With the cold blade added to the neck, Mole fully felt the cold temperature of the steel.

As long as people work harder, I'm afraid I will have to move my head.

Mole no longer dared to act recklessly, everything is life-saving, "I...I said, I said."

Seeing that the threat was effective, Ye Zhibing reduced the strength of the knife in his hand, "Then let's talk."

"Yes...it means the Li family in the provincial capital, and we also came here from the provincial capital."

After hearing this, Ye Zhibing thought of a question.

That means they came from the provincial capital, which is credible, but they should be unfamiliar with this place, how could they find themselves so quickly?
Who would be the person in the white car following him?

With this question in mind, Ye Zhibing continued to investigate the mole, "Then how did you find me? I didn't tell anyone about it before I came to the bar."

Hei Mo thought that he had already confessed to the Li family anyway, so there was nothing wrong with offending anyone.

"It was Mr. Lan who helped and sent someone to monitor your whereabouts, so we rushed here."

It turned out that Mr. Lan did the trick, Ye Zhibing suddenly realized.

The Lan family is a powerful local, and it is not difficult to send someone to follow him.

Now that the Lan family has also intervened, shouldn't I give the Lan family a warning and tell them not to go through this muddy water, or I will bear the consequences?
Ye Zhibing was deep in thought, the mole was in pain in his chest, knowing that he couldn't beat Ye Zhibing, so he wanted to retreat at this moment.

But Ye Zhibing was still eyeing him, he decided to ask Ye Zhibing's opinion first, if he could let him go, that would be the most appropriate.

So Mole asked cautiously, "Mr. Ye, can we go?"

Ye Zhibing lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the mole, seeing him looking at him eagerly, he thought to himself that he was so arrogant just now, why are he pretending to be pitiful now?

He sneered: "You want to go?"

Mole nodded: "Well, Mr. Ye, the facts just now were entrusted by others, and we couldn't help ourselves. Please forgive us."

"Hmph, it's not impossible to leave if you want to. But I made a rule, I wonder if you've heard of it?"

Hei Mole heard about Ye Zhibing's rules before he set off, when he inquired about the situation, but he scoffed at it. A local beetle in a small place is so arrogant, and he has never seen such ridiculous rules.

who are they?He is the number one person in the provincial capital, so of course don't care.

But the current situation is not what Hei Mole and the others expected. Their proudest force is a complete joke when facing Ye Zhibing.

This is a little embarrassing.

And, more than that, now that Ye Zhibing mentioned the rules, Hei Mole thought of the contents of the rules.

To give up a part of the body, according to the understanding of people of their kind, it is either chopping off the hands or chopping off the feet.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but when he was about to get serious now, Hei Mole felt his heart pounding and his scalp tingling.

He didn't want to lose his arms or legs, he just wanted to bow his head, admit his mistake and leave.

Hei Mo said with a sneer: "Mr. Ye, don't...don't be so serious, right? Everyone bows their heads and doesn't see each other when they look up..."

Ye Zhibing immediately interrupted Hei Mole's words sharply: "Who the hell is telling you to look down and see you? We don't see you even if we look up. Rules are rules. No one can break my rules under my hands. I will give you 30 seconds. Think about which part you want to keep."

Hei Mo saw that Ye Zhibing's expression was very cold, and he didn't seem to be joking at all, so he knew it was not good, and he might not be able to retreat today.

"Mr. Ye, you have a lot of adults..."

Ye Zhibing didn't wait for Mole to finish, and started counting down, "29 seconds..."

"Mr. Ye, my boss is..."

"28 seconds..."

"Let's save face, Mr. Ye..."

"27 seconds..."

Hei Mole was speechless, how could he not let go, and if he wanted to go all out, after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, otherwise Ye Zhibing was really angry, and it might not be impossible to chop himself off.

Hei Mole listened to Ye Zhibing's countdown bit by bit in fear, and when the timer finally came to an end, Hei Mole said helplessly, "I...I'll keep my fingers."

Ye Zhibing smiled slightly, "That's right, you know the times well, so I'll help you. Pick up a knife and cut it yourself."

Not to mention, Mole is also a ruthless person, picked up a machete, and cut off his little finger without saying a word.

"Mr. Ye... I can go this time."

Ye Zhibing saw the mole's pale face and the cold sweat on his forehead, but he could not cry out the pain. He admired him for being a man, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

Mole wrapped up the wound by himself, picked up the stump, stood up, and wanted to go to the hospital to see if it could be connected.

But when he turned around and saw the pale faces of the younger brothers, trembling and startled, he couldn't bear it, and pleaded with Ye Zhibing on their behalf: "Mr. Ye, it was my idea to come here to trouble you, and it has nothing to do with them. They go on a horse."

But Ye Zhibing would not break his own rules, so he coldly rejected Hei Mole's pleading: "You have a lot of backbone, but as I said, rules are rules and should not be broken. This is my bottom line, don't take chances .They, like you, have to choose to leave something behind, with a 30-second countdown."

Hei Mole sighed, nodded to the younger brothers, and motioned them to bear with it and obey Ye Zhibing's orders.

But a younger brother was unconvinced, got up and said angrily: "Ye Zhibing, you are deceiving people too much!"

Ye Zhibing took a look at this little brother, seeing that he was the guy who blatantly wanted to cut himself into eight pieces, he couldn't help being amused, he said that he would give it back in full, so he jumped out and gave himself a chance to give it back.

So Ye Zhibing was not polite anymore, and said with a sneer, "So what if I bullied people too much? Let me tell you, I said I would give you everything back. You are different from them. You have to keep eight parts before I let you go. "

The little boy was so angry that he picked up a machete and confronted Ye Zhibing again.

Ye Zhibing didn't talk nonsense, he waved the machete in his hand, and after the silver light shone, the little brother screamed like a pig being killed.

Hei Mole was startled, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw that all ten fingers of this little boy's hands had been cut off by Ye Zhibing's machete, and the fingers all over the place were too horrible to look at.

Ye Zhibing laughed, "I'm sorry, you said eight yuan, I chopped off ten of your fingers, and there are two more, sorry, sorry."

The little brother was heartbroken and wailing, and he didn't have the energy to listen to Ye Zhibing's "apology".

Ye Zhibing put this little brother aside, and said to the rest of the little brothers, "What about you?"

Those younger brothers were completely intimidated by Ye Zhibing, and hurriedly said: "We will do it ourselves, we will do it ourselves."

Fearing that Ye Zhibing would "sorry" again, they cut off ten of their fingers.

If you do it yourself, you know what to expect, only one will fall.

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