The King of Soldiers

Chapter 153 Mr. Tony

Even the wild wolf, who has always been very calm, couldn't help but swear at this moment, catching the bullet empty-handed, are you sure this isn't a movie?

At that time, the wolf's jaw almost fell to the ground, and the expression on the face of the Siberian wolf was also very exciting.

All three are ace special forces, what big scene haven't you seen?But they have never seen a bullet being picked up empty-handed.

The wild wolf picked up the computer and continued to play it. He had the same idea as the mountain wolf at that time. Is this kid simply lucky?

In the video, Mountain Wolf fired another shot at Lin Kai, and with a snap, Lin Kai caught the bullet again!

The wild wolf almost bit his tongue, controlled his mood, and forcibly watched.

Next, the mountain wolf burst into bursts of fire, firing out six bullets in one go!I saw Lin Kai's hands waving in the air, and even only afterimages could be seen in the video. After a second, six anesthesia bombs appeared in Lin Kai's hands!

The video ended here, and the mood of the wild wolf and the Siberian wolf could not be calmed down for a long time.

As the ace special forces, they thought that their comprehensive quality was already very strong, but when facing Lin Kai, they suddenly felt that they were not as good as a recruit.

The wild wolf took a deep breath, and after a long while, he said in a trembling tone: "The firing rate of the anesthesia bullet is not fast, plus it is a pistol. In theory, if the speed response and power are strong enough, it can be done To catch bullets empty-handed."

"But I have been a soldier for so many years, and I have never seen a soldier who is outstanding in speed, strength and reaction. Lin Kai is a good seed, no, he is a monster."

Yelang gave Lin Kai a very high evaluation.

You know, as the captain of the Langya special brigade, Yelang has a very high vision. Otherwise, after so many years, the Langya special brigade can't have only a few people, because Yelang looks down on all the newcomers Eye.

As a wolf head, He Zhijun recommended recruits to the wild wolf during the period. The recruits recommended by He Zhijun performed very well in the recruit company or in their respective companies.

But none of them can enter the eyes of the wild wolf.

After a long time, the wild wolf also began to bother He Zhijun for recommending new people to him, so he simply released the news that the Wolf Fang Special Brigade has been disbanded, you recruits, don't bother me anymore.

This time, He Zhijun found Yelang again, and he swore to him that he had found a good seedling. If Yelang didn't like him this time, He Zhijun would never introduce new people to him again.

The wild wolf agreed.

Originally, Ye Lang didn't have much hope. After all, his vision was too high. Even a good seed like He Chenguang Lengfeng couldn't fall into his eyes.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, He Zhijun really gave him a big surprise this time!

Lin Kai!

A person who made mountain wolves suffer in close combat, a person whose physique is so strong that he is not afraid of anesthesia bullets, a person whose speed even wild wolves can't catch up to, and a monster who can even catch bullets with his hands!

His appearance made the wild wolf seem to see the hope of the rise of Chinese soldiers.

"Fourteen hours have passed, more than half a day has passed, and we haven't caught that little brat yet." The wild wolf said helplessly.

"Next, mobilize all the armed police to arrest Lin Kai in all directions, and try to capture him within three hours!"

"If you delay it any longer, we will lose all face of our Spike Special Forces."

The wild wolf gritted his teeth and said.

Both the Siberian wolf and the mountain wolf nodded heavily. Next, the three of them will use their full strength to arrest Lin Kai. The three of them will go together, and they will never give Lin Kai a chance to breathe.

"Locate Lin Kai's position!" Wild Wolf ordered.

The Siberian wolf took over the computer and operated for a while, and found that Lin Kai was moving rapidly on the map. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like he was running at all, but he seemed to be taking a taxi, because the red dot on the map actually waited for the traffic light.

"Wild wolf, he took a taxi." The Siberian wolf said.

Hearing this, the wild wolf said indifferently: "Share the location with the nearby armed police soldiers, mobilize all police forces, and stop that taxi, Siberian wolf, use the fastest speed to intercept Lin Kai!"



In the taxi, Lin Kai sat in the back seat, closed his eyes and rested his mind, with a sad expression on his face.

During the seven days of practice, I only survived for fourteen hours. The wild wolves are really too tricky. Even if they fight with wheels for seven days, they will wear Lin Kai down.

During these fourteen hours, Lin Kai was tense even when he was sleeping. If this continues, Lin Kai will definitely go crazy!

I am too passive, wearing a bullshit tracker on my wrist, and still not being allowed to take it off, they are always in control of their position, how can they run?
Besides, each of the three of them has a weapon of mass destruction, a sniper rifle, a rifle, and a submachine gun. How can I fight against them?
Lin Kai was very lucky to live for fourteen hours.

If the instructor is eliminated, will he be able to survive?

Suddenly, a very bold idea appeared in Lin Kai's mind, and he looked at the bracelet on his wrist.

If you don't let yourself take it off, you can let it not send a signal!

If the three instructors lost their signals and were looking for themselves in this vast sea of ​​people, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack!
Suddenly, Lin Kai saw the taxi driver's hairstyle, the dead scumbag was hot with tinfoil!
"Master, where did you get your hairstyle?" Lin Kai asked suddenly.

The driver stroked his hair and smiled, "It's only 100 yuan from a small hair salon."

"So, master, can you take me there?" Lin Kai asked.


Ten minutes later, Lin Kai successfully arrived at the small hair salon mentioned by the taxi driver, and walked in with the taxi driver.

It's still a small hair salon, the place is not big, there are not many people, and the environment is average. The barber is a middle-aged man in his 30s with exploding green hair.

"Brother Wang, are you here? Want to change your hairstyle?" The barber recognized the identity of the taxi driver at a glance.

The taxi driver smiled and shook his head: "No, this little brother is looking for you."

He pointed to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai smiled slightly, and glanced at his wrist. The black tracker bracelet on his hand was still shining red. I believe that it won't take long for the wild wolves to come after them.

The barber looked at Lin Kai, smiled slightly, and introduced, "Hi, I'm the chief hairstylist of this barber shop, Tony."

Lin Kai almost laughed when he heard this, but he shook hands with him politely and said, "Mr. Tony, hello, I only give you 10 minutes, within 10 minutes, if you can take it In the case of the bracelet, wrap it tightly with tin foil, and I will give you ten thousand."

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