The female president's melee

Chapter 230 Food poisoning?

Chen Yan has undergone professional training, and his eyesight range far exceeds that of ordinary people.However, standing on the twenty-story building, although he couldn't see the woman's face clearly, he saw a beige color, which was the color of Xu Yan's suit!
This incident happened too suddenly, but Chen Yan quickly calmed down.The most important thing now is to make sure that Xu Yan is still in the banquet hall on the eighth floor!Seeing that beige figure being stuffed into a car, Chen Yan's heart skipped a beat!
A bad premonition grew in his heart, Chen Yan quickly took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the words "emergency calls only" on the screen, he couldn't help cursing secretly, rushed to the front of the guardrail, and suddenly fell down!

The Victoria Hotel can be regarded as a signboard of Zhonghai. How could there be no mobile phone signal in such an important place?

The only possibility: this was done on purpose!

More importantly, the time is too tight now!There was no time to go back to the eighth floor to check if Xu Yan was there, because as long as he did so, the clues to the car that took the beige figure would be completely cut off!
Under such circumstances, Chen Yan did not dare to take such a risk!

For a twenty-story building, even professional construction workers dare to climb it only after adequate preparation.However, to Chen Yan, this was nothing.

Relatively speaking, jumping from a hotel building is much simpler than a hospital building.Following the drainage pipe, it didn't take long for Chen Yan to land firmly on the ground!

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yan never blinked, his eyes fixed on the car that took away the beige woman.As soon as he landed, he rushed to the road and stopped a taxi. Before the driver could speak, he put a thick wad of RMB into the driver's hand: "Come down first, wait for me here, I After you come back, the 1 yuan will be yours!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the driver to speak, he lifted him off, got into the car, and stepped on the accelerator!


It wasn't until his taxi left in the dust that the driver woke up like a dream and shouted, "Damn it, what the hell will you do if you don't come back?"

However, where is the shadow of his taxi in front of him?
Glancing at the heavy 1 yuan in his hand, the driver uncle let out a long sigh, sat on the bench at the bus stop by the side of the road, and stared wistfully at the direction in which the car disappeared.At the same time, he clasped his hands together and murmured: "My taxi is so well maintained, you must drive slowly!"

Although the uncle driver's prayer was distracted, Chen Yan didn't hear it. Since the taxi started, Chen Yan never took his foot off the accelerator, and the speed of the taxi reached [-] all the way.

This is also a matter of no choice. When the car was snatched, the black Audi car had long since disappeared.What's more, when he jumped off the building just now, he was already distracted, and it was too far away from any car, so it was impossible to see the license plate clearly!

Without the slightest hesitation, he made a call: "Li Yu, immediately hack into Zhong Hai's traffic monitoring network, and dropped the surveillance video of the road in front of the Victoria Hotel gate within 2 minutes, and found a beige-clothed man lying on a stretcher. Woman, keep an eye on the car she got on, and report the direction to me at all times!"

Before he could finish speaking, another call came in.Seeing the name displayed on the screen, Chen Yan frowned slightly, and said, "I'll call you in 2 minutes!"

Then, he connected the phone, and before he could speak, he heard a familiar voice from the microphone: "Chen Yan, where are you now? You should go to the hospital quickly, Dr. Xu just suffered from food poisoning, Zheng Shiqi has sent her to the hospital!"

This voice exploded like a thunderbolt, and Chen Yan's heart that had been suspended instantly fell to the ground.However, before he swallowed this breath, he felt a burst of anger rushing towards Tianling Gai, and said loudly: "Are you fucking stupid, how could food poisoning occur so quickly?"

In a car one kilometer away from the Victoria Hotel, Su Renhui's face instantly turned pale when he heard the busy tone coming from the microphone.He slapped the steering wheel with a slap, and said angrily, "Fuck! You're embarrassing in front of this kid again!"

After the voice fell, he quickly dialed the number of the emergency room of a central hospital.However, after hanging up the phone, his face immediately turned livid, and he said, "Zheng Shiqi, you fucking screwed me up!"

When he was at the Victoria Hotel, Su Renhui had been calling Chen Yan all the time. The purpose was to sell this guy well, so that he would forget about the embarrassing scene in the mall.

Unexpectedly, not only did it fail to sell well, but it was also despised by people!
It is common knowledge that food poisoning is a chronic disease. Even a doctor of medicine made a mistake, but let Chen Yan, a layman who works as a bodyguard, tell the truth. It is really a slap in the face of Hong Guoguo!
"Zheng Shiqi, don't fucking mess around, or else I'm afraid I won't be able to hold my head up in front of this kid for the rest of my life!"

Su Renhui has a weird temper, but his IQ is extremely high. Although he is not familiar with Zheng Shiqi, he quickly realized the boy's purpose.At this time, he could only pray that nothing happened to Xu Yan, otherwise, the matter would be serious.

After taking several deep breaths in a row, he squeezed out a smile and called Chen Yan again.However, before I could speak, I heard a shout from the opposite side: "Say something meaningful, otherwise, tomorrow I will write your embarrassing story as a joke and send it out!"

"Don't...don't..." With a dry laugh, Su Renhui hurriedly said, "Brother, I'm outside the hotel now, what can I do for you?"


Feeling the sincerity in Su Renhui's words, the anger in Chen Yan's chest slowly dissipated.I didn't want to say anything to him at first, but thinking of Zheng Shiqi's wishful thinking about Xu Yan, he frowned immediately, and said slowly: "Go to the suburbs first, and I will tell you where to meet !"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yan's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he said, "Zheng Shiqi, you must not do such stupid things, otherwise, I will definitely send you to hell!"

After Chen Yan's words fell, the temperature in the car dropped a lot.He didn't even realize that this beautiful doctor who originally only wanted to amuse him occupied such a heavy weight in his heart!

Just as Chen Yan and Su Renhui were desperately rushing towards the outskirts of the city, two police cars slowly drove out of the gate of the Nancheng Sub-bureau, and rushed towards the Victoria Hotel like lightning!

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