The next day Ye Zhibing escorted Lu Xiling to work, and saw that Lu Xiling was still busy contacting manufacturers in other places.

So Ye Zhibing didn't bother Lu Xiling, but returned to his office.

At this time, Mr. Zhao called Ye Zhibing.

"Mr. Ye, the date of the shareholder meeting has been set."

Ye Zhibing asked Mr. Zhao: "When is it?"

"Three days later, the large meeting room on the twelfth floor of Tianyi Group."

Ye Zhibing replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, has my agreement been implemented?"

Mr. Zhao said with a smile: "Our legal counsel has already helped Mr. Ye implement it, and you can have 20.00% of the voting rights at that time."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhao. I will definitely go to vote and let you be the president of Yi Group."

"Then how dare you, Mr. Ye, you should do it."

Ye Zhibing smiled modestly, "Mr. Zhao, don't make fun of me. I'm not that material. Just don't forget to give me a dividend."

In fact, Mr. Zhao was waiting for Ye Zhibing's words. He had wanted to control the Tianyi Group for a long time. Now with Ye Zhibing's help, victory is in sight.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, we have an appointment, and I will give you a 20.00% bonus."

"Well, thank you Mr. Zhao, then we'll make a deal."

After the phone call, Ye Zhibing thought for a while, he and Mr. Zhao joined forces and accounted for 30.00% of Tianyi Group's shares, [-]% more than Guo's shares.

When voting, victory depends on the support of those minority shareholders.

They support the Guo family, and the Guo family may win. If they support Ye Zhibing and Mr. Zhao, then Ye Zhibing's side will win.

It seems that it is time to visit these minority shareholders and do their ideological work.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is a matter of interests. If supporting Ye Zhibing and Mr. Zhao can get more benefits, they have no reason to support the Guo family.

Ye Zhibing dug up the information on the minority shareholders Mr. Zhao gave him, and looked at it. Cui Jingwei, Guo Weidong, Liu Zhenjie, and Lu Quanfu had more minority shares, and their total shares exceeded 20.00%.

As long as these few people are dealt with, the chances of victory are in their hands.

Ye Zhibing thought that he could think of talking to them. The Guo family was not that stupid to talk to them.

So at this time, in addition to promising benefits, you have to let them see their own strength, let them respect and fear, so that they can choose to support you.

Ye Zhibing suddenly thought of one person: Li Ba.

So Ye Zhibing called Li Ba.

"Ah, it's Brother Ye."

Li Ba's tone was very polite.

Ye Zhibing said directly, "Brother Ba, I have something to ask for your help."

Li Ba immediately said: "Brother Ye, why are you so polite, just give orders directly, brother will do it for you right away."

Ye Zhibing felt Li Ba's loyalty, and said gratefully: "Thank you. It's such a thing, I would like to ask you to help me invite a few people to have dinner together tonight, and you can come to accompany me, okay?"

"No problem, Brother Ye, tell me, I'll see who dares not come."

Ye Zhibing laughed, "Let's treat someone to dinner, it's better to be more polite."

"Brother Ye taught you the right thing, I will be very polite."

Ye Zhibing smiled, "They are Cui Jingwei, Guo Weidong, Liu Zhenjie, and Lu Quanfu. I will pass on their address and phone number to you later. Please help me make an appointment with them, arrange a place, and let me know."

Li Ba fully agreed: "No problem, leave it to me."

Ye Zhibing hung up the phone, sent the information of these people to Li Ba via text message, and then waited for the news.

In the middle of the afternoon, Li Ba called.

"Brother Ye, I have made an appointment for you. At seven o'clock in the evening, the box on the second floor of the Modern Hotel."

Ye Zhibing then told Li Ba: "Bring more brothers and make the scene stand up."

Li Ba laughed, "Brother Ye, don't worry about this, I'm doing very well."

Ye Zhibing also believed that Li Ba was very good at it, so he hung up the phone with confidence.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Ye Zhibing sent Lu Xiling home, said goodbye to Shu Lei, and drove to the Modern Hotel.

When I came to the door, I saw two rows of men in black standing, there were more than 40 people, all of them were full of energy.

Li Ba saw Ye Zhibing get off the car, and greeted him with a smile, "Brother Ye, you came so early."

Ye Zhibing looked at the time, it was past 06:30, not too early.

"Brother Ba, it's not too early, are they here?"

Li Ba respectfully replied: "There are two coming."

"Oh, let's wait then."

Ye Zhibing and Li Ba stood at the door chatting, waiting for the remaining two.

After ten minutes, two cars came and several people got off.

Two of them looked like bosses, walking in front, followed by a few young people.

In this city, there are not many bosses who don't know Li Ba.

The two boss-like people saw Li Ba at a glance, hurried over a few steps, and said hello respectfully: "Brother Ba, how can I bother you to wait for us? I'm really sorry."

Li Ba smiled and said: "It's nothing if I wait for you, the key is that Mr. Ye has given you great face by waiting for you."

The two bosses hurriedly went to see Ye Zhibing next to Li Ba.

Seeing that Ye Zhibing was just a handsome young man, they wondered why Li Ba admired this young man so much.

Li Ba introduced Ye Zhibing to them: "Boss Guo, Boss Liu, this gentleman is my elder brother, named Ye Zhibing."

This young man is Li Ba's eldest brother?
If Li Ba hadn't said it himself, they would never have believed it anyway.

Seeing that these two people were still in a daze, Li Ba snorted coldly.

These two people were taken aback. Could it be that Brother Ba was angry?
They hurriedly bowed to Ye Zhibing, "Mr. Ye, hello."

Ye Zhibing knew the principle of equal importance to kindness and power. If Li Ba played a bad face, he had to play a bad face.

He said with a pleasant smile: "Bosses, why are you so polite. Come, come, let's go in and drink tea."

Li Ba said, "Brother Ye has ordered, everyone go in and have tea."

After finishing speaking, Li Ba asked Ye Zhibing to go in first.

The two bosses followed carefully.

The lineup of men in black on both sides immediately bowed their heads and greeted in unison: "Hello, Mr. Ye, hello, Brother Ba."

All the people around were envious of this ostentation.

After entering the hotel, all the waiters I met bowed down and said hello: "Mr. Ye, hello, Brother Ba."

On the stairs to the second floor, there were also two rows of men in black standing. When they saw Ye Zhibing and Li Ba, they bent down and said hello: "Hi, Mr. Ye, hello, Brother Ba."

When the two bosses came here, their feet were a little soft.

This Li Ba is really amazing.

After entering the private room, Li Ba respectfully asked Ye Zhibing to sit on the upper seat. He sat on Ye Zhibing's right hand and greeted the four bosses: "Come on, everyone, sit down and drink with Mr. Ye."

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