Ye Zhibing asked his own question.

"Brother Wang, why don't we go around?"

Wang Haijun gave a wry smile and said, "This is Brother Xing's rule."

Since it is a rule, no matter whether it makes sense or not, you have to implement it.

Otherwise, you will have to face the revenge of Brother Xing's forces.

Wang Haijun is just a beggar, so there is no need to offend Brother Xing, let alone he works under Brother Xing.

It's just that I'm doing Brother Xing's opponent a small favor now.

The speedboat gradually slowed down and approached the three fishing boats.

A few big men stood on the bow of one of the fishing boats. When they saw the speedboat approaching, they shouted at the speedboat: "What do you do?"

Wang Haijun poked his head out and shouted to the big men, "I'm from Brother Xing, and I'm here for a drive."

The big men were very suspicious, why did they go to Dongtan Island for a drive, so they let the speedboat approach the fishing boat, and they wanted to check it.

The fishing boat and the speedboat approached slowly, and when they were more than one meter away, a big man jumped onto the rear deck of the speedboat.

The weight of this big man was so heavy that the speedboat was shaken a few times before it stabilized.

The big man walked into the cabin of the speedboat and saw that there were only two people, one was familiar and the other had no impression at all.

Wang Haijun greeted him with a smile, and took out his ID, "Brother, I work under Brother Xing. This is my ID. Look, I also have a photo of Brother Xing and me in my wallet."

The big man looked at the ID, saw that Wang Haijun was a local, and then looked at the photos of the group photo. He was really happy, so he no longer doubted Wang Haijun.

He looked at Ye Zhibing, and found that Ye Zhibing and Wang Haijun looked different, one was swarthy from the sea breeze and had rough skin, while the other was a handsome boy with a fair face.

"who are you?"

The big man forced Ye Zhibing to question him.

Just as Ye Zhibing was about to answer, Wang Haijun rushed to answer: "He is my cousin who came from another place. He said he had never seen the sea, so I took him for a ride in the sea."

But this still can't make the big man give up his doubts about Ye Zhibing, "Don't interrupt, let him speak for himself."

Ye Zhibing is also a person who has seen the world, so he followed Wang Haijun's words, "My name is Ye Zhibing, and I am his cousin. I just graduated from university, so I came to play with my cousin."

"You are college students?"

Ye Zhibing nodded, "Yes, I just graduated. Our place is full of ravines, and we have never seen the sea. This time, it's not that I graduated, and I haven't gone to work yet, so I came to ask my cousin to take me to play."

There seems to be no loopholes in this statement. The big man frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Then what about your graduation certificate?"

Ye Zhibing chuckled, "Uncle, how can anyone come out to play with a diploma? This is not coming to Donghai to find a job."

The big man also felt that his question was inappropriate, so he smiled and the atmosphere relaxed.

"Then do you have any other evidence?"

Ye Zhibing took out his ID card and handed it to the big man, "This is my ID card."

"Your name is Ye Zhibing?"

Ye Zhibing nodded.

"It seems that your place is really inland, no wonder you can't see the sea."

The big man sympathized with Ye Zhibing, and returned his ID card to Ye Zhibing, "Here we are, as soon as we go to sea, we look forward to seeing land soon."

Ye Zhibing smiled slightly, and said, "Traveling means going from a place where one is tired to a place where others are bored."

The big man thought about it for a while, laughed and said: "You young man, what you said is quite reasonable."

After finishing speaking, the big man waved his hand, and said to Wang Haijun, "Take your cousin for a ride, and go back early, lest the wind blows on the sea, and you, a small speedboat, can't handle it."

Wang Haijun nodded gratefully, "Thank you brother for your concern, we will go back soon."

The big man got out of the cabin, jumped back to his fishing boat, and waved to Wang Haijun and Ye Zhibing to let him go.

Wang Haijun breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Ye, you cooperated well enough."

Ye Zhibing asked with a smile: "If you don't cooperate well, what will be the consequences?"

Wang Haijun said: "If it's not good and makes them suspicious, they will notify Dongtan Island through the ship's radio station, and then you will have no chance to go up."

Ye Zhibing said "Oh", and then asked, "Is the security on the island very strict?"

Wang Haijun nodded, "Yes, they have been passed down from their ancestors, and they still practice according to the methods hundreds of years ago. Everyone knows some martial arts and formations. Do you think it's scary?"

Of course it was terrible.

Ye Zhibing fought countless times, and he was defeated by many ruthless people. Even if many people fought together, he was not afraid.

Because these people are brave and ruthless, fighting on their own, without a unified dispatch, which belongs to the level of street melee.

If some people who are good at martial arts, understand formations, and fight together, Ye Zhibing's first thought is not to go up and fight, but to turn around and run.

People have self-knowledge.

Of course, it's not impossible to fight, but if you want to break through one by one, you can't fight with a group of people who are in a good position, that's looking for abuse.

After the speedboat left the fishing boat, after driving for about ten minutes, I could vaguely see the outline of a small island.

"Here, Mr. Ye, that's Dongtan Island."

Ye Zhibing took a closer look, and as the distance shortened, he could see more and more clearly that it was indeed a precipitous island.

As far as the eye can see, there are cliffs, hundreds of meters high, extremely steep, and it is absolutely impossible to climb up.

"What's that? A sentry tower?"

Ye Zhibing pointed to a tall circular building and asked Wang Haijun.

Wang Haijun nodded, "Yes. It was built by the ancestors surnamed Yao. It's been hundreds of years, and it hasn't collapsed yet."

The speedboat circled the island, and to the east, I saw a low-lying slope facing the sea. A wooden pier was built on it, and several fishing boats were docked there.

"Mr. Ye, I can't send you up, because they questioned me, and I can't give a reason, and I might be locked up. Find a way to go up by yourself."

Ye Zhibing had heard Mr. Gao's orders and knew that this was the case, so he didn't make things difficult for Wang Haijun.

"Okay, I'll go by myself."

Ye Zhibing checked his belongings. His mobile phone and wallet were all sealed, so he was not afraid of water.

"Mr. Ye, you have done a good job. When you want to come back, give me a call, and I will come to pick you up at this location."

Wang Haijun handed Ye Zhibing a note with his phone number on it.

Ye Zhibing sealed this up too.

"Brother, take care, I'm going into the water."

Ye Zhibing waved to Wang Haijun, got out of the cabin, and flew into the water.

Wang Haijun left quickly without stopping.

Ye Zhibing's swimming skills are good, and the buoyancy of the sea water is also higher. After swimming for a while, he swam under a fishing boat at the pier.

He heard someone talking above, so he didn't climb up immediately to avoid being discovered.

Suddenly Ye Zhibing felt something hit him in the waist.

Looking down, oh my god, what a big snake!

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