"Okay, okay, there are successors, and there are successors. Even if you die here today, this life will not be in vain. You can see that the next generation will be united, and the green and the yellow will be handed over. Even if you die, you will have no regrets!" Zhang Zhongjing was full of excitement, those immature faces Their fearless look completely moved them.

In today's troubled times, even if they teach their disciples without reservation, it is difficult to have such a spectacular scene.

Not to mention the fear of hands and feet, it is difficult to find so many young people.

The status of a doctor is highly praised in later generations.

After a long time, Li Shizhen sighed suddenly, wiped away her tears, her face full of emotion.

"Why are you sighing?" Ning An looked at Li Shizhen and asked.

Li Shizhen shook his head, then smiled, showing another hint of sadness.

"It's Shizhen who thinks too much. Shizhen just thinks of those poor people. The promotion of the status of doctors will inevitably lead to thresholds. Even if there is medical insurance in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to treat the people of the world."

"The wealthy enjoy endless resources and treatment, just like today's kings and grandsons, enjoy the best medicinal materials and doctors in the world, and you can find more than a dozen kinds of each medicinal material. For this, you don't hesitate to pay the price of human life."

"However, ordinary people, if they get sick and go to the city to die, if the doctors in the city don't look down on them, they may have to wait to die. Not to mention seeking the world's famous doctors, even the Xinglin masters in the whole province will seek them. Not coming."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo were also silent, and Hua Tuo was even more moved.

He was invited by many princes and nobles to treat illnesses. For their own illnesses, they even killed people to wash away the so-called bad luck.

Therefore, in their hearts, even if the status of future generations of doctors is improved, even if future generations of doctors are desperate, if ordinary people get sick, there is no way to save them.

Most of them are like this, if they can't be saved, they can only prepare for the funeral.

Ning An was silent for a while, then watched the three doctors speak slowly.

"I think it's useless for me to say more, how about this, three gentlemen, let's watch another video, so as to comfort the three gentlemen's concern for the people."

After finishing speaking, Ning An waved his arm, and thunder flashed across the screen, then suddenly went dark, and changed again.

Ning An also calculated the time in his mind, the last video, this issue is almost coming to an end.

There were many accidents today, but fortunately they were all brought back in time.

With the sound coming from the screen, everyone's eyes turned to the screen.

I saw a picture of the highway in the picture, and many police cars were surrounding an ambulance, honking to clear the way for it.

Wherever they go, they are all retreats.

"We are the Guizhou Expressway Traffic Police Detachment. There is a baby who needs to go to the Central Plains Province for emergency treatment. Please dodge the vehicles along the way and cooperate. Thank you!"

When the car in front heard the call, all the vehicles stepped aside very consciously, and a wide avenue appeared on the congested road in an instant, leaving room for the ambulance carrying the new life.

There are no clips in the news, and there are no ignorant drivers.

At this moment, they are both fathers and mothers, and they understand that feeling too well.

The child's parents were in the car, looking at the drivers who gave in with tears in their eyes, weeping, grateful, unable to tell.

Everything is in sight.

However, just as the ambulance and the guards passed by, someone stuck out his head first and yelled.

"Kid, come on!"

In an instant, all the drivers were ignited, like a New Year's firecracker.

"Baby, you must come back safely."

"Son, stay healthy!"

"Baby, don't be afraid, uncles and aunts are behind you."


Countless people surged up like a wave, and their voices came and went, continuing for a long, long time.

The sound of cheering for that new baby has grown to a whole highway.

At this moment, the traffic policemen were in tears, the child's parents were in tears, and so were thousands of viewers.

The child seemed to have heard the call, and struggled hard. The originally silent body seemed to have a little vitality at this moment, and he tried hard to show a smile towards the outside.

Give back to those uncles and aunts who cheered for him and shouted for him.

The ambulance soon drove to the inter-provincial border, where the police force was waiting early.

Guizhou had already communicated with the traffic brigade of Sanxiang Province in advance, and the other party also wanted to undertake the life relay escort this time.

Volunteers ran out wearing bright red vests and directed the vehicles to turn around.

The two police forces handed over the work in a very tacit understanding, and they set off again without wasting any time.

Go to the next place, Jingchu Xiangyang, where there are also medical staff waiting.

Even though the waiting legs were a little numb, they still stood on tiptoes, looking anxiously at the opening, not daring to relax a bit.

Because they are all doctors, they know that once the child loses the oxygen cylinder, there is a risk of death.

They are worried, they are afraid, they are afraid, and they hope that the new life can grow up happily and healthily in the land of China, instead of just leaving with regrets.

Finally, they saw the shadow of the vehicle, the flickering lights.

Everyone instantly cheered up, got busy, and made preparations, just waiting for the other party to enter the station.

The staff quickly directed the vehicle, and the doctors and nurses trotted over with the oxygen cylinder, quickly opened the door, checked the condition, and then quickly replaced it.

When the source of life oxygen cylinder was replaced, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the doctors looked at the doctors in the car with respect.

"Our work is done, please continue to escort."

"Yes, thank you very much for your support."

The two sides did not exchange too many pleasantries, but contained all emotions and words in one look.

They know that if they follow the long-winded and meaningless nonsense of the past, children will not be able to sustain it.

They quickly got out of the car and watched the ambulance leave, full of longing and blessings.

"My child, you must hold on."

"come on!!!"

At this moment, the whole site was boiling, blessing a strange child.

When the vehicle finally arrived in Central Plains Province, Zhengcheng's police force immediately evacuated the traffic. As a provincial capital, especially a city with a large population, Zhengcheng's traffic is extremely congested on weekdays.

What's more, this is a transportation hub city.

However, today, Zheng Cheng has lit up a bright light for life and opened a channel of hope.

On weekdays, those drivers who wished to fly over were waiting quietly at this moment. Many elders packed up their cigarettes, and they were afraid that their smoking would pollute their children.

Even if it's far away.

But at this moment, they are willing to give this little kindness to their children.

The hospital has already made preparations, just waiting for the arrival of the child.

When the police car arrived at the hospital and the doctor took the child away, they breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the doctor and saluted.

"Our task has been completed, and the escort has ended. Next, I will leave it to the doctors."

The doctor raised his head and nodded at the policeman, checking the child's condition without letting go.

"Thank you for your hard work, we will leave it to us."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the child in, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the weak child.

Their hearts were also picked up. This journey of escorting thousands of miles, arrived safely and worry-free, three thousand miles a day.

Not a god, but creating miracles.

With the passage of time bit by bit, the door of the operating room was finally pushed open, and the doctor came out.

"The child's condition is stable, but it still needs to be observed and follow-up treatment will resume in the ICU."

When this sentence was said, everyone was in tears and excited.

Everything is worth it, this child can still be saved, and he can still live.

In this escort mission, the people of the whole country are united as one, just for a new life.

When the final result came out, everyone was relieved that the child was fine.

Thousands of people are cheering and jumping, extremely excited.Husband and wife hugged each other and wept, the old man was full of relief, and the children cheered for joy.

Many people are affected by such a child they have never met, and at this moment they are finally relieved.

Zhang Zhongjing looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, a little puzzled.

"Is this child the son of a high-ranking official in the future?"

Ning An smiled and shook his head: "No, his parents are very ordinary, so ordinary that they can't afford the medical bills."

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Zhongjing obviously didn't believe it.

"How is it possible? If this is the case, why do you put all your heart and soul into the treatment? Connect the government offices of the four provinces, call the police, right? The police from the four provinces are united just to save a child from an ordinary family?"

In Zhang Zhongjing's cognition, such a thing is simply impossible.

But Ning An smiled. He pointed to the screen, and saw that one late at night, an errand boy came to the hospital, quickly put down the money and ran away.

The reporter and cameraman behind him immediately chased after him. The cameraman ran too fast with the machine on his back and fell down, so he quickly got up and continued to chase.

After catching up, the reporter gave the money to the errand brother.

The errand boy quickly turned his head away from the camera, looking a little shy.

The two sides declined for a long time. The younger brother wanted to run away on his bicycle, but the reporter refused to let him go.

In fact, he can't make much money. Running errands is very tiring, and one order only costs a few dollars. He may have to run hundreds or even thousands of orders to earn this money.

These are real hard-earned money, but he wants to do his part.

There are also many netizens who want to donate, and countless takeaway flowers are sent, and the words of blessing are written on the notes, which are all true love and kindness.

The child's parents are shown in front of the screen, with dark complexion, honest faces, and out-and-out ordinary people.

Zhang Zhongjing was speechless for a long time, unable to understand.

Suddenly, Li Shizhen spoke suddenly.

"Could it be that this is a government show? In our era, such things occasionally happened. The Holy Majesty would make decisions for ordinary people and kill corrupt officials to win the hearts of the people."

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