After dealing with the big buck-tooth matter, Ye Zhibing lost his good mood, got in the car and left.

Not long after he drove, he found a blue commercial vehicle closely following him.

Ye Zhibing frowned. Did he have too many enemies? Wherever he went, someone would try to deal with him.

After a wry smile, Ye Zhibing let it go, pretended that there was no such thing, continued to drive, left the downtown area of ​​Donghai, and drove back.

Just after leaving the urban area, the blue commercial vehicle accelerated suddenly.

Ye Zhibing saw from the rearview mirror that the car was colliding with his own car, looking as if they were killed together.

"Ma De, if you want to die, don't drag me to be buried with you. I still want to live a few more years."

Ye Zhibing cursed a few words angrily, carefully looked at the distance of the commercial vehicle from him in the rearview mirror, stepped on the accelerator, and accelerated the speed.

The commercial vehicle didn't give up, and continued to speed up and hit Ye Zhibing's car.

For a while, the two cars started a life-and-death chase.

In the end, Ye Zhibing's car has better performance. It is a small car, while the business car is a big car. It is a bit bulkier and not as fast as a small car.

If the commercial vehicle crashes unexpectedly, there may still be a chance.

But Ye Zhibing had already noticed when it started the collision mode.

So the two cars chased for a while, but the commercial vehicle still couldn't catch up with Ye Zhibing's car.

Ye Zhibing looked at the helpless commercial vehicle in the rearview mirror, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

If you want to bump into me, you have to change your car. Improve your driving skills and come back again.

But things in the world are never absolute.

The commercial vehicle was still in hot pursuit. When Ye Zhibing was a little ahead, after turning a corner, an overturned gravel truck suddenly appeared in front of him, lying in the middle of the road.

His car has nowhere to go.

Ye Zhibing had no choice but to drive the car to the side of the road, stop the car, and stand behind a tree, watching the commercial vehicle getting closer.

After the commercial vehicle approached Ye Zhibing's car, it didn't hit it directly, because Ye Zhibing had already got off the car, and it was useless to hit it.

Ye Zhibing watched the commercial vehicle slow down and stopped.

After the car door was opened, four young men in white shirts and black trousers got out.

They stood at the door, two on each side, standing neatly and full of energy.

After they stood still, a middle-aged man in a white shirt, black trousers, and red tie got out of the commercial vehicle.

This middle-aged man looks dignified, with demeanor and a pleasant smile.

"Mr. Ye, why are you running?"

The middle-aged man greeted Ye Zhibing with a smile.

Ye Zhibing was a little puzzled, were this group of people the same as the people who wanted to kill him in Donghai City just now?
So Ye Zhibing smiled wryly, "Are you also trying to kill me to get the reward?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Mr. Ye, you misunderstood. We didn't kill you for the bounty, it was the task of the organization."

Ye Zhibing understood a little, and asked, "So, you are members of the Wild Wolf Organization?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you are quite well informed. It seems that you will not die in vain."

Knowing who came, Ye Zhibing said with relief: "Okay, I know who you are. But whether I will die today, it seems that it's not up to you, but to the King of Hades, right?"

The middle-aged man said calmly, "Mr. Ye, you still don't know the strength of our organization. It would be easy to turn your life against you. Since I have received the mission, today is your death day, there is no other possibility. "

Ye Zhibing didn't argue with him, and said with a smile: "Well, then you can give it a try."

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky, then stared at Ye Zhibing and said, "You, it's not good to do something to offend Boss Su. Do you know how rich Boss Su's background is? Are you the one who offended him? Okay." Well, I shouldn't tell you such nonsense, but I pity you for being young and about to die in Huangquan. But, as the saying goes, there are no young or old on the road to Huangquan, so just accept your fate and go on the road with peace of mind. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ye Zhibing to speak, the middle-aged man turned his back and waved to the four young men, signaling them to do something, and then got into the car by himself, as if he couldn't bear to see Ye Zhibing die.

After the middle-aged man got into the car, the four young men lined up in a wall and walked towards Ye Zhibing in unison.

This imposing manner has a sense of coercion, moreover, these four young people are unsmiling and very serious, carrying out their tasks like four machines.

Captain Ye Zhi let out a sigh, these young people seemed a little troublesome.

However, here in the wilderness, I can fight freely, and I don't have to worry about letting the onlookers see inappropriate scenes.

When the four young men walked more than one meter away from Ye Zhibing, Qiqi took out a switchblade from his trouser pocket.

Although they didn't communicate with each other in words, Qi Qi raised the switchblade in tacit understanding and pointed it at Ye Zhibing.

Ye Zhibing smiled slightly: "Is it time to do something?"

The four of them did not reply, but suddenly let out a deep cry, and stabbed four switchblades into Ye Zhibing's neck, chest, and abdomen respectively.

Ye Zhibing looked at this posture and knew that these people had practiced the moves for a long time, they were very tacit, and they controlled their strength and direction very well.

Ye Zhibing felt that he had to be more cautious about fighting four well-trained killers with his bare hands, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

So Ye Zhibing quickly retreated a few steps, allowing the four of them to stab in the air.

Although these four people stabbed empty, their faces did not change at all, and they were still very serious.

They adjusted their formation again, and raised their knives to stab again.

Ye Zhibing looked down, saw a dead branch on the ground, and had a plan in mind.

With a flick of his toe, the dead branch flew up, and he reached out to grab it.

Now, he is no longer unarmed, but has a barely usable weapon.

After the four of them stabbed with switchblades and Ye Zhibing dodged, he suddenly swept away with dead branches.

The dead branch just hit the outstretched wrists of the four.

Ye Zhibing's strength was great and his attack direction was very precise.

Although the four of them are very strong, they are still flesh and blood after all. After being hit by a dead branch on the wrist, they will suffer pain, and then they have a normal conditioned reflex and discard the switchblade.

They didn't even think about picking up the switchblade, but looked at each other, and they all clenched their fists again, ready to fight with their fists.

Seeing this, Ye Zhibing laughed, "You guys, you still want to fight me without weapons, are you looking for death?"

The four of them were not convinced, but still reluctantly clenched their fists and attacked Ye Zhibing.

Ye Zhibing was furious. These guys who don't know how to advance or retreat really think that a neat formation can make them invincible?

He shortened his body, avoiding his fist, and at the same time, the dead branch in his hand slammed on the knees of the four approaching people.

"Ah, ah!"

The four screamed a few times and knelt down one after another.

Ye Zhibing took the opportunity to step forward and kick each of them away.

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