His face was blushing and his neck was thick, he had already felt uncomfortable, Shi Lei saw Taya's reaction, as if he was fine.

This made Shi Lei both envious and admired. At the same time, Shi Lei felt sorry for her even more. If he hadn't suffered a lot before, how could he be like this now.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei paused, and added: "If I'm tired, I'll let others drag my backpack, you go and rest."

Hearing this, Taya felt very happy in her heart, and the smile on her face became brighter and brighter, "It's okay, when I was young, I went out to rob with my tribe every day. I was too young to go hunting, so I could only climb a tree to warn everyone."

When she first started talking, Taya spoke cheerfully, and the nostalgia and joy in her voice made people yearn for her at that time.

But when she thought that her clan, tribe, and relatives had left her and would never be able to return, Taya's voice gradually dropped.

Emotions also turned into loss, "Over time, I got used to it..." At the end, the voice was so low that it was more like talking to himself, so low that it made people feel distressed.

This topic was brought up by Shi Lei, seeing that Taya was sad, Shi Lei wished to slap himself, scolding himself in his heart for being stupid, what to do with nothing.

It only increased troubles and reminded Taya of sad things. Shi Lei thought about it, organized his words in his mind, and just opened his mouth to speak, he wanted to comfort Taya.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, she was interrupted by Taya. After a few seconds of silence, Taya regained her composure and smiled at Shi Lei.

Changed the subject and said: "It's okay, don't comfort me, let's continue." While talking, Taya began to pull up the harpoon vigorously.

The main thing is to move the handle of the harpoon up, and move the body back. When she was talking to Shi Lei, Mo Tingzhi took the opportunity to tie the backpack to the handle of the harpoon.

The reason why Taya didn't notice it was because Mo Tingzhi had been standing where he was after he was tied up, holding the backpack with the explosives on his shoulders without moving.

Therefore, the weight was the same as if there was no weight. Taya just pulled the harpoon vigorously and felt that the harpoon was being pulled by the tip of the harpoon.

After she came back to her senses, she took a closer look and noticed this. Seeing that Taya moved, Mo Ting took off the backpack on her shoulder.

Changed the backpack to another place, supported the bottom of the backpack with both hands, and as Taya pulled it up little by little, Mo Tingzhi gritted his teeth and lifted the backpack up.

He didn't stop until his arms were stretched straight. In this way, Taya needed more energy.

She was so busy all by herself, so she naturally felt a little strenuous, she moved on the ground for a while, and only moved a few inches.

If it continues at this speed, Mo Tingzhi's backpack can only be dragged up in the year of the monkey. After all, strength is loaded with explosives.

Unlike their backpacks filled with messy equipment, just when Taya was depressed, she heard a voice behind her suddenly, "Taya, let me help you."

The voice was a very familiar female voice, soft and soft, without turning her head, Taya knew that it was Xi Chuyu who was speaking, and while speaking, Xi Chuyu stood up from the ground with hands and feet.

Then he walked quickly towards the edge, there was not much distance between them, just a few steps away, Xi Chuyu squatted down beside Taya.

Bending down and stretching out her arms, Xi Chuyu grabbed the harpoon handle with one hand, and Xi Chuyu pulled the harpoon up vigorously. With that posture, those who didn't know it thought they were playing a tug-of-war.

Although Xi Chuyu didn't have much strength, but if two people act together, it saves a lot of energy than one person, which also makes Taya feel more relaxed.

Taya secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she and I looked at each other, smiled, and a look of determination flashed in their eyes, although the two didn't say anything more.

But the thoughts in their hearts were the same, the two cooperated to pull up the harpoon little by little, but in a short while, the two of them pulled the harpoon up halfway.

"Sitting is boring anyway, so count me in."

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind again, which was different from Xi Chuyu's weak-sounding voice, which made people feel that this person was easy to bully.

There was a hint of laziness in the voice, and a hint of hoarseness, which made the voice even more sexy. People couldn't help but look forward to what kind of beauty the owner of this voice would be, with flaming red lips.

It's a pity that what appeared was a woman who looked a bit arrogant and conceited, with a wry smile on her face, it was Bai Xuefeng!
But everyone was used to Bai Xuefeng like this, and no one said anything. Taya and Xi Chuyu concentrated on pulling the harpoon, for fear that an oversight would cause the harpoon to fall.

No one in the mood to care about these things, so neither of them talked to Bai Xuefeng, Bai Xuefeng was not angry when she saw this, she turned over and stood up from the ground.

As soon as she took a step, she wanted to go to the edge. Guo Jingyi, who was on the side, had been paying attention to the situation here, and she was also secretly paying attention to Bai Xuefeng.

Seeing this, Guo Jingyi also stood up. She didn't go that way, but squatted next to Taya's calf after getting up.

Then she reached out and grabbed Taya's ankle, seeing Bai Xuefeng walking behind Xi Chuyu, Guo Jingyi no longer hesitated in her heart, and hurriedly opened her mouth to stop her.

"Don't pull the harpoon all the time, come over and hold Taya's leg with me to prevent her from falling." Guo Jingyi's words were not just an excuse.

In fact, that's what she really thought in her heart. It happened that Guo Jingyi was wary of Bai Xuefeng because of what she saw before, so naturally she couldn't let Bai Xuefeng intervene.

But even if you stop her, you have to find a proper reason. This is just suitable for Bai Xuefeng, after all, it is under the premise of holding Taya not to fall.

He still had to look for the opportunity to drag Taya back. In this regard, Xi Chuyu was not suitable. There were only a few of them here. If Guo Jingyi's name was not Bai Xuefeng, who else could she find?
Therefore, after Guo Jingyi said it, she was not worried that Bai Xuefeng would suspect anything, she just didn't know, did Bai Xuefeng know, she saw it...

When Bai Xuefeng heard the words, she paused, she was on the same spot, and turned her head to look at Guo Jingyi, a trace of displeasure and coldness quickly flashed in her eyes.

If Guo Jingyi hadn't been secretly observing Bai Xuefeng, she would have missed it, or felt that she was dazzled, but in the blink of an eye, Bai Xuefeng's expression returned to normal.

She seemed to be thinking about Guo Jingyi's words, her gaze was between Taya and Guo Jingyi, and after glancing back and forth a few times, she turned around and walked straight towards Taya.

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