He first looked left and right, but there was no sign of Taya around the edge, presumably the woman must have checked near the entrance of the cave, Shi Lei cleared his throat, and opened his mouth to speak.

He keenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave, the instant the sound sounded, Shi Lei and everyone felt that it was not a pleasant surprise.

It was vigilance and nervousness. This point, as long as you observe carefully, you can see that several people present have tightened the harpoons in their hands, and their bodies have also tensed up.

Because of what happened before, everyone subconsciously guessed that there was an enemy coming, not Taya's return.

After all, there was a torch stuck in the entrance of the cave. Although the fire was weak, it was impossible for it to burn by itself.

If no one lit it, how could there be light on it? Just because of this alone, everyone and Shi Lei had to be more careful.

"Everyone be careful!"

After all, there are only a few of them now, and if something happens again, the loss will be even greater. What's more, who is well fed and doesn't want to live well and want to die?

Thinking of this, Shi Lei couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth in self-deprecating, his eyes involuntarily showed a chill, and he tightened his grip on the harpoon.

He stared intently at the hole above his head, thinking in his heart that if he was really an enemy, he would be the closest to the hole, so he must act first, poke the enemy down with a harpoon, and control him.

But... After all, Taya went up just now, in order not to accidentally hurt him, he still had to see clearly before making a move, and don't make a joke, it would be embarrassing.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard Guo Jingyi's deliberately lowered voice from behind him, he turned his head slightly, and glanced behind him.

Seeing Guo Jingyi talking, she retreated back calmly, and soon came in front of Xi Chuyu.

"Chu Yu." Guo Jingyi called out in a low voice, without saying anything, the meaning was self-evident.

Guo Jingyi was reminding Xi Chuyu to be careful not to come forward, Xi Chuyu is not stupid, how could she not understand the meaning of Guo Jingyi's words.

This feeling of being protected made the woman's eyes turn red, and the golden beans almost popped out of their sockets.

However, in order not to disturb everyone or distract those who cared about her, Xi Chuyu suppressed her tears abruptly.

"Understood." Xi Chuyu replied simply, then bent slightly, and picked up the backpack in front of him.

As soon as Xi Chuyu's arms were strong, he gritted his teeth and grabbed the backpack, flung it backwards suddenly, and then followed the inertia, and the backpack landed firmly on Xi Chuyu's back.

Although the backpack was not too big, it added some weight after all. With the impact force, the backpack slammed on Xi Chuyu's back, making a muffled "bang--".

"Well—" It's so heavy!A muffled sound escaped from Xi Chuyu's throat. Xi Chuyu took a deep breath and put the backpack on her back.

Hearing the sound, Shi Lei glanced sideways, glanced at it, and then raised his head again. As soon as he fixed his eyes and saw the situation at the entrance of the cave clearly, Shi Lei felt his eyes blur.

His eyes focused on the edge of the hole, that is, the edge of the hole on Shi Lei's right, because there, a black shadow suddenly appeared just now.

Looking at the outline, it was a human head. With the light from the side, Shi Lei could clearly see who came, it was Taya who came back!

Seeing this, Shi Lei couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, then cleared his throat, and asked calmly, "Taya, how's the situation?"

However, if you listen carefully, you can feel the tension implied in Shi Lei's words.

As for the people around Shi Lei, after hearing Shi Lei's words, they suddenly noticed that there was a figure at the entrance of the cave.

It can't be said that everyone is not serious or something. After all, a person's energy is limited, and they will definitely be awkward if they keep staring at one place.

It is normal to be distracted for a few seconds occasionally, not to mention that they have been paying attention to the situation here since they heard the movement.

This time is not long, but for everyone who is nervous, every minute and every second is like a year.

Now that Taya appeared, the big stone in everyone's heart fell down. After relaxing, everyone was in the mood to care about other issues.

For example, Taya's safety issue, I don't know what's going on above, and Taya, who has always been fast, stayed for so long before returning.

"Taya, are you okay?"

Thinking of this, Bai Xuefeng on the side couldn't help but took two steps forward, came to Shi Lei's side, imitated his movements, and raised her head to look over her head.

After a pause, without waiting for Taya to answer, Bai Xuefeng said again: "Why did it take you so long to come back? Did something happen to you?"

These two issues were of great concern to everyone present. Upon hearing this, no one said anything else for a while.

Everyone raised their heads and stared intently at Taya, who was probing her brain, waiting for her reply, but in an instant, some noisy passages immediately quieted down, and even a needle could be heard falling.

Taya listened patiently to everyone's questions. She seemed to be lying on the edge. After Bai Xuefeng finished asking, she called out in a low voice: "Shi Lei——"

The two looked at each other, Taya showed a bright smile at Shi Lei, and then glanced at the crowd.

"Everyone, come up quickly." Taya said something briefly, then paused, thinking of something, and added two more sentences.

"But you must remember to come from this side." While speaking, Taya reached out and patted the place where she was lying on her stomach, "Don't lie on the opposite side of me, it's not safe over there."

What Taya said was a little vague. Taya didn't say what the specific danger was, and everyone was thinking about going up quickly. Naturally, they didn't care about these, anyway, Taya wouldn't harm them.

Hearing this, Shi Lei turned his eyes slightly sideways, and looked at the opposite side of Taya, the fire was coming from that side, from the angle of the light shining on Taya's face, this could be seen.

Shi Lei thought about Taya's words, no matter how he thought about it, he felt something was wrong, but he could feel that Taya did not mean anything malicious.

Or, is there something bad to say?Thinking about it, Shi Lei responded lightly, and then looked away.

After lowering his head, as soon as Shi Lei turned around, he met Guo Jingyi who happened to be looking this way.

Shi Lei looked at Guo Jingyi and raised his eyebrows, and silently signaled Guo Jingyi with his eyes, asking her to say first, Guo Jingyi is not hypocritical, after all, now is not the time to talk nonsense.

"Let Chu Yu and Xuefeng go first."

When she said this, she had her own considerations. The reason was very simple, but she couldn't say it clearly. After all, this matter was related to Bai Xuefeng.

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