After Ye Zhibing finished his meal, he saw the little monk packing up the food and putting it in a basket, as if he was going to give it to someone.

He thought that apart from Uncle Dong lying on the bed and the young monk in front of him, only the abbot was left in the temple.

So obviously, the little monk wanted to deliver food to the abbot.

The abbot is in retreat, the location is unknown.

If you can go with the little monk, you can know where the abbot is retreating.

So Ye Zhibing said to the little monk, "You brought food to your master, right?"

The little monk nodded and said, "Yes, I will bring him food, and I will also tell the master about the injury."

Ye Zhibing said, "Can I go with you?"

The little monk thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, my master has ordered that outsiders are not allowed to go to his retreat."

Ye Zhibing was a little disappointed, but he still respected the rules of the temple, so he didn't go if he wasn't allowed to go, "That's fine, I won't go, I'll go see your uncle."

The little monk said gratefully, "Thank you, benefactor."

Ye Zhibing turned around and left the kitchen, went to Master Dong's room, and took a look at Master Dong's situation.

Uncle Dong was still sleeping, his face was pale, but he was breathing evenly and sleeping peacefully.

After reading the situation, Ye Zhibing felt relieved, left the room, and walked to the yard.

At this time, the bright moon was already hanging high, and the silver light was scattered all over the ancient temple.

The ancient temple is very quiet and very dark.

There are no electric lights here, but candles are lit in the main hall, oil lamps are lit in the kitchen, and oil lamps are lit in Dong Shishu's room, and the rest of the place is dark.

The courtyard was still bright, Ye Zhibing saw that the young monk had left, presumably the place where the old monk retreated was near the temple, but he didn't know it.

Ye Zhibing thought about Uncle Dong's injury. Although the wound was treated and the bullets were dug out, antibiotics were still needed to resist the wound inflammation.

Otherwise, it depends entirely on the body's own immunity, which is too passive and depends on fate.

Or go down the mountain tomorrow, and ask the owner of the consignment store if there is any place to buy medicines, and buy some antibiotics for Mr. Dong to use.

He has pulled Dong Shishu back from the gate of hell, so he has to save people to the end.

After turning around the yard a few times, Ye Zhibing heard footsteps.

This is the footsteps of two people, one light and one heavy.

Ye Zhibing guessed that the abbot and the young monk had returned.

When he saw the person, Ye Zhibing felt that he had guessed correctly, it was really the abbot and the little monk who had returned.

The abbot was about 50 years old, with a gray beard and a very calm face. The young monk followed the abbot closely, holding a bamboo basket in his hand.

"Master, he is the benefactor who saved my uncle."

The little monk introduced Ye Zhibing to the abbot.

Ye Zhibing stepped forward and said, "Abbot, my name is Ye Zhibing. I went up the mountain to play, and I happened to meet a bad guy trying to be brave, so I helped Master Dong."

The abbot clasped his hands together, "Thank you for your help, the benefactor. Saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The benefactor will gain great merit, and there will be good rewards."

Ye Zhibing said modestly: "It should, it should."

The abbot was anxious to see how his junior brother was doing, so he said, "Let's go see how Juekong is doing."

Juekong should be Dong Shishu's dharma name.

Ye Zhibing said politely: "Okay, Abbot please."

Ye Zhibing accompanied the abbot, and introduced Dong Shishu's injury while walking.

After the abbot heard this, he was even more worried about Master Dong's injury, so he quickened his pace.

Ye Zhibing had to speed up his pace to keep up with Fang Zhang.

When he came to the room, the abbot took a closer look at Dong Shishu's wound. Although it was tightly wrapped with a white towel, it was still stained light red by the oozing blood.

The abbot looked very worried, thought for a while, and said to the young monk behind him: "Go to my room and bring me the red wooden box under the bed. This is the key."

The little monk took the key, turned around and followed the abbot's instructions to get that wooden box.

"Abbot, Nanshan Mining is going to demolish the temple, what do you think of this abbot?"

Ye Zhibing asked the abbot for his opinion in a low voice, and he guessed that the abbot would not agree.

The abbot looked at Dong Shishu, sighed, and said slowly: "How can you have the heart to surrender a century-old foundation? It's just that I underestimated the viciousness of Third Uncle Wang. If I knew this, why would I give up Juekong's life for a few old houses? If Third Uncle Wang insists on demolishing our Nanshan Temple, let him do it, as long as Juekong and Juehui’s lives can be saved, we will go to the top of the mountain again, there are three hands, and we can’t build a temple.”

Ye Zhibing was a little puzzled, since he persisted for so long, why should he give up so easily now?

So Ye Zhibing persuaded the abbot, "Abbot, Third Uncle Wang hurt Uncle Dong, he should be responsible. Also, they opened mines and caused damage to the temple building, so they should compensate the temple for the loss."

The abbot sighed and said, "If my big apprentice is here, I will not back down. It's just a pity..."

Ye Zhibing heard from the little monk that there was another monk, Senior Brother Lang, in the temple, but he was no longer in Nanshan Temple. The great apprentice the abbot was talking about should be the Senior Brother Lang that the little monk was talking about.

It's just that he doesn't know what is so special about him, so that the abbot thinks that he is there, so he doesn't have to give in to Uncle Wang.

At this moment, the little monk came back with the things. He walked up to the abbot with a red wooden box in his hand and said, "Master, the things are here."

The old monk took the wooden box, opened it, and took out a blue porcelain bottle inside.

Ye Zhibing thought that the inside of the porcelain bottle should be the traditional Chinese medicine kept in the temple, but he didn't know what kind of medicine it was.

"Abbot, what kind of medicine is this?"

The abbot pulled out the plug and said softly: "This is the only little magic snow pill left in the temple, and it is the elixir left by Master Xuanyuan, the abbot of Kaiji."

Ye Zhibing nodded half-understood, maybe this is the panacea.

The abbot asked Ye Zhibing to help remove the white towel, and evenly poured the brown powder in the porcelain bottle on the wound.

This medicine is very effective in stopping bleeding. After applying the medicine, the bleeding has stopped.

"Benefactor, help to bandage the wound, I'm not very good at this."

Ye Zhibing agreed, and quickly bandaged Master Dong's wound with a white towel.

At this moment, Uncle Dong slowly opened his eyes, and said weakly, "Am I alive?"

The abbot smiled obviously, "Junior brother, you are not dead, thanks to this benefactor who saved you."

Ye Zhibing gave the credit to the abbot, "Uncle Dong, it was the abbot's elixir that saved you."

The little monk was very happy to see Master Dong woke up, and interjected: "Uncle Master, are you hungry? I'll go and heat you up."

The abbot didn't care if Mr. Dong said he was hungry or not, he directly told the young monk: "Then go."

The little monk agreed crisply, turned around and went to work in the kitchen.

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