The female president's melee

Chapter 334 Mysterious Room

"Isn't this normal? Those guys are locked up on this floor. How can the bloody smell be so light?"

"I think we should be more cautious. If something like that happened before, I'm afraid we will all be to blame!"

Before the somewhat frivolous voice fell, the serious voice interrupted him: "Let's go to the monitoring room first and have a look. If something unexpected happens, we should be mentally prepared..."

"Okay—" Before the frivolous man could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

Then, two consecutive muffled sounds sounded, and the tall security guard fell to the ground with a plop!
Of course, these two young men did not fall down for no reason, but not long ago, a tall figure descended from the sky, and slashed a hand knife on the back of their necks like lightning!

The person who suddenly fell from the sky was naturally Chen Yan.

After hearing the discussion between the two, Chen Yan was startled: If they were really allowed to guard the monitoring room, wouldn't their every move be exposed?
It was precisely because of this that Chen Yan quickly removed a piece of the ceiling and jumped down from the interlayer!

Although the height of the ceiling from the ground was not short, Chen Yan's figure was as agile as a cat, and he didn't make the slightest sound.When his hand slashed on the back of the necks of two security guards, they fell to the ground without even making a sound.

Before they fell to the ground, Chen Yan grabbed their necks and shoved them to the ceiling!
After doing all this, Chen Yan exhaled a long breath, and began to look around.

He only felt that the surrounding environment was unfamiliar, obviously not the two spaces he had entered when he sneaked in last time.The last time Chen Yan entered the basement floor, he already smelled a strong smell of blood, but the smell of blood here seems to be even stronger.

It's just that Chen Yan has already smelled enough in the pipeline before, and he seems to have gotten used to this smell.But I didn't feel too uncomfortable.After cautiously looking around for a few times, his figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he had already turned this space around for a while.

When he returned to his original position, he couldn't help feeling a little shocked in his heart!
This piece of space is really too big!
If the factory building area and the basement floor that he infiltrated last time were the size of a large restricted area, then this space is the size of an entire football field.

More importantly, the layout of this floor is very standardized. There is an area that is a small room similar to a laboratory, which is filled with all kinds of glassware.There is another area where the doors and windows are tightly closed, and even those windows are sealed with wooden boards, as if they don't want a ray of light to shine inside.

It is worth mentioning that when Chen Yan passed the rooms with sealed doors and windows, he could clearly smell a pungent bloody smell emanating from them.

Chen Yan's gaze sank slightly, and he looked at the rooms that were almost completely isolated from the light source, and murmured: "If I guess correctly, this should be on the second floor of the basement or deeper, but I don't know which rooms What kind of evil is hidden in it?
As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Chen Yan swayed and appeared in front of the door of one of the rooms in the blink of an eye.It was already late at night, and those security guards seemed to have fallen asleep.In this environment of complete silence, Chen Yan calmly held his breath and put his ears on the big iron gate.


Breathing!Chen Yan actually heard a faint sound of breathing!
There is someone in this room!Even, it is likely to be sleeping now!
But why nail the doors and windows?

The employees in the pharmaceutical factory are almost all professionals, how could they make these low-level mistakes?Does a qualified medical worker not know what light means to patients?

Various thoughts flooded in, and Chen Yan couldn't help frowning slightly.

However, before he could figure it out, he heard a creaking door, followed by a series of impatient voices: "What the hell are those two idiots doing? Don't talk about it for so long. It’s just to buy some supper, even if it’s just to find a woman to have sex with, it’s enough time!”

"Brother, you've been exposed! Maybe he's so talented! You can't beat everyone to death just because you're useless!"

Immediately, there was a burst of laughter around.Many people started to chatter, like many greasy middle-aged people, these frivolous voices are still talking about eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

Of course, the most, of course, are nasty jokes.

"Both of you, go to the convenience store outside and see if those two idiots have eaten it!"

At this time, a rough voice sounded, and the other voices stopped abruptly. It seems that this person's status should not be low: "Okay, don't interrupt! You guys go around and don't let what happened last time happen again Already! Our level is the most important, and even the slightest mistake is absolutely not allowed!"

"Oh, Jimmy, are you being too cautious, our security door..."

Before the voice fell, it was interrupted by Jimmy's rough voice: "Shut up, you can go if you are told, so much nonsense!"

After these words fell, there were a few lazy voices.Responding unhappily, footsteps sounded all around.

Some of the voices got closer and closer, and Chen Yan couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.He picked up a flying knife with his fingers, quickly inserted it into the keyhole, and turned it skillfully a few times, then heard a creaking sound, and the iron door in front of him suddenly opened.

There was no time to take a closer look inside, Chen Yan shook his body and squeezed into the room immediately, closing the door behind him with a bang.

Although he was paying attention, he still made a sound.Looking out through the gap in the window of the room, I saw a group of big men with lazy but cold faces!

They seemed to be attracted by the sound of the door before, and walked towards this room quickly.But I don't know why, when they were halfway there, their expressions changed, and they retreated back in a hurry!
Soon, another wave of big men came over.

Just like last time, several people turned around before they reached the door.There were even self-deprecating smiles on the corners of his mouth, as if mocking himself for unnecessary actions.

Chen Yan was taken aback for a moment, and before he could turn around, he heard a rapid breathing sound, as if he was really pulling a bellows, and it seemed that he might die at any time!
Turning around suddenly, I saw a pair of cold eyes in the darkness!
Seeing such a scene suddenly, Chen Yan couldn't help being taken aback.It wasn't until his eyes adjusted to the dim light around him that he realized that there was actually a person on the opposite side!Although it's hard to see clearly in the dark, Chen Yan is sure that this is definitely the outline of a person!
This figure is short in stature, and the clothes on his body can barely be said to be small, but it still looks much bigger when worn on him.It's like a child wearing his father's clothes, adding a funny atmosphere to the gloomy environment at the moment.

However, Chen Yan didn't find it so funny, his face became more and more gloomy, and his brows frowned more and more tightly.Just taking a step, the figure sitting by the bed was startled, picked up a small basin on the table in front of him, and put it to his mouth to drink the gurgling cow!

The smell of blood in the air is getting stronger!

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