"Then who is the company? Who is opposing this project?" Ye Shuang asked slowly.

Chen Zhonghuo was taken aback, wondering what Ye Shuang wanted to do when he asked so carefully.
Speaking of a small security guard, do you need to know so carefully?

However, when Ye Shuang asked about the construction project, it was beyond his scope of authority, didn't he, did he still ask?

Chen Zhonghe swallowed softly, and said: "It's mainly some directors and some middle and high-level managers of the company. Among them, Mr. Ding Dong, Ding, who reacted most violently, strongly demanded to cancel this project. In addition, there are several directors and ministers like this. The middle and high level of the company are also strongly opposed!"

Ye Shuang nodded slightly, he understood that all this must be caused by Ding Dong.But, why did Ding Dong do this?

Ye Shuang is not quite sure what Ding Dong's intention is, but one thing is certain.

That means that Ding Dong must be working against Li Yingxue, thereby lowering Li Yingxue's authority as a leader, in order to achieve his ulterior motives.

"Chen Zhonghe, because of your sincerity and positive reflection. You use your power to force your subordinates to do that kind of bribery. I think I don't need to tell anyone!"


Chen Zhonghe didn't expect that Ye Shuang would let him go so easily, he was a little surprised.

"Don't be too surprised, I want you to do me a favor."

Chen Zhonghe hurriedly said: "Ye Baoan, just tell me if you have anything to do, I will never frown!"

"It's very simple. I think you, as the head of the construction business department, will definitely participate in the meeting to discuss what the construction company will do or not do. I hope you will fully support President Li Yingxue's decision!" Ye Shuang Without the slightest change in expression, it was as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.


Chen Zhonghe licked his lips with difficulty. Ding Dong also approached him quietly two days ago, hoping that he would oppose the project at the meeting.Moreover, Ding Dong made him a good promise, if the opposition is successful, he will be paid 50 yuan.

However, Ye Shuang even made the opposite request.

This made Chen Zhong a little embarrassed.

"It's difficult, isn't it?" Ye Shuang couldn't see what Chen Zhonghe meant, smiled lightly, and continued, "Actually, don't be too difficult or force yourself too much. At worst, I will let the president know about your use of power for personal gain. Oh , By the way, even if this little thing can't shake you. Think about it, it seems that there is a man named Chen Mingde, you should know him. Now, he seems to have broken an arm and a leg, and he is still lying on the bed waiting Therapy. If you don't want to spend half your life in bed like him, you should actually listen to me!"


After listening to Ye Shuang's words, this Ye Shuang is threatening him face to face.Chen Zhonghe felt that he was completely numb and lost his physiological functions, and his fear made him look like an unconscious corpse.

"I, I, I listen, listen to Ye Baoan, what you say..."

Ye Shuang calmed down slightly, and told Chen Zhonghe, "I hope you don't want to be double-faced. If I know you're double-faced, then it's not a matter of breaking an arm or a leg!"

"Yes Yes……"

Chen Zhonghe touched the cold sweat and felt that he was about to pee his pants, so he nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking rice!
Seeing that Chen Zhonghe was terrified, Ye Shuang said with a smile: "Don't worry, you have heard some rumors that I was specially recruited by the president. I am here to tell you solemnly that I Not only was he specially recruited by the president, but he is also a confidant of the president. As long as you choose the right direction this time, I can give you some good words from the president if you think about it. Is it okay to give you some bonuses if you don’t get promoted? questionable!"

Ye Shuang gave a big stick and then a sweet date.

Chen Zhonghe is not stupid, no matter what Ye Shuang said is true or not, he will not take it as a lie.It would be a fool to believe that a small security guard is in charge of such a big business of the company.Ye Shuang said that he was the CEO's confidant, and Chen Zhonghe believed it.

"Ye Baoan, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you!"

A bus station in Dongdu.

Ye Shuang's Yamaha motorcycle was stored in the parking place, so she bought a ticket.

It took half an hour for the bus to leave. Ye Shuang went to the waiting room and sat there waiting.

Suddenly, three men walked in from the entrance of the car waiting room.

One of the men looks very strong, with bare arms, and a dragon is embroidered on his left arm, which looks lifelike.Of the other two men, one was wearing a big windbreaker and an ear cap, which completely covered him.Wearing such clothes in such weather, this person is either sick or wants to heat himself to death.

The other man was wearing yellow shorts and carrying a large black suitcase in his hand.

Ye Shuang frowned slightly when he saw these three people. These three people walked steadily, their expressions were firm, and there was a trace of violence faintly.

These people must have killed someone!

The sturdy man who came in first went to the ticket window, bought three tickets, went to the waiting position, and sat down with the other two men.

For such people, Ye Shuang will not pay too much attention, just look at them twice, and I don't feel very strange, after all, these three people look a little weird, but if you look at them normally, they are also normal people.

Not long after, a luxurious bus drove over.

Ye Shuang carried his small bag and boarded the luxury bus. When he sat in his seat, he realized that the three strange men also got into the luxury bus.

Moreover, the positions of these three people are just behind Ye Shuang.

The man in yellow shorts didn't put the large suitcase in the upper luggage rack, but stuffed it under the back of the seat.


When the man in yellow shorts was stuffing the suitcase, he didn't pay attention and bumped into the back of the chair in front of him, making a bang.

"Clown, pay attention!" The strong man stared at the man in yellow shorts and said slightly sternly.

"Yes, I understand!"

It could be seen that the man in yellow shorts was following the command of the strong man.

Ye Shuang sat in front and felt a collision.

There must be something metal in that suitcase, not knives or other equipment, it should be a pistol, maybe a rifle or something.

If this is the case, these three people are suspicious!

At this moment, two men and a woman walked in from the door of the luxury bus.

When the woman came in, Ye Shuang glanced, he actually knew this woman.

This woman turned out to be Lou Yixiao, a reasonable and violent policewoman from the Linhuang Branch. The two men behind her, if Ye Shuang read correctly, must be policemen, and they should be the elite of the police.

Ye Shuang couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows, it was fate that she could meet the reasonable and violent girl Lou Yixiao every time she took a bus ride.

It seems that this ride will not be smooth!

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