It was already four hours later when Chen Yan and Liu Qinxue landed. The reason why it took so long was because the port in the new area was under martial law and no ships were allowed to dock. The luxury cruise ship Chen Yan and others were on Nature is no exception.

The cruise ship first arrived at the port of the new area, and after seeing that it could not dock, it went to find a dock that could dock. Naturally, it took a long time.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving hand in hand, Ye Xun, who was standing on the pier, had a gleam of envy and hatred in his eyes.

However, this slightly gloomy expression only flashed across his face, and then the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a wicked smile: "Treasure yourself, your time is running out! "

"I didn't expect you to look handsome in formal clothes!"

Looking at the faint light refracted by Chaoyang's academy on Chen Yan's face, Liu Qinxue couldn't help but look sideways slightly, and said without admiration: "You don't look like you are useless!"

"My brother has too many advantages, but you have never discovered it..."

Chen Yan met the scrutinizing eyes of the beautiful CEO, and immediately showed a thin and playful smile: "If you want to know more, you need to have more in-depth exchanges!"

Liu Qinxue blushed, and spat secretly: "It's true that a dog can't spit out ivory, so it shouldn't talk to you seriously..."

"Okay, okay, good sister, quickly say a few indecent words and I'll listen to you..."

"Ah... help..."

Liu Qinxue immediately covered her ears, and let out a scream of dissatisfaction.He glared at Chen Yan fiercely, and said angrily, "I shouldn't talk to stinky rascal..."

"call out--"

Chen Yan just laughed, and before he could open his mouth, he heard a sharp piercing sound from the air.His face changed slightly, and he immediately shouted: "Don't move!"

Immediately, with a flash of his body, he hugged Liu Qinxue horizontally in his arms, bowed slightly, and rushed forward as fast as lightning!
Being picked up by Chen Yan without any warning, Liu Qinxue couldn't help exclaiming: "What happened?"


Before Chen Yan could speak, he heard a muffled sound not far away.Then, accompanied by a harsh clicking sound, a small tree as thick as a wrist hit the ground with a bang!
That small tree was exactly where Chen Yan was standing before!
In other words, if Chen Yan's movements were a second slower, the arrow might not have hit the small tree!
"Don't talk, go out and I will tell you in detail!"

In fact, when the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air just now came, Chen Yan had already realized that the opponent was using a compound bow.

In today's era where hot weapons are rampant, anyone who dares to use a cold weapon like a compound bow to hurt people is definitely a master, and not just an ordinary master.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Yan had no choice but to immediately dodge with Liu Qinxue in his arms.Although Chen Yan didn't take the other party seriously, he had to take Liu Qinxue's safety into consideration.

Even if he was rubbed against by this incomparably powerful compound bow, it would definitely not be a trivial matter.In any case, this is intolerable to Chen Yan.

Although Chen Yan was hunched over at this time, his eyes were sharp, scanning around like a ferocious beast, which was extremely frightening.However, feeling the murderous aura on Chen Yan's body, Liu Qinxue not only didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt a strong sense of security.

Chen Yan hoped to find a suitable bunker, but it didn't take long for him to be disappointed.

The pier that was docked before was a large and remote pier. Walking out of this pier, the surrounding area was deserted and looked very open. Not to mention it was a bunker, even a small mound would be hard to find.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Yan could only flee in a hurry with Liu Qingxue in his arms, and he couldn't even find where the archer was hiding.He is already multitasking now, just listening to the sound to identify the position and avoiding the bow and arrow has already consumed a lot of his trust. How can he have the energy to check the position of the archer?
"No, if you don't immediately think of a way to break the situation, it won't take long before you and your good sister will be buried under the opponent's bow and arrow!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yan couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, but his footsteps didn't stop at all.Suddenly, the sound of gurgling water reached his ears, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "My good sister, I remember your water skills are not bad..."

Liu Qinxue was taken aback: "What do you want to do?"

Before Chen Yan could answer, there was a sharp piercing sound from the side.

Chen Yan didn't have time to react at all, and subconsciously threw Liu Qinxue to the ground, rolling towards the small river like a rolling gourd.


"My good sister, I have wronged you, and hide in this water first..."

As he said that, Chen Yan glanced at the small river, and showed a gratified smile: "Fortunately, this is a remote suburb, and the river is clear, so it is right to be close to nature!"

It was only then that Liu Qinxue realized the purpose of Yan's previous words, thinking that he still put his own comfort first at such a critical moment, he couldn't help but feel a warm current flow in his heart.

As soon as Chen Yan's voice fell, he became a little self-conscious: "You...what are you going to do?"

Chen Yan sneered suddenly: "Naturally, there is revenge for revenge, revenge for revenge, good sister, you stay in the water obediently, and if something happens and an arrow shoots over, hide in the water..."

As the voice fell, Chen Yan's fingers flexed into claws, and he grabbed the shore fiercely. The originally solid ground was inserted into it with ease like tofu by Chen Yan's fingers.

With a sudden effort, the whole person flipped up like a kite soaring into the air.


Before Chen Yan could stand still, he shot three sharp arrows. The arrow clusters were made of sharp steel. Obviously, the opponent came to harvest life!

Although the three arrows were coming fiercely, it was not difficult for Chen Yan to avoid them.

However, Chen Yan didn't choose to do this. Instead, he took a run-up, did somersaults in the air, and grabbed the three arrows tightly.Taking advantage of the momentum of the impact, he raised his right hand, and three beams of light shot towards the direction of the arrow like lightning!
I have to admit that Chen Yan's moves are extremely beautiful, because the difficulty factor of this series of movements is too great, even professional acrobats may not be able to do it so easily.

Of course, Chen Yan did this not to pretend to be coercive, let alone to look good and bluff people, but to save time and deal a fatal blow to the gangsters!
Whether he dodges or confronts head-on, with these three arrows, it is difficult to concentrate and determine the opponent's position, and he can effectively take care of everything in this way.

Of course, the more important thing is that Liu Qinxue is standing in the river at this moment, if these three arrows are allowed to shoot into the river, my good sister will be in danger!
As soon as Chen Yan shot the three flying knives into the woods, there was a muffled groan in the woods.With a trembling of the branches, Chen Yan quickly locked on the opponent's position.

Not daring to have the slightest hesitation, Chen Yan swayed and rushed into the small forest not far away in the blink of an eye.

However, just after taking a few steps, he felt a stagger under his feet, and a large net instantly grew on the ground, wrapping him up.With a squeak, he was hung on the tree!

I have to admit that this scene was far beyond Chen Yan's imagination. After realizing his situation, his scalp couldn't help but tingle.

Of course, the most intense thing in my heart is an unspeakable resentment: what the hell is it now, who the hell still uses such old-fashioned methods to kill people, are you a fucking primitive society?
Before Chen Yan could stop complaining, there was a sound of slow footsteps not far away.

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