After retracting her arm, Guo Jingyi explained to Shi Lei what she meant. It turned out that Guo Jingyi suddenly thought of something when she saw what they gave up.

To put it bluntly, it is to let everyone look at each other, among the things they gave up, who needs it, and if it is useful, then take it.

In this way, the waste of materials can be avoided as much as possible. After all, it is not easy for them to obtain these things. It would be a pity if they just lost them. If they can still play a role, it is naturally good.

While listening to Guo Jingyi's words, Shi Lei nodded his head from time to time to express his support, and when Guo Jingyi finished speaking, the words hadn't finished yet.

He heard Shi Lei blurt out: "I think it's good." After finishing speaking, Shi Lei turned his head to look at the other people, and after a pause, he asked everyone: "What do you think?"

In the latter words, Shi Lei didn't want to put on airs, but he wanted to say as few words as possible to save his saliva. They were so close, everyone naturally heard the conversation between Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi.

Hearing this, everyone was quiet and thought for a while, and then they all responded, saying that there is no problem, just like what Guo Jingyi said, it is lost anyway, if other people find it useful, then the relationship is good.

The first person to agree was Taya. She tidied up her things swiftly and then stood up.

While looking at everyone's feet, he said at the same time: "Of course, even if you don't ask, I have to take a look."

During the short period of time they were talking, Shi Lei took the opportunity to quickly organize the things in the backpack, after confirming that there was nothing to throw away.

Shi Lei pulled up his backpack and carried it directly behind his back. Others who did not agree after expressing their agreement also took advantage of the time when Taya and Shi Lei were talking.

After packing up, everyone stood up one after another, followed closely by Shi Lei. After he stood up straight, the first thing he did was to move around, because his neck was sore from keeping his head down.

Then he lowered his eyes and glanced at his feet, because when Xi Chuyu squatted down, he deliberately vacated some space for Shi Lei, so that he could have a place to put things.

Shi Lei noticed this point just now, Xi Chuyu's picking speed is the slowest, it's not because she is dawdling, but because Xi Chuyu is reluctant to pretend.

Before entering the passage, they screened it on the beach, and now they are all loaded with Xi Chuyu's precious things. Every time she picks up something, she is reluctant to put it down.

After all, in such a place where materials are scarce, it is not easy to obtain a tool. In fact, not only Xi Chuyu, but also other people feel the same way.

"Is everyone packed?"

But everyone also knew in their hearts that Shi Lei and the others would never choose to do this if they were not forced to do so, there was nothing they could do.

Speaking of which, among them, Shi Lei seems to throw out the most things, because Shi Lei threw out some of the tools he obtained earlier.

Because it has been useless, Shi Lei didn't want to carry these things on his back. After taking out the things on the ground, he put the backpack on his back, and it obviously felt much lighter.

Seeing that everyone remembered everything, Shi Lei asked a question, and everyone responded, saying that it's all right, except Mo Tingzhi, who is right where he is, cosplaying the Statue of Liberty.

Hearing this, Shi Lei nodded and smiled, "Well, let's go back to the place we came from, and take a short distance back."

Walk out of the place where they are standing now, and follow the queue to look over one by one. Whoever wants it can just pack it up, and then continue to move forward and leave here directly. The people behind don't delay too long.

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei swallowed his saliva, and immediately fell silent. After talking so much at once, Shi Lei felt his throat was starting to smoke.

If it weren't for the limited water source, he promised that he would definitely be able to drink a large glass of water at this time. When the others heard the words, they all talked about each other and started discussing in a low voice.

The main content was to ask other people what they threw out, and then asked what other people wanted, Shi Lei was not interested in picking up things again, so he just listened casually, without paying attention.

At this moment, Shi Lei felt someone tugging on his sleeve, his left hand, Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, turned his head and saw Guo Jingyi who was supposed to be standing beside him.

He was squatting on the ground, and at the same time he still didn't forget to stretch out his hand to grab him, Shi Lei felt strange, and couldn't help but opened his mouth to ask: "Jingyi, what's wrong?"

When Guo Jingyi heard this, she shook her body and raised her head to look at people, which was quite uncomfortable. Hearing this, Guo Jingyi stretched out her other hand and pointed to Mo Tingzhi behind her.

At the same time, he did not forget to draw back his right hand and said, "I guess, Mo Tingzhi wants to give you the Ye Mingzhu." After Guo Jingyi finished speaking, she directly looked away, lowered her head and stopped talking.

Shi Lei followed Guo Jingyi's words, raised his eyes and looked at Mo Tingzhi, he and Mo Tingzhi looked at each other, and when he saw the person opposite, he directly stretched out the hand holding Ye Mingzhu in front of him.

Mo Tingzhi didn't say much, and said directly and succinctly: "Here." Seeing that Shi Lei didn't reach out to grab it, he wasn't in a hurry, he just stood upright like that, maintaining his raised arms.

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand to take the Ye Mingzhu. After Mo Tingzhi waited for Shi Lei to hold the Ye Mingzhu tightly, he quickly retracted his arm.

Shi Lei couldn't help but see three black lines appearing on his forehead, he glanced at the backpack on Mo Tingzhi's back, raised his eyebrows, opened his mouth, and finally swallowed back what he wanted to ask.

Shi Lei didn't want everyone to pay attention to the explosives that Mo Tingzhi was carrying, although Shi Lei wanted to ask Mo Tingzhi, isn't he tired of carrying this heavy backpack of explosives?

He felt hesitant looking at it, Mo Tingzhi didn't ignore Shi Lei's burning gaze, although Shi Lei wasn't looking at him, Mo Tingzhi didn't say anything.

After Shi Lei complained a few words in his heart, he drew his attention away, and started to mutter in his heart, how long will they have to walk before they can get out of this ghost place.

No matter how big the place is, there will be an end. If they didn't go out, it's just that they didn't find the exit. Maybe they overlooked something.

"Could it be that you encountered a 'ghost hitting the wall'?"

Shi Lei recalled their experiences in the past few days, especially after entering the tunnel, and couldn't help but mutter.

The voice was very low, Guo Jingyi, who had just stood up, couldn't hear what he was saying clearly, but Shi Lei couldn't help jumping up in shock.

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