At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 132 How the great man evaluates Li Shimin

After Li Shimin heard it, he remained silent. If he really wanted to sum it up, then Li Shimin must be an emperor who was dragged down by his reputation. He paid too much attention to his reputation in his life, and this was the reason for his success and failure.

"The days after your Majesty will be very sad. Locust plagues are everywhere. Your Majesty once said that people live on grains, and you eat them, which is harmful to the people. The people have made mistakes. If you give me one person, you have a spirit, but it will eat my heart." , Harmless to the common people. Swallowing it in this way will be criticized by later generations.”

Hearing this, Wei Zheng's face changed drastically instantly, he looked at Ning An in disbelief, then looked at Li Shimin in shock, and finally deeply admired him.

In ancient times, the power of kings was granted by gods, and anyone who rebelled had to be famous, and locusts represented the existence of gods.

It means that the emperor's virtue is bad, and the gods will punish him.

Even though he knew that this was absurd, Li Shimin was a person who was frightened by ghosts and gods, and it was just like this that he had two door gods just now.

With his awe of God, how brave is he to challenge the power of God?
At that time, the people were all unenlightened, and there were countless believers in God. If the powerful scholars exaggerated the matter, Li Shimin would definitely be hit hard. Whether he can secure the throne is still a question.

After all, at that time, the power of public opinion was in the hands of scholars, and scholars were in the hands of powerful people.

But these, in the end, became Li Shimin's detrimental actions.Those bloggers look at Li Shimin with the eyes of today, but treat Li Shimin with the gods of the past, double standards, that's it.

But Wei Zheng is not a person of later generations, he knows the consequences and meaning of doing so, Li Shimin deserves the title of enlightened master.

"Is Your Majesty afraid of powerful people?" Ning An suddenly asked such a question, which stunned Li Shimin for a moment.

Then a look of disdain appeared on Li Shimin's face, full of hatred: "Why am I afraid of it? If you really think that you are fighting all the soldiers in your hands, even if you die, you will let the Wuwang and Seven Clans wipe out half of them. It's not for the world. For the sake of common people, I have long wanted to eradicate these evil spirits."

For these elites, Li Shimin hated them to the bone, and many national policies were difficult to implement. It was these elites who made troubles, the family was the country, and these guys only had family in their eyes. Where did the country come from?

"Ask Your Majesty again, why do you want to pass on many technologies to foreign countries, Goguryeo, and Japan in the future?"

This is Ning An's last question. So far, there is no more question to ask Tang Huang.

Hearing this question, Li Shimin paused for a moment, then looked at Ning An in astonishment: "They are all countries attached to the Great Tang? My Great Tang is the most respected, so why not help neighboring countries? It's just a small way, why should you care?"

Even Wei Zheng looked at Ning An in puzzlement, not understanding why he would ask such a question.

Yes, in this era, reading is the highest, so what is a craftsman?What is skill?

Ning An suddenly looked out of the window, where a ginkgo seedling was standing in Chang'an City, growing silently.

At this moment, it is just a seedling.

But in Xi'an of later generations, it is a thousand-year-old tree, beautiful and colorful.

The viewers in the live broadcast room are seeing the ancient Guanyin Temple at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, the golden leaves all over the sky, and a golden Buddha under the ginkgo tree.

Countless people were fascinated and shocked by this beautiful scenery.

Many people were filled with emotion. What they said just now completely overturned the impression many people saw in the marketing account.

"I'm thinking, why is the population of the Tang Dynasty so small? Wasn't it because of the outbreak of peasant uprisings and warlord melee? If the Sui Dynasty was really so awesome, and its merits lasted forever, why did Emperor Sui Yang rush to rebel when he was alive? Let alone Qin Shihuang, When the first emperor was alive, who would dare to rebel? Qin Ershi couldn’t hold back and didn’t know how to adapt, and Zhao Gao was tyrannical, so Qin died.”

"That's right, didn't the Sui Dynasty rebel because everyone couldn't survive? A person who is very happy, even his father, is an emperor who likes to torture and kill people wantonly, can he be blown to the top?"

"I wondered at that time that Goguryeo and the island countries all admired the Tang Dynasty, right? They called themselves a country of subjects. At that time, people believed that reading and military power were the most important. Is it wrong to give these craftsman skills to other countries?"

"I'm laughing to death. The biggest blame is this. Then you just say that everything in the future generations will be destroyed in the hands of Li Shimin. Funny, even if Li Shimin doesn't give it, people won't buy it? At that time, the island country produced silver. Why are those businessmen not clear? They dare to sell supplies to foreigners in wars to make money, so what can’t they sell?”

"It's clear that later generations closed the country, didn't think about making progress, didn't seek change, and didn't seek progress, which caused the disaster in China. Li Shimin can be counted on Li Shimin's head. You guys are so awesome."

Many people have responded strongly to this. The reason why those official accounts and some ignorant bloggers' opinions affect many people is because these people do not think with their brains.

Looking at it from today's perspective, and imposing criticism, did not take into account the situation and circumstances at that time.

At this moment, people from the History Research Institute appeared on the stage, and many people immediately fell silent, wanting to hear the opinions of these professionals.

"The controversy about Li Shimin's matter is nothing more than one point, usurping the throne, and improperly obtaining the position will affect future generations. As for the family, we think there is no problem. At that time, the royal family was the biggest family. Who is bigger than the royal family?"

"Maybe it's impossible to wipe out all the famous families, but if you really do it, get one or two, the rest really don't say anything. It's not that you don't do it, it's just that you don't have a chance. There is no dispute about this. As for whether Zhenguan is a good era, in fact, It's easy to understand."

"Just look at the evaluation of later generations. If Li Shimin is really a tyrant, even if he forcibly revises it, later generations will definitely discredit it, especially the one who overthrew the previous dynasty. However, later generations, no matter Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, have never discredited Li Shimin."

"More importantly, foreign records praised Li Shimin for creating China's second golden age, which lasted for 130 years. Cambridge's history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties directly praised the country governed by Li Shimin as an ideal prosperous age."

"I don't understand. So many famous historical figures and professional institutions are praising Li Shimin, but everyone believes in the things made up by some people on the Internet. Seriously, those people don't know what their education background is. Check it out. There's a big problem behind it."

Song Ren's opinion made many people change their views on Li Shimin.In fact, most people have never had a deep understanding of it. They have only heard it one-sidedly, checked it, and then objectively think that Li Shimin is wrong.

Ning An has also been misled before, but he firmly believes that no matter how awesome those bloggers are, can they have the awesome founding emperors of future generations?Better vision than them?Are there any great men in modern times who are awesome?Can knowledge be more profound than theirs?
It is enough to see how these people comment.

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