At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 161 Teenagers Need Courage to Be Faithful

Tang Xuanzong could no longer express his feelings in words, and these words caused a storm in his heart.

He has been completely infected by that emotion, which should not be the case for an emperor.

Looking at Ning An's appearance, Tang Xuanzong suddenly had an idea, he grabbed Ning An's arm, his eyes were full of eagerness.

"Can I join your Red Will?"

Hearing this, not only Ning An, but even the audience were dumbfounded.

Emperor joins the Red Will?Are you sure you're not kidding me?

"My God, what kind of brains does this screenwriter have? Let Tang Xuanzong join the Red Will, it's a bit too extreme."

"Now I'm already kneeling on the ground in admiration. Anyway, in that era, no influence can be caused. Even joining is just a kind of respect for the red will, bull."

"To tell you the truth, the desire to survive in this show is too strong, and it is protecting China's red will everywhere."

"The one above is wrong. It's not because of a strong desire to survive, but simply to show admiration for the country."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, I just want to see how Tang Xuanzong joined. I'm going to edit this video today. The classics of Huaxia are invincible."

The audience was full of expectations, and expressed admiration for the screenwriter's brain hole. No one could think of such a situation.

in the screen.

Looking at Tang Xuanzong's appearance, Ning An was silent for a long time, then raised his head and shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't promise you, because you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the emperor and the red will are always in conflict."

Ning An even changed his address this time, instead of calling him Saint, he called His Majesty.

Hearing Ning An's words, Tang Xuanzong showed a look of disappointment on his face, he was simply moved by that spirit.

He just wanted to try it out, to feel that he had a common belief with that group of people, that's all.

But what Tang Xuanzong didn't expect was that the entry requirements for Red Will would be so difficult, and his proud status as emperor would become a hindrance.

Not only Tang Xuanzong didn't expect to be rejected, but neither did the audience.

"What the hell, is this crazy? Rejected? Rejected Tang Xuanzong's application to join? Am I reading that right? Brothers, is my network broken?"

"I feel that the screenwriter should be chopped off by a knife. My brain is showing off? What will this play? Do you know what is the meaning of Tang Xuanzong's recognition of the red will?"

"That's right, I've already traveled through time travel, I've said everything, what can I do if I join? I accept all of these, and you refuted this setting?"

"Explain, you must give me an explanation, it's too much, dog screenwriter, it's not xx to have children."

This scene angered the audience, and they all yelled. From their point of view, since it was all a time-travel show, it was reasonable for many variables to occur.

In the end, as long as the correct history is explained and the spirit is expressed in place, of course they have the ability to judge what happens next.

From the moment Ning An traveled through the past, they knew that what happened next was definitely not written in the history books, and they would think it was true unless they had a brain hole.

It's just that even Song Ren and others are a little puzzled, and don't understand why such a plot is arranged.

At this moment, Ning An spoke.

He looked at Tang Xuanzong, and said very seriously: "Sorry, Your Majesty, it's not Ning'an Menglang who doesn't know what's good or bad. Rather, the red will represents a lofty belief. It's not a joke, and a word can replace it."

"That is the lifelong belief that countless people have worked hard for. Unless your Majesty can let go of your position, otherwise, you will not be able to enter the door of the red belief in this life."

"The reason why this belief is lofty is because its threshold is so high that it is difficult for emperors to enter. It is also because its threshold is so low that poor people and farmers can enter with their feet."

"The rest of His Majesty's request, the younger generation can agree, but this, I'm sorry, really can't, this is the bottom line."

When these words were finished, Tang Xuanzong was stunned instantly.

Although the words were never violent and the voice was never high-pitched, every single word was spoken by Ning An from the bottom of his heart.

It is also because of this that Tang Xuanzong admired the red belief of later generations even more.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and then, countless speeches burst out to express regret for what they just said.

"The screenwriter is right, this is our bottom line. It must not be shaken. Once shaken, it will no longer be pure."

"I don't know when, people began to like corrupt officials who can do practical things, and hate honest officials who talk in plain language. The standards for these things have been lowered again and again, but can't we want honest officials who can do practical things?"

"Yes, although there are very few such officials, they still exist. If one day muddiness becomes the norm, will these officials who do practical things become mistakes? What is innocence?"

"Only by sticking to the bottom line can we make the country better. The screenwriter woke me up this time, great talent, I admire it."

"I admire 99+..."

Many people didn't know how to express their feelings at the moment, they lined up neatly, and rushed back.

This scene also caused many officials to fall into reflection. They seemed to see themselves as a spotless young man who was inspired to benefit the common people and devoted himself to the common people.

Lin Qiye applauded Ning An in the small office.

He knew that Ning An had thought very hard.

Today's society is becoming more self-interested. More and more people are afraid to help the elderly when they see them, and they dare not go to them when they encounter problems. Most of them will take videos to prove it.

Even after taking the video, many people are still pestered to the end. Even after the police mediate, they will go to the company or work unit to make trouble, making you unsafe.

In the end, there was a breakup, a resignation, and compensation.

Call the police, but you can't arrest them, you can only warn them.

Although there are still acts of righteousness and bravery, they are much less, and people's hearts are much colder.

This issue is also to remind everyone what the bottom line we always adhere to is.

Some cases cannot be viewed and judged with common sense. The final basis of all laws is morality.

Lin Qiye and the others can't control these things, but they can often see them.

They hope that one day in this society, everyone will not close their doors at night, they will not lose money when they pick up money, and they will have the courage to stretch out their hands when they see difficulties.

On TV No.[-], Wang Tai sighed heavily when he saw this episode, and looked at the screen with a complicated expression.

Ning An, I am determined.

Youth, Faith, Bottom Line.

The three are connected together, which is actually very simple. In today's society, teenagers need the courage to stick to the bottom line and the power to be loyal to their beliefs.

Just like Kyoto University of Political Science and Law, if the old man falls down, help him up, or file a lawsuit, the school will be your backing.

With a school here, what are the students afraid of?
Nowadays, teenagers in society also need to be backed by the moral bottom line.

Let the teenagers be loyal to their beliefs.

This episode, the meaning is very good.

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