Chen Yan had been on guard against him for a long time, and with a big wave of his hand, he suddenly grabbed his wrist.With a sudden force, he heard a click, and his wrist was immediately crushed to pieces!


A flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Yan's mind, he raised his hand to pinch his mouth, and quickly picked out his final poison with a throwing knife like lightning.It wasn't until this time that Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Where is the place where you conduct human experiments?"

"Don't waste your energy, even if you kill me, I won't tell you!"

The security guard had basically completely lost his ability to attack at this time, and simply leaned against the wall with a disdainful smile: "Even if I tell you, it's useless, you can't go in at all!"

Chen Yan frowned, showing a sneer, and said: "Really? That may be because you have misunderstood me. I can guarantee that you will definitely speak in the end!"

"Nick, kill him!" At this moment, the security guard suddenly yelled, bent slightly, and rushed towards Chen Yan!

This scene happened so suddenly that even Chen Yan couldn't help being taken aback.With a sway of his body, he managed to dodge the collision of the security guard, and subconsciously looked in the direction he shouted before!

I saw nothing in that direction, not even a shadow of a ghost. Where did Nick come from!Chen Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly yelled that he was not good, and quickly turned around and rushed towards the security guard!


Although Chen Yan's speed was already very fast, he was still one step too late after all.Before taking two steps, the security guard pulled out the throwing knife from his shoulder, and stabbed it into his heart!
At the same time, he stretched out a middle finger towards Chen Yan, with a contemptuous smile on his face.However, before this smile could bloom, it froze instantly on his face.With a sway of his body, he fell to the ground with a thud!
Chen Yan was taken aback for a moment, then heaved a long sigh.However, he didn't dare to hesitate too much, and with a sway of his body, he began to grope for the security guard.

It's just that, after searching all his pockets, he couldn't find anything except the key to the factory gate.

It seems that this Paradise Pharmaceutical Factory is indeed cautious enough, even the security captain only gave him a key!If there is no accident, I am afraid that he does not have permission to enter other places here!

This means that even if he finds this place for human experiments, it is very difficult to get in!

Even so, Chen Yan did not give up, but gradually relaxed his tense mood and took several deep breaths in a row.He went upstairs again and woke up the three security guards who had been knocked unconscious by him.

"Now, let me ask the question, the first person to answer me will live, and the other two... Hehe!"

Chen Yan sneered, and the fly in his hand spun in his hand.Even though the three security guards were all battle-tested strongmen, they couldn't help but look sideways at this moment, and there was a trace of solemnity in their gazes looking at Chen Yan.

Even, thinking of the scene that happened before, someone started to chew.

"Don't try to commit suicide, the poison in your mouth has been taken out by me!"

As he said that, Chen Yan showed an evil smile, and said darkly: "I advise you to cooperate with me honestly, otherwise, I guarantee that you will regret not dying early!"

As he said that, the murderous aura on Chen Yan rushed towards the three security guards like a tide!
Although these three people are not ordinary people, they are also more sensitive to the perception of murderous intent.Not long after resisting for a while, his body began to tremble violently, his eyes were full of fear, and his voice trembled slightly: "Who the hell are you, what do you want to know?"

"You are all security guards here, what are your tasks?"

The three of them were taken aback at the same time, obviously they didn't expect Chen Yan to ask such a simple question.I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.


The corner of Chen Yan's mouth curved into a cruel arc, and the flying knife in his hand had already pierced a person's heart!The man didn't even have time to make a sound, and he swallowed his breath immediately!

The two security guards suddenly widened their eyes, their eyes filled with fear.Before he could speak, he heard Chen Yan's voice: "Oh, I'm sorry, I may have forgotten to say it just now, if you all keep silent, I will kill someone at random!"

Chen Yan's voice was extremely cold. The two security guards had just been attacked by Chen Yan's murderous intent, and they were stimulated again. Before Chen Yan could finish speaking, the two of them shuddered.


As soon as Chen Yan's nasal voice fell, one of the slightly shorter security guards collapsed immediately, and said in a trembling voice: "I said... I said! Our task is to patrol the park, and patrol the park, Don't let anyone in!"

"Is what he said true?" Chen Yan had another throwing knife gleaming with coldness in his hand, and asked with a smile as he kept making gestures at the heart of the security guard who had never spoken.

Although Chen Yan's smile was gentle, the security guard who had never spoken only felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet and shivered shiveringly. Although he didn't speak, he nodded embarrassingly.

"The security work here is so strict, there must be some top-secret places, I'm afraid even you can't easily set foot in it?"

Before Chen Yan's voice fell, the faces of the two of them immediately turned pale. After looking at each other, they closed their mouths at the same time as if in agreement.

Chen Yan raised his brows, and the flying knife plunged into the shoulder of the security guard next to him!


These security guards really deserved to be tough guys, and they just groaned when they were questioned like this, and even Chen Yan couldn't help but secretly praised them.

However, the admiration is the admiration, his voice is still as cold as before: "I will give you another chance, within three numbers, if no one has spoken, I don't mind killing you two, after all, there are so many living people Woolen cloth!"

The expressions of the two security guards changed again. After all, there are not so many people who can face death calmly.

After getting the confessions from the two people almost at the same time, Chen Yan slammed down on the back of the heads of the two of them. They didn't even groan, and they immediately collapsed to the ground.

Glancing at the security guard lying in a pool of blood, Chen Yan couldn't help but sighed.Although his harsh words just now were harsh, he actually didn't want to kill too many people, even if they deserved what they deserved.

After a cold snort, his body swayed, and he immediately appeared on the basement floor.

According to the statements of the two security guards, Chen Yan went straight to a corner in the southwest direction.Subconsciously looked at the surrounding walls, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

Chen Yan glanced at the time, it was not long before dawn.Now he must find as many as possible as quickly as possible, because after this time, the other party will definitely strengthen their defenses.

In that case, it will not be so easy to sneak in again.


Taking several deep breaths in a row, Chen Yan calmed down again, and began to patiently search for any abnormalities in this place.

Hard work pays off, just after he went round and round in this place for nearly half an hour, when he was leaning against the wall to rest for a while, feeling exhausted, he suddenly felt a shaking behind him, as if something was caught by him. Like a trigger.

There was another sound of springs and brackets turning, and a wall behind Chen Yan slowly rose, revealing a touch screen.

Chen Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a smile: This is a sub-question!

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