The female president's melee

Chapter 542 The Upstart Who Raises Pigs


The door panel slammed heavily on Chen Yan's hand, making a dull sound.

Liu Hanshan's complexion changed drastically, and he felt his scalp go numb for a while. He didn't dare to hesitate, and slammed towards the door with all his strength, trying to make Chen Yan withdraw his hand in pain.

However, the ideal is plump and the reality is skinny. Chen Yan's big hand seemed to feel no pain, and he just pressed the door panel firmly, not moving at all.

Liu Hanshan was ashamed and annoyed, but he could only stammer: "Chen Yan, let go of your hands quickly, or I will use a knife..."

"Okay, you can go get the knife, I can wait for you..."

Chen Yan's words seemed to have reminded Liu Hanshan, his face turned pale in an instant: "You let go quickly, or I'll call someone!"

"Okay, I can wait for you!"

This kind of conversation continued for a while, Chen Yan didn't care much, he wanted to make Liu Hanshan so angry that he pressed his body firmly against the door, not even daring to take a breath.

Chen Yan just laughed: "Be good, little pig, open the door..."

An unspeakable sense of shame spread from Liu Hanshan's heart. He had never been humiliated so much in his life, and now he was over fifty, but he was coaxed like a child by a queen who could be her son. endure?
But... If he gives up patience now, there will only be one result - Chen Yan breaks in and insults him in every possible way.

The harm between the two powers was the lesser, Liu Hanshan could only suppress the anger in his heart, and his old face was flushed red.

"My dear son, do you really think that you can guard against me like this?"

"Chen Yan, you'd better not give me any chance, otherwise I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Liu Hanshan was so angry that his eyes burst into flames, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Also, you must protect your parents and family, don't give me any chance, otherwise I promise they won't end well—"

"Hehe, you can't live by committing sins!"

Although Liu Hanshan's threat didn't mean much to Chen Yan, Chen Yan couldn't help feeling angry.The big hand suddenly exerted force, and there was a bang, and the door of the presidential suite was forcibly broken down by Chen Yan!

All the strength of Liu Hanshan's body was pressed against this door panel, and he was barely able to attach any hairs. He only heard a bang, and his slightly fat body hit the ground heavily again!
"Chen Yan, bastard..."

Liu Hanshan felt that his whole body was falling apart, not to mention moving, even speaking a word made him feel extremely uncomfortable, so he could only lie on the ground obediently, panting heavily.

"You...don't come here, otherwise I will call the police!"

Chen Yan glanced at him angrily, and said with a smile: "If I were you, I would definitely not do this... If this matter makes a lot of noise, even if you are the fourth master of the Liu family in the capital, you will inevitably eat it in the end." Hang down!"

Before Chen Yan finished speaking, Liu Hanshan tightly closed his mouth.

It is true that as Chen Yan said, the most important thing for an old family like theirs is face. If this matter really becomes a big deal and everyone knows about it, wouldn't he just eat melons?
I'm afraid I can't even walk through the gate of Liu's house!

In desperation, he could only take a few heavy breaths, and secretly said harshly: "What exactly do you want?"


Smiling, Chen Yan squatted down in front of Liu Hanshan, lifted him up and put him aside, grasped the door panel with one hand, and put it on the door frame again after a while.

"There are too many people here, so it's better not to make too much noise!"

Chen Yan looked at Liu Hanshan with a smile, threw him on the bed, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't beat you, don't be afraid..."

The more Chen Yan said this, the more Liu Hanshan's heart trembled. He looked at Chen Yan with a pale face, and stammered, "In that case...why didn't you let me go?"

"Let me tell you such a complicated thing, can you understand?"

Chen Yan rolled his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly: "Okay, Mr. Liu, start packing your things now, and get ready to follow me!"

Hearing these words suddenly, the blood on Liu Hanshan's face faded away: "Where are you taking me?"

"To the Eiffel the Prague Bridge..."

Chen Yan sang with a smile, his voice suddenly became cold: "Do you think it's possible?"

Liu Hanshan shivered in shock, and immediately said awkwardly: "I don't have anything..."

Chen Yan nodded, looked around, pointed to the balcony and said, "Now there are two ways to leave, you can choose one, we both jumped off the balcony at the same time..."


Liu Hanshan suddenly jumped up from the bed, and stammered, "How could you still be alive if you jumped off the balcony?"

"Then you chose the second option?"

Speaking of which, Chen Yan took out a sharp flying knife from behind, walked to Liu Hanshan's side in a flash, held the flying knife in his hand against his back, and said with a smile: "Let's go then, don't hurt anyone. Otherwise, the flying knife in my hand will surely pierce your heart in the first place!"

Liu Hanshan's face turned pale in an instant, and he stammered: "Don't worry, how dare people not bow their heads under the eaves? I won't make things difficult for me!"

After a while, the two went downstairs.

When passing by the front desk, the cheongsam beauty who brought Chen Yan upstairs rolled her eyes and snorted angrily.

"Beauty, thank you!"

Chen Yan said with a grin: "If you ever want to eat pork, remember to call me!"

The beauty in the cheongsam didn't even look at Chen Yan, so naturally she wouldn't notice Liu Hanshan's pale, almost sickly face.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on his face.

Obviously, all of this was within his plan.

"Be honest and don't move around, or don't blame my knife, you're welcome!"

Even after walking out of the Shengguang Hotel, Chen Yan did not relax in the slightest. If he was allowed to run away at this time, or cause passers-by to watch, it would be ridiculous and generous!

Walking in front of the Wuling Hongguang parked in the parking lot, Chen Yan turned his palm into a knife and slammed it on the back of Liu Hanshan's neck.Hearing a bang, Liu Hanshan's obese body suddenly languished.

The beauty in the cheongsam was at the entrance of the hotel at this time, watching Chen Yan drive away in a Wuling Hongguang, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and she said contemptuously: "You really are a pig seller, my aunt was really blind back then, how could she fall in love with such a... ..."

As she said that, the scene of Chen Yan standing in front of the pigsty and feeding several big sows weighing hundreds of catties appeared in front of her eyes.

The face of the beauty in the cheongsam suddenly turned pale, and she shivered violently.

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