At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 11 May my Chinese descendants live endlessly, prosper for all generations, and prosper forev

After all, this live broadcast attracted the attention of the boss, the founder of Douyin Headquarters, Zhang Daming.

When he saw a little bit of light shining on Confucius, he couldn't help crying.

As the boss of a multinational company and the person in charge of tens of thousands of people, based on the top level of the world, Zhang Daming rarely has mood swings.

But when he heard that today, many people from abroad are learning my Han dialect and wanting to be my Han family, he suddenly felt a sense of pride in his chest.

When Douyin became popular all over the world, Zhang Daming was delighted. This not only means the idea and the achievements of this software, but also means that China will have more voice in the world.

Public opinion will no longer be dominated by the other party's family.

However, the truth slapped him hard in the face.

The country of the United States has made a move, because the vibrato has too much influence, and for this reason, he even bears the infamy.

The opponent treated Douyin the same way he treated Warwick, and was extremely shameless.

This also means that the other party is afraid.

The other party is just deceiving China as a country of etiquette, a country of the people, and they don't want to do it easily, lest the people suffer.

Zhang Daming worked hard, countless technicians worked overtime and stayed up late, but he still underestimated the other party's shamelessness.

Although Chinese culture has spread over the past few years, it has not caused too many waves. Skills and craftsmanship are treasures.

But something was always missing, and now Zhang Daming understood that what was missing was the soul.

It is the soul of China's 5000-year inheritance.

However, starting today, the US blockade will become a joke.

More people will understand what a great country China is, and more people will wake up from the lies they spun.

The world is wonderful because of Chinese culture!
Compared with Chinese studies, those slobbering songs, sissy culture, etc., have little connotation but superficiality.

(I know that when I say this, someone must scold me, saying that cultures are equal, and you can’t praise the high and step down. But I just want to say this, which cultures can express multiple feelings in a short poem? Can people vomit blood without using dirty words Can it show the righteousness of a gentleman? Can it teach people to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism? We admit that foreign countries are strong, technology, aerospace, etc. are indeed far behind. But in terms of culture, 5000 years of inheritance can’t compare to saliva songs? Ladies? I don’t even know myself It is recognized that the national culture is the strongest, so why do others think that Chinese culture is the best in the world?)
(On the other hand, abroad, they are the ancestors of the origin, and other countries copy them. They are weak, but their culture is tyrannical all over the world. If you insist on thinking that Chinese national studies are dross and not worthy of comparison with other cultures, please don’t read it. Because I was afraid you would die of anger.)
Looking at Ning An on the screen, Zhang Daming raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his rosy pupils revealed his expectation: "Since then, China will have another miracle-maker, a disseminator of ancient culture!"


on the screen.

Confucius fell down slowly, looked at Ning An solemnly, returned to the copybook, picked up his pen and wrote smoothly, flying away like a dragon and snake.

In just a cup of tea, Confucius stopped writing and settled the case.

The disciples bowed their heads one after another, and they dared not look at the master's silence.

Only Ning An straightened his body, Kong Fuzi moved his right hand down the sleeve of his left hand, and his left hand sank slightly to the table.

This is to invite you to come and see.

Confucius lightly nodded his head and stood with his hands folded. This is a thank you gift.

He approached, and with the curiosity of millions of people, he looked at the quaint case where there were golden bamboo slips tied with knots on a black background.

Above, only a brief sentence.

"The descendants of the Confucian family should uphold the idea of ​​the great harmony of their ancestors, and not be the moths of China, but the backbone of China!"

When Ning An saw this sentence, it was difficult to restrain his emotions. Looking at Confucius, he bent down deeply, convinced.

This time, he worshiped the wisdom of Confucius.

What kind of person is the Master? More than 2000 years of holiness, the ancestors of scholars.

When he learned that the future generations respected and worshiped him as the representative of all generations, he already understood how the future generations would treat him.

The power of the world comes from the emperor, and the power of the emperor is divided among the courtiers, and all the courtiers follow the poems and books.

Confucius was not embarrassing his own descendants, nor was it just for righteousness.

He is thinking about the children and grandchildren of the future generations, and he hopes that the future generations will be like dragons, instead of becoming a plaything of power like auspiciousness.

Confucius stepped forward, with his head held high, his hands brushing his sleeves, and gently supported Ning An.

His eyes seem to contain the vast universe, and the wisdom of the world is all in it.

Extraordinary wisdom, sage spirit is refreshing.

"Confucius once said that he is willing to spend his whole life for Dao benevolence and justice."

"It doesn't matter if you are cast aside and infamous after death, even if you are beaten to pieces."

"People in the world say that Confucius was greedy for fame and fortune, and it doesn't matter if he is very happy with his achievements. If the Dao can spread to the world, sacrifice the name of Confucius alone, and benefit the people of the world."

"Confucius, I am satisfied."

The words of the sage are like pearls falling on a jade plate, crisp and melodious, eloquent and pleasant, making people feel at peace.

He looked into the void again, as if he was staring at thousands of spectators.

"Today, when Confucius learned that the future generations of Huaxia were prosperous and glorious, that everyone would be able to eat and clothe themselves, and read and write, he felt no regrets and was very happy."

"Confucius has nothing more to ask for, and he is willing to swear an oath to prove it. Even if he dies under the Nine Springs, he will spread the rites of China, teach the wandering souls of other countries, and establish the power of China."

"May my Chinese descendants live endlessly, prosper for all generations, and prosper forever!!!"

These words are heart-stirring, touching, and make people's blood surge, and their hearts are manic.

If others talk about it, they will definitely feel hypocritical and fake.

But, Confucius said, there is only Xiner.

Ning An could no longer express his admiration for Confucius in words, but at this moment he thought of a sentence, which was very suitable.

"I, the younger generation of China, have sworn from now on that I must recite the classics of China, call the sages of China, establish the foundation of China, and practice the etiquette of China! Let the light of China be famous overseas and spread in the vast universe, so that the vast stars, all Respect my Chinese culture, learn from my etiquette of the Han family!!!”

At this moment, countless viewers don't know how to describe their mood at the moment.

They just felt that Ning An had spoken out what was in their hearts.

Those who used to worship saliva songs and Hallyu culture suddenly realized at this moment that the things I admired are useless when they are useful.

I can't even express my feelings.

"Send you a thousand miles, but you will have to say goodbye. Master, I should leave. Listening to a word from my master today is better than reading thousands of books. Thank you, master. I hope we can meet again in the future."

As Ning An's voice slowly fell, everything around him returned to silence.

The wind is not blowing, the trees are not moving, and even the bamboo slips are quietly placed on the case, waiting for the world to read.

Ning An's figure gradually became blurred, and bit by bit it shattered into a bubble of light and shadow, as if it would burst at the touch of a touch.

The long river of time and space came at an unknown time, and quietly involved Ning An.

Just when Ning An's figure was about to dissipate, Confucius suddenly took a step and seemed to say something to Ning An.

Ning An smiled.

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