When Li Shimin heard that he had done so many things in office, he was very excited. His hands trembled, and he stood up. Not knowing how to express his feelings, he grabbed the jug and drank it all in one gulp.

Smiling freely, a generation of emperors, without majesty, showing their temperament.

"Okay, I have brought the Great Tang to this point, and I have no regrets even if I die, but even if I am not as good as the first emperor, I am also relieved."

Li Shimin felt a little bit of regret. In his eyes, among the past emperors, only Qin Huang and Han Wu could win his heart, and the rest were not as good.

This time, Li Shimin let go of it completely, as it will be like this in future generations, he will no longer have any worries.

Suddenly, at this time Wei Zheng suddenly asked a question.

"I don't know, after His Majesty's death, how grand will it be in the Tang Dynasty after the crown prince succeeds?"

For Li Chengqian, Wei Zheng has a lot of expectations, he is handsome, benevolent, filial and pure.

As soon as Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, Li Chengqian was named the prince, which shows his love for him.

Hearing this, Li Shimin turned his head to look at Ning An, showing more expectations. He is not only an emperor, but also a father. He also expects his son to perform better.

What's more, this son is already excellent.

Inheriting the imperial career and leading the world, Li Yuan personally bestowed this name, which also shows his love for him.

Ning An was silent, he didn't know how to tell Li Shimin about Li Chengqian, this is destined to be the pain of Li Shimin's life.

Li Chengqian was crowned prince at the age of eight, participated in the government at the age of 12, and supervised the country at the age of 17. Once Li Chengqian fell ill, Li Shimin did not believe in Buddhism, so he invited two families to pray for him. For this reason, the criminal's sentence was reduced.

For the first half of his life, Li Chengqian was proud, polite, and talented. Many ministers in the court loved him very much and believed that he must be the best candidate to succeed the Tang Dynasty.

But later, because of leg problems, and Wei Wang's temperament changed drastically after he wanted to compete for the throne, and the death of Empress Changsun, Li Chengqian completely degenerated.

Finally embarked on the road of rebellion, looking at ancient and modern times, the only punishment for rebellion is death, but for Li Chengqian, Li Shimin did not kill him, but demoted him to a commoner.

Although it was difficult, Ning An still told Li Shimin these words, and he had to face it after all.

"Your Majesty, the country is not inherited by the prince, but by His Royal Highness Li Zhi."

Hearing this, Li Shimin suddenly raised his head, stared at Ning An, and shouted: "It is absolutely impossible, I will never do such a thing, stop talking nonsense."

Even though he was extremely polite just now, Li Shimin's face changed instantly at this moment.

In his heart, how could the extremely spoiled Li Chengqian not be the heir to the throne?You must know that in the ninth year of Wude, he canonized Li Chengqian as the prince just after he ascended the throne.

Li Shimin really regarded his son as the only heir, and took great pains. Now that he heard that Li Chengqian was not the heir to the throne, how could he believe it?
Ning An didn't argue, just waved it silently in front of Li Shimin, and Li Shimin seemed to fall into an illusion, and countless pictures appeared in his mind, which were the pictures of the later Tang Dynasty.

He saw that Li Chengqian was better at age, more sensible and well-behaved, open-minded and eager to learn, just like him, he never indulged his desires, but strictly abided by them.

Li Shimin's heart was full of joy, it was really his unicorn, and when he saw Li Chengqian married and had a son later, his eyes were full of tears.

The first half of his life was extremely happy and fulfilling, and he also saw the untimely death of Empress Changsun, the woman he had loved deeply all his life.

To leave him so early, even if these are only shown in the picture, Li Shimin felt endless pain in his heart.

That was the love of his life. If it was said that the person Li Shimin loved the most in his life, it must be Empress Changsun, and no one else.

For the eldest grandson empress, Li Shimin was willing to abandon the throne and even his life.

Later generations always commented that Li Shimin's education method was wrong, and he shouldn't favor Li Tai so much, otherwise there would be no tragedy.

However, he just entrusted his love for Empress Changsun to these children.

Don't you see that the other princes rebelled, did Li Shimin ever relent?

He's not confused, it's not that he is partial, it's just that he misses his eldest grandson queen too much, that's all...

It's just the husband's yearning for his wife, no matter how good the country is, it's not as good as his Guanyin maidservant.

Even though he knew that the eldest grandson's family was so powerful and surpassed many times, Li Shimin's heart softened. If it weren't for Guanyin's maidservant, this Tang Dynasty might have looked different.

Just for a moment, Li Shimin saw this short but long life in his mind as if he was watching flowers on horseback.

When Li Chengqian saw Li Chengqian's death, Li Shimin couldn't bear it anymore and cried out.

Refreshing Qi Fudan Que, Autumn Light Danzi Palace.Clothes and lotus are scattered, flowers and chrysanthemums are dotted.The robe is light and low, and the grass is exposed, and the cover is sideways dancing with the pine wind.The clouds and leaves are scattered in Xiuxiu, and the clouds are lost in the clouds.Build cold orchids withered, boudoir cold trees fall tung.Don't live in the qin where the crane lives, and in the gorge where the ape crows.Falling wild flying star arrows, half-moon bows with empty strings.The mist rises in the evening of Fangfei, and the room is full of twilight.

This is history. In the year when Li Chengqian passed away, all the poems written by Li Shimin were in memory of his beloved son.

Li Shimin raised his head and looked at Ning An, his eyes were filled with deep fatigue and sadness, as well as endless longing.

"Sir, is there a solution?"

Wei Zheng was full of doubts, but he didn't dare to ask questions. Seeing Li Shimin crying like this, his heart was agitated, thinking about what made Li Shimin lose his composure.

"Your Majesty, everything has its destiny. If you want to change, this junior doesn't know what will happen."

Ning An shook his head and sighed.

Perhaps it is really God tricking people, success is also the love for the eldest grandson queen, and failure is also the love for the eldest grandson queen.

If he hadn't loved Li Tai and others so much, maybe everything would have been different.

"Sir, let me ask again, can Guanyin's maidservant be saved? You come from a later life, and with such godly means, there must be a way to save Guanyin's maidservant. As long as you can cure Guanyin's maidservant, I will give you everything, glory and wealth, even the throne, I can promise you all."

Li Shimin's eyes showed earnest prayers. At this moment, Li Shimin is not an emperor, but just a husband.

However, Ning An looked puzzled. He felt that time travel was getting more and more complicated. If Emperor Shihuang hadn't been at the stage before his death, the parallel time and space would have already been changed.

"Your Majesty, this junior is really powerless."

Ning An let out a long sigh. The last time General Huo Qubing wanted to change his fate against the sky, but in the end, the dust returned, and everything was as it was at the beginning.

He knew that even if it was changed, the self-correcting rules of history would correct it. At that time, Li Shimin must have lost more than now.

"If I forcibly change my fate, what will be the consequences?"

Li Shimin was slumped for a moment, and then an unyielding will burst out from his body, looking at Ning An.

Ning An looked at Li Shimin's appearance and said in a low voice: "If Your Majesty forcibly changes the course of history, history will correct itself. Your Majesty must have lost more than now."

"More than now? What else can I lose? Guanyin's maidservant is gone, and Cheng Qian will go before me. Mr. Ning, tell me, what else can I lose?"

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