Ye Zhibing carefully pushed aside the weeds, searched all the way to the big tree, and finally found the trap.

The trap was under the root of a big tree, covered with some grass, because someone fell into it, and a hole half meter square was exposed in the middle.

Ye Zhibing shouted into the trap, "Are you down there?"

The woman below shouted with all her strength: "I am below, help me come up."

Ye Zhibing could tell from her tone that she must have been injured and was very weak now.

She yelled so hard just now, but her voice was very weak. If she didn't get timely medical treatment, something bad might happen.

Ye Zhibing shone his flashlight in all directions, hoping to find some tools and the like.

Fortunately, a thick rattan was wrapped around a tree not far away.

According to the strength of this cane, it shouldn't be a big problem to pull a person up.

Ye Zhibing took out the switchblade in his pocket. This knife was picked up when Boss Pingtou was fighting, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

It was quite laborious to cut the rattan, but after a lot of hard work, Ye Zhibing got a rattan about five meters long.

It's long enough.

Ye Zhibing took the cane and tied it to a big tree, tied a knot, then held the cane in his hand, and leaned down to see the person inside the trap.

With the light of the flashlight on, Ye Zhibing could see clearly that the trap was about three meters deep and smooth all around.

If a person falls into a trap without help, it will be very difficult to climb up, let alone a young woman who fell.

The young woman was wearing a gray cloth hat, her hair was not exposed, she was wearing a gray robe, and she was moaning softly against the wall.

Seeing her holding her calf, it seemed that her calf was injured.

Ye Zhibing took a look at this woman and felt that she seemed to be a nun!
Because only nuns dress like this.

A nun who fell into a trap late at night was as weird as she said.

Ye Zhibing took a look and asked that nun? : "Is your leg hurt?"

The nun raised her head to meet the light of the flashlight, and nodded, "Well, my leg was punctured by a bamboo stick at the bottom of the trap."

After hearing this, Ye Zhibing understood.

A calf injury is not a fatal injury, as long as it is treated in time, it will not be life-threatening.

"Okay, I'll come down and save you right away."

Ye Zhibing yelled at the nun, and then pulled the rattan to confirm the safety and reliability of the rattan.

After confirming, Ye Zhibing slowly descended to the bottom of the trap with a cane in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

When he got to the bottom, Ye Zhibing could see clearly how vicious the hunter who dug the trap was. There were many sharp bamboo sticks stuck in the bottom. There was no warning for such a dangerous place, such as putting up a sign.

Whose responsibility should this be if someone dies?

Ye Zhibing cursed in his heart for a while, then shone the nun's calf with the flashlight.

But the nun covered the wound with her hand, so that Ye Zhibing could not see the specific condition of the wound, only the blood on the outside of the palm.

"Little master, can you take your hand away and let me see how your wound is doing? Don't get infected."

Ye Zhibing was anxious, so he said it directly.

The nun obediently moved her hand away, revealing the wound.

There was a bloody hole in the wound, but fortunately it was no longer bleeding, and the remaining blood had begun to coagulate.

"Did you pull out the bamboo stick?"

"Yeah, don't you need to pull it out?"

"What is needed is that it is best to rinse the wound with clean water after pulling it out, and then bandage it up."

"Is tea okay?"

The nun asked Ye Zhibing curiously.

"Okay, do you have tea?"

The nun nodded, "Yes."

As she spoke, the nun took out a green military kettle from the side.

Ye Zhibing was overjoyed. Fortunately, the water, and the tea, had been boiled, so it was sterilized.

He took the kettle and asked the nun, "Do you have a clean cloth? Towels are fine too."

The nun took out a towel from the satchel and asked Ye Zhibing, "I just bought it today, do you think it's okay?"

It can only be said that it is enough, Ye Zhibing said: "Okay."

With a water bottle and a towel, Ye Zhibing has the basic tools for wound treatment.

He washed the wound with tea and wrapped it up with a towel.

"I'll help you up, try to see if you can stand."

Ye Zhibing bent down and stretched out a hand in front of the nun.

The nun hesitated for a moment, but she still reached out to hold Ye Zhibing's hand, and then stood up with force.

However, a piercing pain soon spread to her brain, causing her to lift her calf involuntarily, not daring to use this injured calf to support her body anymore.

Seeing that the nun's face was pale and she cried out for pain in a low voice, Ye Zhibing asked her, "Does it hurt?"

The nun replied with tears in her eyes, "Well, it hurts."

Ye Zhibing thought for a while, and then said, "Okay, I'll tie your waist with a cane, and you hold the cane with your hands, and I'll pull you up first."

The nun nodded and agreed with Ye Zhibing's opinion.

Ye Zhibing acted immediately, helped the nun carry her things on her back, and then tied the nun's waist with rattan, letting her grasp the rattan with both hands.

After making preparations, Ye Zhibing climbed up the trap with a flashlight, then put down the flashlight, grabbed the cane with both hands, and shouted: "Are you ready? I'm going to pull you up."

The nun below replied: "Get ready, you pull."

Ye Zhibing breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the cane with both hands, and began to pull it up.

The nun was a pretty young woman with a strong body weight, and Ye Zhibing pulled the nun up without much effort.

Ye Zhibing asked the nun to sit on the grass first, and discussed with her what to do next.

Her leg was hurt and there was apparently no way she could walk back.

As a responsible and warm-hearted man, Ye Zhibing was duty-bound to send this nun back.

So Ye Zhibing asked the nun's situation, "Little master, where is your nunnery? Why are you going to walk the mountain road so late?"

The nun blushed and replied softly: "Brother, don't call me little master. My Dharma name is Jingru, so you can call me Jingru. Our Tianci nunnery is on the top of the mountain, and I went down to buy it under the order of my master." Some yellow paper, and buy some daily necessities by the way. I was delayed in the town for a while, and it will be dark when I come back."

Ye Zhibing understood the difficulties of the people in the mountains. The transportation is really inconvenient, and they all rely on two legs.

If you delay a little bit, you have to go the dark road.

"Well, how about this? I was driving down the road and it was blocked. I can't go anyway. How about I carry you up the mountain and take you back, okay?"

"Are you carrying me?" Jingru's face turned red again. She has been a monk for many years. Although she is in her early twenties, she has never been so close to a young man, and now he wants to carry herself up the mountain. This...

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