaxia, no, there is no place in the world that can achieve such perfection.

"Damn it, this person won't let us survive. It's dead. If domestic TV dramas can't produce such good effects in the future, I'm afraid the audience won't buy it. Ahhhhhh, damn it, why did Ning Ann is such a monster?"

A bald director touched his head, feeling a little crazy.

"Has the director industry started to be so introverted? Hey, I'd better change careers, this industry is not suitable for me. With Ning An here, no one in this industry can surpass what he shoots." A well-known director posted late at night Weibo began to express emotion.

"Hmph, it's flashy, it's very false, and it doesn't have any connotation. This is rubbish. Not only is the filmed rubbish, but the audience is also rubbish. They can't appreciate anything good at all." A certain director was very disdainful of this.

It's a pity that no matter whether it's sour or flattering, it can't cover up the popularity of the classic Huaxia.

On this day, the Forbidden City reappeared in front of people again, letting people see its glory!

On this day, the Ming Dynasty became hot in people's hearts.

On this day, the name Zhu Yuanzhang was sent to the hot search in later generations.

I'm afraid, he himself didn't expect that one day, he would be sent to the hot search in this way by later generations.

The palace, people love and hate.

When it is glorious, it is the city of the emperor, and all nations come to court with emotion and admiration.

It was a sign of glory, a powerful display.

But when she was weak, she was trampled on by others, insulting her body recklessly, robbing her of treasures, and her heritage.

The Ming Dynasty suddenly became popular in later generations than the Qing Dynasty, because everyone went to understand the real history.

Rather than just seeing love, hatred, and the emperor's "affectionate" from some garbage Qing palace dramas, I wish I could travel back immediately and become a slave.

To love the Ming Dynasty is to understand reason, not anything else, that's all.

In this dynasty, countless heroes were born. They may not have powerful superpowers or peerless talents, but they have one common characteristic.


There is a kind of backbone called Daming character! ! !

Zhu Yuanzhang has no mercy on corrupt officials and never succumbs to reality.

Made up the Yongle Grand Ceremony to frighten the horse emperor Zhu Di in the frontier.

Guarding the capital, and finally died of injustice, Yu Qian Yu Shaobao, who is famous all over the world for his integrity.

Later generations were called Emperor Cricket, but in fact Emperor Xuanzong was benevolent and loving.

Under the bamboo tree are Wang Shouren who seeks the truth, Zheng He who sails long distances, and Qi Jiguang who is afraid of his wife.

Daming, an age full of songs and tears.

Ning An, here we come.

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