At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 130 Do you remember the era of two-legged sheep?

Li Shimin's eyes suddenly shone with brilliance, he looked at Ning An, and grabbed his hand eagerly.

"Tell me, is my brother still alive?"

Looking at Li Shimin's earnest appearance, Wei Zheng was also full of excitement, clenched his fists tightly, and stared nervously at Ning An.

Ning An shook his head regretfully, although he really wanted to give Li Shimin an answer, but later generations did not have an answer.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, there is no detailed record of this in later generations."

Li Shimin sat down on the stool, closed his eyes, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Wei Zheng suddenly asked at this time: "Dare to ask Mr. Ning, has the Turkic matter been resolved?"

Ning An nodded upon hearing this, sighed, and looked at Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty finally signed the Weishui Covenant."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face revealed a look of disappointment, and he was as expected, so he didn't say a word.

He had long been concerned about this matter, but now that Ning An said it, it was not abrupt.

"If so, how will future generations judge?" Li Shimin's eyes were full of stars and longing.

Some people say that Li Shimin is an absurd king who has made no achievements.All the merits are taken, revised history books, Tian Khan bought them all.

The so-called rule of Zhenguan is nothing but bragging.

But if this is the case, then the early Tang Dynasty must be difficult to watch, and all people in the world will suffer from it.

However, Ning An believed that these were all false statements.

"Yes, people in later generations have said a lot about His Majesty's Weishui Covenant. Mostly speaking, His Majesty spent money to raise a group of fathers."

When Ning An finished speaking, Wei Zheng gasped, his mouth twitched, and he silently calmed himself down.

It's so exciting, this man is so brave.

This is dancing on the tip of the knife, with waves from time to time.

Anyway, Wei Zheng felt that he couldn't do such a thing, it was too desperate.

Li Shimin sighed heavily and shook his head slowly.

"That's right, I can imagine that later generations would have such an evaluation. After all, the 20 troops came all the way to plunder the people and humiliate the people of the Tang Dynasty. Now, the world is initially settled, and all the people are hard to eat, but I have sent thousands of people to eat. The heart and blood of thousands of people donated to Turks."

"I, after a lot of thinking, finally made a wrong decision."

For a person like Li Shimin who attaches great importance to reputation, how can he not carefully consider the pros and cons of this matter?

It can be said that no one in the court saw it more deeply than him, but he still chose to sign the covenant.

Even if he was burdened with actions that might leave him with infamy through the ages, he still went.

Therefore, this matter has always been a thorn in Li Shimin's heart. He is resentful and annoyed, and he deeply remembers it in his heart.

You can insult him, bully him, call him names, even hit him.But, you can't ruin his reputation.

At this time, those people who had blackmailed Li Shimin in the live broadcast room jumped out one after another.

"Look, I just said that he is a piece of rubbish, but you still don't admit it. Why should he be the emperor through the ages? Can you beat the world?"

"That's right, he himself has acknowledged the Weishui Covenant, so what else can he do? This person can't be cleansed, he's trash."

"Does he still know that the world is settled? The country is not stable, just because of your character, your father can't give you the throne. If it weren't for the rebellious bones behind your head, you would be an emperor with a hammer."

"The Tang Dynasty paid so much, what did they get in return? It's really funny, even such a soft-boned emperor deserves to be whitewashed?"

Just as these people were jumping, an account named Qinglian Jushi stood up, and the comment was upvoted.

"First of all, the Turks had already reached Jingyang, less than forty miles away from Chang'an. What is the concept? Chang'an was gone with a surprise attack."

"Secondly, at that time, the change of Xuanwu Gate had just happened, and the transfer of power in all aspects had not yet been completed. Li Shimin had not fully controlled the empire, and his orders could not be carried out. The prince's remaining party is not small, and there are still aristocratic clans among them."

"Those people want Li Shimin to be unlucky. Do you think they will help Li Shimin defend against other places? What's more, at that time, Chang'an had only tens of thousands of troops, fighting with 20? In the end, the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed? Chang'an was completely destroyed?"

"To tell you the truth, the massacre of the city was considered light at the time because of the urinating nature of the Turkic people. You criticize the time from an objective point of view. Excuse me, if you were Li Shimin, you were faced with endless pressure and difficulties at that time. Your subordinates were disobedient. , the enemy has a large number of troops, and the people of Chang'an are not stable."

"Under such conditions, what would you do? Probably abandon the capital and run away? Tang Xuanzong, who was blown into the sky, did this. Who is not afraid of death? Let alone an emperor with supreme power."

"It was originally a story of hard work and hard work. Although a lot of sacrifices were made, the tragedy of massacring the city was avoided. Could it be that Li Shimin died, the world was in chaos, and each went his own way. The Turks occupied the Central Plains, and it would be comfortable to shout two-legged sheep again?"

When this was finished, countless people praised it crazily.

That's cool, that's right, if Li Shimin chose to fight at that time, what would be the consequence?It's not that this has never happened before in history. Yelang was so arrogant that his country was destroyed, and there were too many emperors who thought they were awesome until they were beaten in the face by reality.

One is the people who bear the infamy and suffer from the present.

One is that it is very possible to win miserably, and the loss of life is very likely, and it is also possible to defeat, the Central Plains is in chaos, how should Li Shimin choose?
Between the fame of his backbone and the future of Zhongyuan, he chose the latter.

Ning An felt that based on this alone, why wouldn't Li Shimin be a wise king?
"Your Majesty does not need to worry. It is normal for future generations to argue. There are many voices of approval for His Majesty's countermeasures, which caused a division within the Turks, and later sent troops to the East Turks in the fourth year of Zhenguan to destroy their existence."

Hearing this, Li Shimin became excited instantly, grabbed Ning An's hand, and looked at him excitedly.

"Really? Did I really destroy the Turks?"


Ning An nodded lightly, looking at Li Shimin who looked like a child in front of him, he felt extremely emotional and distressed.

After Li Shimin heard the affirmative answer, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then burst into laughter, the laughter seemed to burst into the sky and break the sky.

The Turks were destroyed by his hands. I am very relieved that this revenge has been avenged.

This matter is a knot in Li Shimin's heart. Since he made up his mind, he has been thinking about it all the time. If he doesn't take revenge, Li Shimin will have a difficult life and die with regret.

However, now that he heard that it took only three years to take revenge, he felt extremely happy.

Wei Zheng fell silent, looking at the emperor in front of him with a complicated expression, filled with endless emotion in his heart.

It is said that Li Shimin is Emperor Wu, but if this is true, how could he accumulate strength and destroy the Turks in three years?
In three years, the civil strife was quelled, the family was weakened, and the military source was sufficient. If this could be achieved, would the rule of Zhenguan be considered a sign of a prosperous age?

The later Emperor Kangxi once commented on Li Shimin, I see the ancient emperors, such as Yu Yuxi, the capital of Tang and Yu, and Tang Taizong, who listened to advice and received advice. , boarded in Zhizhi.

Li Shimin suddenly seemed to remember something, and stared at Ning An nervously like a child.

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