But if you observe carefully, you will find that Shi Lei's footsteps are erratic, lack of confidence, to put it bluntly, he is weak, Shi Lei clenched his fists hanging by his sides, but he couldn't use any strength.

Under such circumstances, even if Shi Lei wanted to deal with an enemy alone, it would be a problem. After studying with Xi Chupeng for so long, Shi Lei still knows this.


After trying several times in a row, they all failed, Shi Lei didn't count on it anymore, his shoulders immediately relaxed, and he sighed weakly.

Shi Lei didn't want to think about it any more, the truth was too painful, after he came to his senses, he still had to face the reality, Shi Lei mumbled in a very low voice, even the people closest to Shi Lei couldn't hear clearly what Shi Lei was saying What.

But they can't stand here forever, Shi Lei put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked up at everyone, from the corner of his eyes, subconsciously glanced at the hole that has become as big as the hole they came up from .

I don't know if my previous guess was right, but no matter what, Shi Lei didn't dare to stay longer, be more vigilant, there is nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei moved his stiff body, and said lightly: "Let's talk as we walk, we can't stay here for long."

The voice was not deliberately raised, but even so, it was still exceptionally loud in the quiet passage. This sentence is like a switch.

Let the people who were restless and restless put their hearts back in their stomachs in an instant, as if they had found a backbone and had a direction.

While talking, Shi Lei secretly gave Xi Chuyu a wink, and the woman seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection with Shi Lei, the two looked at each other, and Xi Chuyu understood Shi Lei's meaning in seconds.

She nodded slightly, turned the Ye Mingzhu in her hands, and lowered the height of her raised arms, maintaining a movement that made Xi Chuyu feel uncomfortable.

When this series of actions ended, Xi Chuyu had already turned around and walked forward along the middle of the passage.

"Let's go."

Shi Lei tugged at the backpack strap on his back, said something lightly, and then followed, but Shi Lei didn't walk next to each other, but followed behind Xi Chuyu.

Seeing this, everyone felt strange in their hearts, although they more or less guessed that it should be because of the agency just now.

But everyone still felt that there was no need to do this. After all, Bai Xuefeng's experience just now reminded them that no one would push the wall to the death.

Everyone heard the words, and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, be careful, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is a little inconvenient to talk like this.

While thinking about it, everyone walked out for a short time without knowing it, and when they came back to their senses, they heard Taya's somewhat tangled voice.

Everyone saw Taya's anomaly at the entrance of the cave before, but she never said anything, so everyone didn't ask, but this doesn't mean that everyone was not curious.

"I always feel that the smell under that hole is very familiar." Taya quickly satisfied everyone's curiosity, but the content made everyone excited, and then sank to the bottom of the valley.

As Taya spoke, she paused, and she didn't care about everyone's quiet reaction, and continued: "Or, the smell of blood is a bit familiar, and I probed to listen carefully, there may be a snake den underneath."

Although Taya spoke very conservatively, her tone sounded very certain. Obviously, Taya was very confident in her judgment. Speaking of which, it was very possible.

After all, that trap gave everyone a very bad feeling. When it was just opened, it had a strong smell of blood and was murderous. Otherwise, how could they not discuss it first before rushing on their way?

Everyone was thinking about things in their hearts, and no one spoke for a while, only the footsteps of everyone on the road were left in the passage, which seemed a bit abrupt and weird against the backdrop of the environment.

As Shi Lei was walking, for some reason, he turned his head and glanced behind him. While walking, he leaned out his upper body deliberately, and with a glance, he could see all the figures of the crowd.

They didn't fall behind, Shi Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, there were enough people, just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard Guo Jingyi's somewhat uncertain voice behind him.

"Listen... is there a hissing sound from a snake?" Guo Jingyi said with some hesitation, but before she finished speaking, everyone's footsteps suddenly stopped.

In an instant, the passageway became quiet. For example, the sound of feathers falling to the ground can be heard, which is definitely not an exaggeration.

However, everyone was not in the mood to care about these things at this time, and they were all pricking their ears, looking for the voice Guo Jingyi said.

At the beginning, they were more or less lucky, maybe because the footsteps were too messy, Guo Jingyi heard something wrong.

After a few seconds of silence, everyone's faces suddenly became ugly, turning blue and purple, which was very exciting, because just like Guo Jingyi said, there was really the sound of a snake spitting out a snake letter.

Shi Lei gritted his teeth and cursed bad luck in his heart, he couldn't bear to say that Guo Jingyi was a crow's mouth, but they couldn't just stand here forever.

After thinking about it, Shi Lei clenched his fists, took two deep breaths, let his tense body relax, and then pretended to be calm and said: "Hurry up, be careful not to fall behind!"

Before the words fell, Shi Lei heard Xi Chuyu standing in front of him, and he responded seriously, and then walked forward cautiously, although the speed was not fast, but in the blink of an eye, the place he was going to pass in front of him was illuminated like daylight , let Shi Lei and everyone have a panoramic view of the situation.

Just like the passages in other places, it is plain and nothing special, but Shi Lei, who understands the designer's urgency, knows that it is definitely not that simple.

He didn't dare to be careless, listening to the sound of the snake spitting out the letter, it became more and more clear, and there was a feeling that the number had increased. This discovery made Shi Lei very nervous.

He didn't dare to continue dawdling, he hurriedly greeted everyone, followed Xi Chuyu in front, and walked forward quickly, everyone thought so in their hearts.

Hearing this, everyone responded, and quickly walked several meters. On the way, everyone walked, looking back from time to time, for fear that if they were not careful, a big snake would appear.

Before they knew it, everyone lost their mood and continued to pay attention to the snake, because they had already gone a long way, stopped and listened on the way, and there was no sound of the snake letter.

Although everyone was a little uncertain about whether the snake had caught up or not, but it was better than a real danger lurking around.

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