The King of Soldiers

Chapter 418 There are pictures and truth

Looking at another corpse, the appearance of this corpse was even more strange. There was a hole the size of a thumb on his chest.

The deceased had a painful expression on his face, clutching his chest, as if he had seen a ghost.

The forensic doctor said: "Brigadier, this corpse was found in the empty water tank of a certain family in Huangshan Village."

"On the shell of the empty water tank, there are two thumb-sized holes."

"And we found this not far from the water tank."

As he spoke, the forensic doctor picked up a small stone with tweezers.

This small rock was covered with blood, and because the temperature was too low, the blood had frozen into ice balls on it.

"The test results have come down. The blood on the stone is the blood of the deceased, and the stone basically matches the wound on the chest of the deceased and the hole in the water tank."

Hearing this, the scene was silent again.

So, someone used this small stone to shoot through the entire water tank and killed this Israeli special soldier?

It sounds like a fantasy.

You know, even if you use a slingshot to eject this small rock, at most you can only smash a hole in the water tank.

But hitting a water tank with a small stone, and even a person, is as powerful as a large-caliber pistol.

How did this man die?

Everyone was very puzzled.

Looking at the remaining three corpses, the appearance of these three corpses was even more strange.

They all had pistols in their hands, and each had a bloody hole in their temple. They had shot themselves to death!
"One bullet was missing from the pistols of the three men, and three Browning shell casings were indeed found not far from where they died."

As soon as the forensic doctor's words came out, the scene fell into silence again.

These three people committed suicide so strangely?
These five Israeli special forces all died strangely in various ways, making people creepy.

They used to be the strongest special forces in Israel!
They are kings of soldiers!
Who on earth could make them die so strangely?

Who killed those dozens of mercenaries?

Zhang Wei couldn't figure it out at all!
Finally, Zhang Wei looked at Cao Wanjin, who might be the only one who knew.

At that time, Zhang Wei came to Cao Wanjin and said, "Cao Wanjin, you have been arrested. I hope you can cooperate with us and explain the truth."

Cao Wanjin glanced at Zhang Wei and sneered.

Cao Wanjin can think about it, he knows that if he is caught, he will die, so now Cao Wanjin is very chic.

"Okay, you ask."

Zhang Wei asked: "The five of them, how did they die?"

Cao Wanjin glanced at Lin Kai, and said absently, "He killed him."

"Him?" Zhang Wei looked at Lin Kai.

Can a young boy be a master at killing Israeli special forces?

"Cao Wanjin, I hope you tell the truth! Let me ask you again, how did your dozens of subordinates die?"

Facing Zhang Wei's question, Cao Wanjin answered truthfully: "That guy flew over from the sky, and then used a clone technique, and killed more than 30 people who were exactly the same, and all my subordinates died."

Zhang Wei exploded after hearing Cao Wanjin's words.

"Cao Wanjin! If you don't cooperate with us, you will die!"

Zhang Wei is furious!
He thought Cao Wanjin was playing tricks on him!

Where is there anyone who can fly?Where is there anyone who can be cloned?
Cao Wanjin just doesn't want to cooperate with his work!

Cao Wanjin rolled his eyes: "Believe it or not."

"You!" Zhang Wei was furious.

In desperation, Zhang Wei came to Lin Kai and asked, "I hope you can answer truthfully."

Lin Kai smiled and said, "He's telling the truth."

"You!" Zhang Wei was furious again.

Both of them are playing him!

Tian Guo also laughed at this time, although she also knew that Cao Wanjin's words were too incredible, but seeing it with her own eyes, she knew that it was all true.

"Report! Brigadier, we found surveillance in Huangshan Village and copied all the content. Do you want to check it now?"

At this moment, a soldier ran over holding a computer.

When Zhang Wei heard this, his eyes lit up.

There are pictures and truth!If you watch the monitor yourself, you can understand what's going on.



The soldier turned on the computer and played the copied surveillance video.

The first scene is the scene where Lin Kai and Tian Guo are brought into the underground laboratory.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Wei frowned. Could it be that Lin Kai and Tian Guo are not with Cao Wanjin?

As soon as the camera turned, they came to the laboratory, where dozens of researchers were developing drugs.

Later, after Lin Kai said a few words, Cao Wanjin ran away in a hurry.

Next, there was a scene of Lin Kai fighting with ten Israeli special forces!

In the picture, Lin Kai beat ten people by himself. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was able to hold on.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, Lin Kai is not easy!

To be able to compete with ten Israeli special forces to this level, Lin Kai must also be a master!
But two fists are no match for four hands, Lin Kai's result is also conceivable.

I saw Lin Kai being forced into a corner, and ten Mitsubishi army thorns were inserted into Lin Kai's body!
At that time, blood was flowing, and Lin Kai saw that he was dying.

After seeing this scene, the special forces members who watched and monitored all stared wide-eyed.

During surveillance, the young man in front of him was almost dead!

And who is he?
Could it be a ghost?
Many people have goosebumps all over their bodies.

Although Zhang Wei was a little flustered in his heart, he knew that he was the brigade commander and he had to stay calm.

"Why panic? It must be fake! He is definitely not dead. If he were dead, he wouldn't be standing in front of us!"

After hearing Zhang Wei's words, everyone was relieved.

Then, ten Israeli special forces were about to deal with Tian Guo. At this moment, a vision popped up, and Lin Kai, who was dying, stood up unexpectedly!
The countless bloody wounds on his body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Through the computer screen, everyone could feel Lin Kai's devilish murderous aura!
The ten Israeli special forces under surveillance panicked at the time, raising their AK47s and shooting them in bursts.

Countless bullets shot at Lin Kai's body, only to see a burst of sparks, Lin Kai was stunned for nothing!
"Fuck..." Even Zhang Wei, who was used to seeing the big world, couldn't help but swear at this moment.

In a daze, Zhang Wei felt that he was watching a blockbuster movie in the United States instead of watching a surveillance video.

The body resists bullets!Too much!

Lin Kai stood aside with a wry smile on his face. It seems that after today's incident, he might be taken away as a guinea pig for research!

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