When Shi Lei woke up again, he opened his eyes, only to feel that his eyes were pitch black, and Shi Lei hadn't fully woken up at that time.

Therefore, after seeing the scene in front of him, he was stunned and froze in a daze. His two elbows rested on the ground, and his upper body, that is, his back, was slightly off the ground.

Maintaining this movement, Shi Lei stayed there for a few seconds before he suddenly came back to his senses, because Shi Lei felt his arm was particularly sore.

But within a few seconds, he felt the strength on his elbow gradually disappear, leaving him no strength at all to maintain such a movement.

The soreness brought Shi Lei back to his senses suddenly, he turned his head and looked around in the darkness, he could not see the darkness with his hands, it made Shi Lei remember.

They were resting in the passage, he just woke up, as for why the light he saw before disappeared, Shi Lei sat up.

While moving his arms, he turned his head and glanced at the coordinates. Seeing the same pitch-black area over there, Shi Lei instantly understood.

In fact, you can guess it without looking. It means that the torch burns out and then goes out. After all, it has been burning for so long.

Seeing this, Shi Lei couldn't help but muttered to himself, as soon as the words came out, Shi Lei couldn't help but burst out laughing, he just laughed at himself for being stupid for no other reason, not to mention whether there was anything that could keep the fire.

They still have matches left in their hands, so they don't have to bother to make kindling, but there is only kindling, and there is no thing that can keep the fire burning, so what's the use.

Let alone combustibles, they don't even have a single piece of wood. Cough, the strips of cloth tied to the space blanket don't count, after all, the cloth is considered to be on fire.

At most, it can only be used as a kindling of fire. If it can't burn for a minute, it will turn into ashes. What's the use?See a light show?
Thinking of this, Shi Lei couldn't help rolling his eyes, and smiled self-deprecatingly, but even so, Shi Lei still couldn't help feeling sorry.

I couldn't help but think, if he didn't rest directly before, but got the torch first, maybe there was a way to get a torch with the remaining wooden stick?
"Alas!" Shi Lei couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Although Shi Lei hadn't checked the time yet, his intuition told him that he had slept for a long time.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei subconsciously rolled his eyes, even he himself didn't understand why he would be in a daze, thinking about such a boring thing.

While complaining about himself in his heart, Shi Lei sat up straight, and he just moved and sat up. He was too tired before, so Shi Lei lay down on the ground in a daze.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, now that I'm awake, Shi Lei feels back pain after moving his body a little bit, when he got up from the ground, Shi Lei wished he could just lie down like this and never get up again.

Cough, of course, this is just a joke, if Shi Lei can't move while lying down, for him, it's better to let him die.

Shi Lei was so tired before, even after waking up now, he still feels sore and limp all over, so Shi Lei didn't even want to move his fingers.

However, Shi Lei's rationality told him that he couldn't lie down anymore, otherwise he would definitely fall asleep, and he didn't know how long he had been asleep, it should have been an hour.

"It's been two hours already!"

While guessing in his heart, Shi Lei lifted the arm tied with the watch. When the arm was lifted, the sleeve that grew to the wrist automatically fell to the elbow.

After all, it is a hospital gown, and the baggy one is like a big show. Shi Lei lowered his eyes, glanced slightly, and saw the current time clearly in an instant.

Shi Lei's face changed suddenly, his body was stiff, after a while, he finally came back to his senses, and his face returned to calm.

He really didn't expect that he had slept for so long, could it be because he was too tired before?It's very possible, after all, they rushed into the space under the passage.

I haven't rested at ease, and the appearance of the mysterious person who can disguise makes everyone's nerves extremely tense. Now I finally relax, and the instinct of the body will execute the consciousness deep in my heart.

While thinking about it, Shi Lei sketched the place where they are now in his mind, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth, although the environment here is also quite cheating, but after all, they came up.

Shi Lei curled his lips in anger, actually he didn't even understand what he was angry about, "I don't know if everyone is awake."

Before he went to bed, he still wanted to be on guard for Taya, when Shi Lei thought of this, the guilt and embarrassment in his heart couldn't be restrained.

Thinking of everyone, Shi Lei belatedly noticed the surrounding environment, why is it so quiet here?Not even a sound?

While muttering in his heart, Shi Lei turned his head and looked around resolutely, after a few glances, Shi Lei gave up directly.

After all, in the ground, there are no holes, no mechanisms, no lighting, and he doesn't have night vision, so it's strange that he can see things.

Helpless, Shi Lei could only give up using his eyes to check the surrounding situation, and instead use his ears to listen to the movement around him. Gradually, Shi Lei's uneasiness in his heart was magnified by the quiet darkness.

It's no wonder Shi Lei was so anxious, it's not like they haven't walked through dark places.

"Could it be, what happened again?!"

With experience in this area, they now have a total of five people, two men, three women, and there are quite a few of them. Even if everyone is resting, it is impossible for them to be so quiet.

After thinking about it, Shi Lei blurted out a thought. After he finished speaking, before his voice fell, his heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Their luck has not been very good recently, so it's no wonder that Shi Lei thought so, hesitating for a moment, Shi Lei reached out and groped for the place where he put his backpack before going to sleep.

To Shi Lei's surprise, he really let him touch the backpack. Feeling the touch in his hand, Shi Lei pinched it with his fingers, it was the texture of the backpack fabric they used, there was nothing wrong with it.

Shi Lei couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, he had already imagined a thrilling and terrifying drama in his mind just now, referred to as drama essence.

He thought that he and everyone were stunned by the secret enemy during the rest, and then secretly moved to another place.

It may be those people's dungeons, prisons or other places, or they may be thrown into places with many institutions, but he did not expect that this would be the case.


After Shi Lei muttered something very embarrassing, he grabbed the backpack and pulled it towards him vigorously, Shi Lei picked up the backpack in the air.

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