Almost subconsciously, he went to secretly observe Bai Xuefeng's expression, but Bai Xuefeng concealed it very well, Shi Lei only saw doubts, nothing else.

It was also because of this, no matter how Shi Lei looked at it, he felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, Shi Lei did not reply to Bai Xuefeng's question.

Instead of answering, he asked: "Why do you think so? If there is really an accomplice, I think this guy should have shot just now."

They just came in just now, even though Shi Lei and Mo Tingzhi had entered and exited here no less than four times, it was the first time for the others, and it was pitch black all around.

Even if there is a torch, because of the dim light of the fire, the surrounding situation cannot be seen clearly at all. For example, from Taya's position at the front.

Looking this way, he could only vaguely see Shi Lei's blurred figure, he couldn't see anything clearly, if it was really what Bai Xuefeng said, why did he wait until now?
Bai Xuefeng didn't seem to expect that Shi Lei would say that, she smiled with a strange expression on her face, and agreed: "You're right, I was wrong."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xuefeng turned her head, but her feet never stopped, she followed the speed ahead closely.

However, Shi Lei, whose thoughts were interrupted, suddenly didn't have the mood to continue thinking about the thoughts just now, his attention.

Instead, he was attracted by Bai Xuefeng's words, Shi Lei thought about Bai Xuefeng's words in his heart, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "Strange, what does Bai Xuefeng mean by asking him?"

Could it be that he was thinking too much?Is Bai Xuefeng simply curious and caring?Then what did Bai Mingxian's previous words mean?

He didn't have any clue, even he couldn't understand why Bai Mingxian said several inexplicable words to him, the more Shi Lei thought about it, the more he felt a headache.

My heart became more and more irritable, wipe, I don't want to!Shi Lei gritted his teeth and raised his head, his gaze passed over the people in front and landed on Bai Mingxian.

A tangled look flashed in Shi Lei's eyes, he hesitated for a moment, but he suppressed the desire to ask Bai Mingxian now, now is not the time.

His eyes scanned the crowd back and forth, and finally landed on Xi Chuyu, Shi Lei rolled his eyes, thinking about it.

Shi Lei made up his mind, thinking that after he found a way out, he would take the opportunity to ask for a break, and then find an opportunity to ask Bai Mingxian privately what he meant by that.

This guy Bai Mingxian finished chatting with him, and he was like a normal person, making himself more troubled, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei couldn't help but let out a soft "huh." What no one noticed was that the corner of Bai Xuefeng's mouth twitched after hearing the voice.

The expression on his face, under the erratic firelight, looked so cold, especially the sneer at the corner of Bai Xuefeng's mouth, which made people feel creepy.

With a plan in his mind, Shi Lei calmed down, he was not so anxious anymore, he took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down.

Suddenly, Shi Lei felt that there was something wrong with the air. When he inhaled it into his lungs, why was there a trace of coldness in the air?Thinking of this, Shi Lei suddenly came back to his senses.

Feeling bad, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards Xi Chuyu. Shi Lei looked at the lying figure, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Shi Lei opened his mouth, and was about to speak, when a sharp and ear-piercing voice suddenly sounded from the place where he could hear the needle fall quietly, "Ah!"

The pain mixed in the voice and the familiar tone all made Shi Lei's heart tighten, Xi Chuyu had an attack!No wonder, thinking about it, I will soon arrive at the entrance of the ice room.

That side is full of ice, and it's understandable that it's getting colder here. Thinking of this, Shi Lei couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Fuck his grandma, you damn bug!"

While talking, Shi Lei moved a few steps to one side slightly, and walked forward leaning against the wall. Shi Lei could see the situation on Xi Chuyu's side more and more clearly.

On Xi Chuyu's side, Mo Tingzhi and Bai Mingxian seemed to have been prepared, and the lying body of Xi Chuyu kept struggling.

The replica stretcher was shaken so that it looked like Xi Chuyu would fall down in a second, but the two men remained motionless.

He didn't rush around, didn't stop or anything, he carried the harpoon steadily, and continued to follow Taya in front, as for Xi Chuyu above.

Because of the restraint of the space blanket on her body, no matter how hard Xi Chuyu struggled, she couldn't break free. In other words, there was no need to worry about her falling.

Seeing this, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief. The leader of the team, Taya, was probably worried about Xi Chuyu's situation, or didn't want to waste time.

The speed of walking forward has been accelerated a lot, and after they had strode away a few steps away, Shi Lei clearly felt a burst of cold air blowing towards his face.


Shi Lei said something secretly in his heart, and looked up, as expected, Taya was already standing in front of the ice room entrance, she didn't go in directly.

Instead, holding the torch, after carefully looking up, down, left, and right, he tentatively stretched out a foot and touched the ice inside.

There was no change, so Taya walked in with confidence, followed by Bai Mingxian and Mo Tingzhi carrying Xi Chuyu, and everyone went in one after another.

When it was Shi Lei's turn, after he walked in, he didn't rush to the passage, but changed the direction of his steps.

Turning slightly sideways, he walked towards the organ, although there was no harpoon, but when Shi Lei put down the harpoon tip before, he deliberately left one for himself.


Shi Lei stretched out his hand and took the harpoon tip out of the backpack, aiming the tip at the gap in the anti-ice mechanism, and slowly inserting it in.

According to the method of opening it before, after turning up the ice cube, Shi Lei pulled out the harpoon tip with all his strength, because this thing will be of great use to him in a while.

Shi Lei stood up, turned around and walked towards the door. On the way, he turned his head and glanced at the passage, not knowing what happened.

Ever since Shi Lei and the others dug through the passage, the passage has not been closed again. Before going out last time, Shi Lei took a special look at it, and there was no change at all.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Shi Lei withdrew his gaze, raised his eyes to look towards the door, as expected, the ice wall had fallen, and he was the only one left to close the gap.

"Shi Lei, what are you doing with this?" A female voice suddenly sounded behind Shi Lei, she paused, and urged: "Hurry up, it's so cold here."

Although Shi Lei didn't inform everyone, but after Mo Tingzhi told them what happened here after he came out, everyone's nerves were extremely tense.

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