The person who came up was Bai Xuefeng, so it was no wonder that Xi Chuyu showed such an indescribable expression. It was really no wonder she was there. Anyone who suddenly saw a thin person with three backpacks on his body would be shocked.

After all, firstly, Bai Xuefeng is very thin and looks fragile, and secondly, although one backpack is not too heavy for one person to carry, three of them add up.

In addition, he had to climb up from below, so much effort. Thinking of this, the expression on Xi Chuyu's face became even weirder, and he felt a little admiration for Bai Xuefeng in his heart.

Thinking, Xi Chuyu got up from the ground, because when she was in a daze, from the corner of her eyes, she noticed that Taya, who was sitting opposite, suddenly stood up.

Then she walked towards Bai Xuefeng who had just climbed up, was panting tiredly, and her breathing was messy. Seeing this, Xi Chuyu couldn't sit still alone.

Bai Xuefeng took so many things, she had to go over to help pick them up no matter what, thinking, Xi Chuyu suppressed the messy thoughts in her mind.

Stepping up to Bai Xuefeng, Bai Xuefeng had a backpack hanging on her body, God knows how she fixed it, it didn't get in the way at all.

"Xuefeng, why did you bring so many things up here by yourself?"

Cough, it's just that the weight is a bit of a hindrance, otherwise Bai Xuefeng would not have been able to. After climbing up just now, she lay down on the ground regardless of her image, breathing heavily.

She didn't dislike being too close to the ground, and would suck the dust in. Seeing this, Xi Chuyu couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and three black lines appeared on her forehead.

She bent down to grab the backpack on Bai Xuefeng's body. What was shocking was that the backpack was hung on Bai Xuefeng's body firmly without even tying a knot, let alone fixing it.

Xi Chuyu took off a backpack, and Taya helped Bai Xuefeng take off the backpack hanging on her left shoulder, which was among the three backpacks.

The backpack that Xi Chuyu was carrying was the biggest, and usually everyone carried it on their own, and they couldn't tell much about it. It was only after a comparison.

Bai Xuefeng lay down on her stomach and calmed down for a while. She adjusted quickly, but within a few breaths, she returned to her usual appearance.

Hearing this, Bai Xuefeng got up from the ground using both hands and feet, then waved her hands and said calmly: "It's okay, it's not too heavy."

Bai Xuefeng downplayed it, obviously, she didn't care about it at all, "Shi Lei and the others dragged me up, it didn't take much effort."

While she was talking, she reached out and took off the backpack in the middle. This was her own backpack. Bai Xuefeng carried the backpack and walked towards the base of the wall on one side.

Finding a nearby seat, sat down, Taya and Xi Chuyu, the backpacks they took off happened to be their own.

Xi Chuyu heard the words, thought for a while, and still couldn't help saying what was behind her, "Talk when you come up, let's connect the backpack first, and then you come up, won't it be easier?"

Bai Xuefeng listened to Xi Chuyu's words quietly, and when she finished speaking, she answered, Xi Chuyu turned around and put the backpack where she was sitting just now.

She didn't sit down, but returned to the edge again. Taya on the opposite side was the same as Bai Xuefeng, and they both occupied positions on both sides of the edge.

The middle is vacated, so that the people below have a place to come up, and the two of them can also take a look at the situation below.

As soon as she stood still, Xi Chuyu looked straight down, just in time to see Guo Jingyi walking up, she subconsciously turned her head, but unexpectedly, she happened to meet Taya's eyes.

It seems that Guo Jingyi can climb up with just a light jump, but... After all, there are people below, holding something that is not as supportive as stepping on it. After hesitating for a moment, Xi Chuyu still asked with concern: "Sister Jingyi, do you need it?" shall we pull you up?"

While talking, Xi Chuyu squatted down against the base of the wall. She looked at the woman with her chin on her hands, thought for a while, turned around, leaned out her upper body, and reached out to pick up the harpoon that was on the ground.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Taya had already bent down and was stretching out her right arm to reach down. Obviously, she wanted to give Guo Jingyi a hand.

Xi Chuyu looked down at herself, thought for a while, and finally stood up. With her strength, it's better not to get in the way here.

If she dragged Guo Jingyi up, it would be better to say that Guo Jingyi dragged her down. It would be more troublesome if she didn't help, how embarrassing. Thinking of this, Xi Chuyu felt her cheeks burning.

Xi Chuyu said again: "Inner one, if the distance is too far, you can grab the harpoon and drag it up." While talking, Xi Chuyu leaned over and put the harpoon beside Taya.

After finishing speaking, Xi Chuyu quickly took several steps back, and finally, she stopped at the place where she was sitting. Taya noticed Xi Chuyu's movements, paused, and finally said nothing.

The moment Taya touched Guo Jingyi's fingertips, Taya suddenly reached out and grabbed Guo Jingyi's wrist, holding the edge with her left hand.

There was a pause in the middle, this was the buffer time that Taya specially set aside for Guo Jingyi, to let her get used to it, and grab herself by the way.

Guo Jingyi obviously understood what Taya meant, and grabbed her the moment Taya paused. Taya felt the strength of her wrist and stopped hesitating in her movements.


Taya said a word briefly, and with a sudden force on her arm, Guo Jingyi was pushed upwards. Guo Jingyi was not a fool, so she took advantage of the momentum and jumped up.

In addition to the conversation between them, the people below could hear it clearly, and they were secretly coordinating with the movements of the two women, so it didn't take much effort to come up.

When Guo Jingyi grasped the edge with her fingertips, she knew that she was going up immediately. She cooperated with Taya's movement of pulling her up, and jumped up with all her strength.

Then, relying on the weight of her upper body, she swooped forward, and Guo Jingyi lay faceless on the edge of the open space. Perhaps it was the heavyweight double peaks on her chest that cushioned her strength.

Although Guo Jingyi was face down, her face was not covered with blood. "Whoa, finally come up." Guo Jingyi lay on the ground for a few seconds, and then got up with hands and feet.

As soon as her upper body straightened up from the ground, she took off the backpack she was carrying, then stood up straight and glanced around.

Although Guo Jingyi and the others were already prepared in their hearts, they really felt a little unhappy when they saw that after going around for so long, they returned to the original place.

This point can be seen from Guo Jingyi's helpless expression after a long sigh.

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