Chen Yan's goal is to kill these 20 people as soon as possible, and then enter the other life gate.

In the current situation, he also had to give it a go and take advantage of all available opportunities!

Chen Yan's sudden attack quickly achieved results.Hearing a few puffs, the three big men suddenly fell on their backs and hit the floor heavily!
There is no doubt about the strength of these people who can be responsible for the safety of the entire Divine Realm here.Seeing that Chen Yan hurt his three little friends with a sudden move, those who avoided Chen Yan's sudden attack were all surprised.

The pupils of the killers contracted slightly, and a fearful light shot out from their eyes.Especially the short fat man standing opposite Chen Yan, who gave Chen Yan a cold look, and shouted in a deep voice: "The idea is difficult, take emergency plans!"

More than a dozen other killers nodded at the same time, pulled out pistols from their waists, and pulled the trigger frantically at Chen Yan!

Chen Yan's body suddenly leaned forward, and he fell on the ground with a bang. The weapon in the backpack behind him rushed out due to inertia!

Chen Yan's shots were like lightning, and he grabbed the two submachine guns tightly without waiting for everyone to launch a second wave of attacks!

Then, the second bullet hit like a storm. Chen Yan twisted his waist, and immediately rolled ten meters away on the ground!
Fortunately, his roll coincidentally avoided this wave of dense bullets!

There was a crackling sound, and the bullets hit the ground where Chen Yan was before, kicking up a large cloud of dust!

The current situation can be said to be very critical. Of course, Chen Yan cannot sit still.

With a twist of his body, a carp stood upright and covered the ground, holding the trigger with the index fingers of both hands, and fired wildly at the killers all around!

Chen Yan decided to enter God's Domain by himself before, so of course he had made full preparations in advance.Although there is not much space for him to carry a backpack, it is filled with the most advanced weapons, and even many of them are not yet in circulation in the black market.

Although he only had two hands and two guns, he managed to suppress the attacks of more than a dozen people on the other side, which showed the strength of his firepower.

Those killers who were originally invincible were also caught off guard. After a while, half of the twenty killers fell down!
After a short period of ignorance, those killers suddenly came back to their senses. The firepower in their minds was crazily suppressed, so how dare they face their anus?After looking at each other, they began to dodge one after another.

The principle that Chen Yan has always adhered to is to take advantage of his illness to kill him. How could he let go of this good opportunity to beat the dog in the water?

He walked fast, and while chasing the fleeing killers, he shouted loudly: "Don't run, didn't you let me kowtow to you just now? Why are you scared like a bereaved dog now?"

Of course, the killers who can be sent to guard the death gate are not of the easy generation, and many of them are even retired senior killers.

God's Domain has been standing in China for 50 years. Of course, they have made many enemies or competitors during this period. Even in the last short week, they have entertained many enemies from outside.

Of course, for them, working here every day is almost abuse.Everyone is used to chasing after the enemy. Where have you ever encountered a situation where someone is chasing and running away like a lost dog?

After a while, the complexions of these senior killers turned red, and their aura became chaotic.

What's more terrible is that their faces are burning hot, as if they have been slapped severely, and they can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in!

Under the embarrassment, it is difficult for these high-level killers to fully display their strength.The diametrically opposite of them is of course Chen Yan, he just feels that the time is not with him at this time, how can he dare to neglect in the slightest?

Shortening the distance to within the range of the micro-punch in his hand, he frantically pulled the trigger. After a while, the originally noisy courtyard became quiet in an instant.

Except for his own breathing, there was no more noise.

"Bah! You still want me to kowtow to you, are you fucking worthy?"

After confirming that these 20 killers can die thoroughly, Chen Yan couldn't help but secretly spit.

After tidying up the backpack that fell on the ground, he quickly exited this dead door!
After that, Chen Yan really returned to the eyes of the five-star gossip formation.Without even thinking about it, he rushed straight into another door!
Like the previous door of death, this door of life also leads to a courtyard.

However, before he had time to see the structure of the courtyard clearly, he felt a blur in front of him, and a human wall blocked him in an instant.

Chen Yan felt his scalp go numb for a while, and before he had time to react, he heard a crackling gunshot, and a bullet said to himself like a rainstorm!

My god, how is this a dead end?
Before these words could be uttered, Chen Yan understood everything in an instant. These two gates are dead gates!
It seems that my half-baked psychology is indeed right. When I was trying to force the big man to question him, he really held back his bad thoughts and led himself into the eyes of these two dead ends.

No matter whether you doubt him or not, as long as you step into any door, you will be admitted!
Thinking of everything that happened before, Chen Yan couldn't help but gasp: It's a good plan!

Fortunately, I didn't unlock the acupoints for him, otherwise, wouldn't it be a great loss!

Before these thoughts flashed through his mind, Chen Yan leaned back and stepped out of a textbook-like iron bridge.

I heard a few muffled bangs, and all the bullets hit the door behind me!
The people standing facing each other didn't expect Chen Yan's reaction to be so quick. When they were about to aim again, they found that Chen Yan's figure disappeared immediately!

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised their eyes to look around.

However, they scanned back and forth several times to see if they found any trace of Chen Yan.

They didn't come back to their senses until there were bursts of piercing sound above their heads, and they all raised their guns to point at the dots of cold light above their heads, and started shooting crazily!

dang dang-

There was a sound of metal and iron clanging, and the flying knives gleaming with cold light in the midair suddenly fell to the ground!

Those killers didn't dare to be careless, and kept staring at the top of their heads, for fear that Chen Yan would suddenly appear and attack out of control!

However, before everyone's eyes focused on Chen Yan, they felt a tingling pain coming from the vest, and before they could turn around, they felt that all the strength in their bodies was taken away in an instant, and they all slumped on the ground!
In the blink of an eye, there were 19 more corpses on the ground!

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