When Guo Jingyi heard this, she paused for a minute, and then continued to walk. The speed of the two was not too fast, and they walked at the end of the team. They would not follow too closely, but they would not fall behind.

Although she didn't say anything, Guo Jingyi didn't agree with these words in her heart. Although these words felt like killing everyone with a stick, but thinking about it carefully, it was not a lie.

Seeing that Guo Jingyi stopped talking, Shi Lei didn't care, he didn't intend to ask Guo Jingyi to say anything more, besides, he didn't have the desire to talk anymore.

The good mood was driven away because of this sudden incident, Shi Lei stretched out his hand and scratched his head a little irritably, but he felt a tingling pain in his scalp.

It's the same as scratching the scalp with some sharp metal, if it wasn't for Shi Lei's useless effort, if he doesn't pay attention, scratching may break it.

Shi Lei lowered his arm, turned the back of his hand upwards, and stretched out his finger. Indistinctly, Shi Lei saw the long nails that could scratch a bloody face.

Because there is a distance from Bai Xuefeng in front, when the firelight shines on this side, the light is so dim that only a fairly clear outline can be seen.

"Jingyi, I'll go first, remember to call me if you need anything."

If the nails are too long, it will be uncomfortable and it will be difficult for him to move around. Shi Lei thought about it and decided to use a knife to trim his nails while walking up the steps.

However, Shi Lei didn't say what he wanted to leave. After saying something vaguely, Shi Lei raised his legs and walked forward quickly. Indistinctly, Shi Lei heard Guo Jingyi's somewhat vague response, and simply said, "Yeah." "Character.

Shi Lei and Mo Tingzhi have walked the stairs, but it doesn't mean that other people have also walked. Bai Xuefeng walks very cautiously. Every time she goes up a step, she will first tentatively stretch out one foot and use the tip of her toe to test it. .

If there is no problem, Bai Xuefeng will step on the next step and repeat the same action, so the speed of the team is not fast.

Although this seems a bit slow, even Taya, who has a somewhat impatient personality, is rarely urged or dissatisfied.

Shi Lei stopped beside Xi Chuyu, and after changing the speed of his steps to keep pace with everyone, Shi Lei raised his head to look at Taya who was as quiet as a chicken.

"Hiss—it hurts!"

Looking at Taya's face, she was very shocked, and she didn't want to bear it at all. Does this mean that Taya has changed her temper?Shi Lei felt that Taya like this was very fresh,
So I looked at it a few more times, and there was no other meaning, just pure surprise and relief, just watching and babbling with my old father.

It's the same feeling that he can become a monk's son who is popular every time, and finally grows up, can get married, start a business and be sensible.

Cough, although this metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but Shi Lei is indeed in this mood at this time, but Shi Lei can't keep staring at Taya, so he glanced at Taya twice, and then looked away.

Seeing that the person was fine, he forgot that he was holding a single sword that had been cut open and saw blood in his hand. When he lowered his head, for some reason, Shi Lei didn't pay attention.

He tripped over the steps under his feet, he didn't fall, but his body staggered, Shi Lei's hands subconsciously trembled in fright, why was it so small.

The blade was aimed right at Shi Lei's left hand, um...it was the hand of that troubled and unlucky fifth girl on the left. Before Shi Lei could react, he felt his fingers go cold.

"I'll wipe it, another fucking cut!"

Then I felt something warm flowing down my fingers all the way to my fingertips, and finally fell to the ground with a slight sound.

Shi Lei didn't even need to look, his face darkened instantly, he gritted his teeth and cursed, endured it for a while, and then raised his left arm.

Reaching out to untie the cloth strip on the wrist, the wound on the wrist has begun to scab. I have to say here that the herbal medicine really works.

If it wasn't for Shi Lei's carelessness all the time, causing his wrist to be injured for the second, third time..., now his injury should start to shed scabs.

Shi Lei looked at the hideous scab on his wrist, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth, if his fingers hadn't been injured before the change.

He might be happier, now, forgive Shi Lei for not being so big-hearted, he couldn't laugh, Shi Lei tore off the cloth strip a little annoyed.

"Shi Lei, what's wrong?"

Although there was not much movement on Shi Lei's side, everyone still heard what he said. Taya, who was walking in front, hurriedly turned her head to look at Shi Lei's side.

Concerned about Shi Lei's situation, Shi Lei paused when he heard the words, the one that was cut was the index finger of his left hand, blood dripped out continuously from the opening.

Just like a broken faucet, it couldn't be stopped no matter what, Shi Lei had no choice but to use his index finger to press the root of the finger, and then cooperate with the middle finger to press tightly to stop the bleeding.

"It's okay, I accidentally cut my finger, let's go on, I can handle it myself." Thinking of Taya's problem, Shi Lei kept silent.

Shi Lei said calmly, but at the same time he didn't forget to look down at himself, thinking about what to use to bandage the wound, and no matter what, the wound should not be stained with dust and dirt.

The long strip of cloth instead of the bandage is made up of several short strips, and Shi Lei's left hand is holding the cloth strip with his fingers that are not stained with blood.

The right hand was used as a booster, and a short strip of cloth was attached. Shi Lei hurt his finger, so the strip didn't need to be too wide.

Shi Lei had no choice but to use the blood-stained knife to cut the cloth into two, and then put the knife back into the scabbard. He is holding the cloth with both hands now, if another knife is used, it will be in the way.

After putting the knife away, Shi Lei tied the remaining long strip of cloth back to his wrist. Although the wound is almost healed, it will be fine once the scab falls off.

But in his current situation, he needs to move around all the time. When doing this or that, it is easy to touch the wound or get it dirty. Anyway, this cloth can still be used.

"Shi Lei, why are you so careless, you can scratch yourself when you walk hard, how stupid." Hearing this, Taya relaxed a little.

Turning her head to look at Shi Lei again, seeing that he was not in a hurry, Taya believed Shi Lei's words, and was in the mood to tease Shi Lei.

While they were talking, the movement of their feet didn't stop. The stairway seemed to have no end, and they didn't know how long they had walked.

In front of the torch held by Bai Xuefeng, the place where the light of the fire irradiated was full of steps, and the end and the way out were not seen for a long time.

Everyone was helpless, even if all kinds of negative emotions arose in their hearts, they still had to grit their teeth and walk on, because they had no choice.

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