The King of Close Soldiers of the Beauty President

Chapter 286 The Inexplicable Love Rival

Ye Zhibing returned to the car, seeing Yao Ting waiting impatiently.

"Ye Zhibing, why did you come back? I thought you fell into the latrine."

Ye Zhibing was not angry, and said with a smile, "Sorry for keeping you waiting. Come on, let me pack your luggage for you, let's go."

Yao Ting sat next to Ye Zhibing and watched Ye Zhibing drive.

"Ye Zhibing, who did you learn your car from? Can you teach me?"

Ye Zhibing didn't think about becoming a driving instructor in the past, so he said, "I am a monk from Ye Luzi, so I can't be a master, otherwise I will take you into the ditch."

Yao Ting didn't believe it, "Ye Zhibing, you drive so steadily and modestly, are you afraid that I might damage your car?"

Ye Zhibing laughed, "Yao Ting, you are wrong, this car is nothing, and it doesn't matter if I give it to you."

Yao Ting was taken aback, "Are you telling the truth or are you joking?"

"Really, it's nothing more than a car."

Ye Zhibing didn't have any special feelings about his behavior as a local tyrant.

Could it be that with the transfer agreement in his pocket, his back became hardened?

Yao Ting just thought about it, and regretfully said to Ye Zhibing, "Unfortunately, I don't know how to drive."

Ye Zhibing smiled and said: "Yao Ting, driving is very simple, you see, be more courageous, hold the steering wheel tighter, and the rest is acceleration and deceleration, which is not difficult."

Yao Ting, who is a teacher, naturally knows that those who are difficult will not be difficult, and those who attend the meeting are not difficult. Those who can drive think that driving is too easy, easier than walking. Those who cannot drive think that even a clutch is so difficult , It's purely embarrassing.

"Ye Zhibing, then I still have a chance to learn to drive in the future. But before that, can you often take me for a drive?"

Yao Ting made a small request.

Ye Zhibing readily agreed, "No problem. Now let you experience the charm of driving."

This section of the road is asphalt road with few cars, Ye Zhibing intends to show off his driving skills.

He told Yao Ting to fasten her seat belt and close her eyes if she was afraid.

Yao Ting fastened her seat belt, but she was very cold at the words of asking her to close her eyes, "Ye Zhibing, don't you know that my online name is Sturdy Little Woman? I'm not afraid."

Ye Zhibing doesn't care, if you are not afraid, then enjoy it.

He stepped on it, and the car started to accelerate, sixty, eighty, one hundred...

Yao Ting saw the scenery on both sides quickly throwing away from both sides of her eyes, and the feeling of running at high speed made her blood rush.

She yelled, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
After running for a while, an S-shaped curve appeared ahead, and Yao Ting screamed in fright.

At such a fast speed, if you don't slow down when you encounter this corner, is it too late?

"Ye Zhibing, slow down!"

Yao Ting shouted.

But Ye Zhibing didn't listen to it, he was about to perform.

The car rushed towards the curve rapidly, and he didn't slow down at all.

Yao Ting looked in a straight line and saw that the remaining road was not long, and a little further away was someone else's farmland. The car didn't slow down at all, it was too dangerous.

She is known as a "sturdy little woman", and she can't be strong at this moment. She closes her eyes and prays in her heart: don't let anything happen, Bodhisattva bless you!

Out of the corner of his eye, Ye Zhibing saw Yao Ting closing her eyes, and smiled slightly. When approaching the curve, he saw the timing, slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel.

With a flick of the rear wheel of the car, a handsome drift, the direction of travel was adjusted.

Ye Zhibing felt complacent for a while, it seems that his skills are not unfamiliar yet.

The car drove into a smooth straight road, and Yao Ting slowly opened her eyes.

Huh?Nothing happened, and I sat in the car perfectly, while Ye Zhibing next to him drove the car with a natural expression.

Yao Ting was very surprised, just now it seemed to be on the verge of life and death, but now it is calm.

This Ye Zhibing is really not simple.

When the car entered the urban area, Ye Zhibing asked Yao Ting, "Where do you live? I'll take you home."

Yao Ting said with a smile, "I live in the dormitory for single teachers in Qingfeng Middle School."

Ye Zhibing smiled slightly, "Ms. Yao, are you single?"

Yao Ting nodded, and laughed at herself: "Yes, poor teacher, others look down on you, so you can only be single."

"Each each other."

Yao Ting directed Ye Zhibing to drive the car into the courtyard of the dormitory building. The uncle outside the door saw Yao Ting and said hello: "Mr. Yao, your friend?"

Yao Ting blushed, "No, sir."

The uncle also smiled cheerfully, not saying whether he agreed with Yao Ting's statement.

Ye Zhibing waited for the uncle to open the door, drove the car directly to the downstairs of the teachers' dormitory and parked it.

Yao Ting got out of the car, walked around the front of the car, walked to Ye Zhibing's side, and said to Ye Zhibing, "Thank you for taking me back."

"You're welcome."

Just as Ye Zhibing finished speaking, he heard a man's angry voice: "Yao Ting, lied to me!"

Yao Ting turned her head to look and said, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Zhibing also turned his head to take a look, and saw a young man wearing a vest, slippers, glasses, and parted hair, glaring at himself and Yao Ting angrily.

"Yao Ting, you are capable. You have hooked up with rich people. You secretly go out on dates and bring them back to show off, right?"

Yao Ting was also angry, "Han Liang, what are you talking about. Who am I dating, and what does it have to do with you?"

" are so cruel, it's in vain that I like you so much, I go to buy you breakfast every day, hum."

"That's what you are going to buy yourself. I didn't ask you to buy it."

Yao Ting and that Han Liang quarreled with each other.

Ye Zhibing didn't intend to listen anymore, this is another story about you liking me and I'm not sure if I like you or not.

"Yao Ting, stop arguing, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Yao Ting was obedient and did not quarrel with Han Liang, she lowered her head and said goodbye to Ye Zhibing: "Okay then, remember to take me for a ride when you have time."

Ye Zhibing smiled, "Okay, I'll contact you when I have time."

After speaking, Ye Zhibing waved to Yao Ting and started the car.

That Han Liang didn't know what happened, but when he heard the sound of the car's engine, he suddenly ran to Ye Zhibing's car, stretched his arms, and shouted: "You must not leave, please don't leave."

Ye Zhibing felt baffled, are you a traffic policeman?
Still not allowing people to leave?
Ye Zhibing decided to have a theory with Han Liang.

He got out of the car, walked up to Han Liang, and asked coldly, "You won't let me go, you have to tell me a reason."

Han Liang faltered and said: "Because... because you stole my girlfriend. You take advantage of your wealth and power to snatch other people's girlfriends. You are shameless and obscene..."

Before Ye Zhibing fought back, Yao Ting couldn't listen anymore, and asked Han Liang sharply: "Who is your girlfriend? Did you make a mistake?"

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