With the addition of three people, the situation turned around in the blink of an eye. The indigenous people's bows and arrows are very good, but they are at a disadvantage in close combat. These people wearing modern clothes all have a little bit of kung fu.

"Third, let's retreat quickly!"

"Malle Gobi, let's just go back with nothing? Why do we have to make some waste, so that the brothers can enjoy themselves?"

"Bah, waste of food, let's go."

"Then what's the matter, kill it after the game is over, it's all bad anyway."

Shi Lei listened to their conversation. Putonghua and modern words are obviously human beings in the 21st century. However, regarding the content of their conversation, Shi Lei seemed to understand why the aborigines hated them as outsiders so much.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard a screaming sound behind him, which was very familiar. When Shi Lei turned his head, he saw Xi Chuyu and Guo Jingyi being fought two by two, Guo Jingyi was still covered, Xi Chuyu kicked a man away, but Getting grabbed by the hair by another man.

"Chu Peng, go back quickly, Chu Yu and the others are in danger!"

As Shi Lei said, he forcefully opened a man standing in front of him, and quickly ran towards Guo Jingyi and Xi Chuyu. When Shi Lei was in a hurry, a few natives ran over from the side, swiped twice, and shot the man with a bow and arrow. Four men were killed.

"Jingyi!" Seeing Guo Jingyi's legs go limp, Shi Lei fell to the ground, hurriedly stepped forward to hold her waist, and asked anxiously.

Xi Chuyu burst into tears, and said with a choked voice, "Sister Jingyi was kicked by that stinky man in order to protect me."

When Shi Lei heard this, he quickly bent down to pick up Guo Jingyi, walked towards the direction they came from, found an open space, and then Shi Lei laid Guo Jingyi on the ground.

Guo Jingyi pulled Shi Lei's sleeve, and said in a weak voice: "I'm fine, but the wound hit the tree and bled again, it hurts a bit." As she spoke, Guo Jingyi forced a pale smile.

"Jingyi, I'm sorry." Shi Lei put his arms around Guo Jingyi's shoulders, gently hugged her in his arms and comforted her: "You rest here, I will find herbs for you later, and you will be fine after applying it."

Xi Chuyu stood aside, staring blankly at the two of them, feeling a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't feel a little bit of jealousy, more envy, envy Guo Jingyi, someone would love her so much and work hard for her.

"Shi Lei, the aborigines asked us to rest, let's go." Lu Fei walked up to Shi Lei and said, "The fight is over, the group of people ran away, and the aborigines prepared food for us in order to thank us."

"Okay." Shi Lei nodded, picked up Guo Jingyi, saw Xi Chuyu standing beside him, and asked with concern: "Chu Yu, are you injured?"

Xi Chuyu showed a sweet smile and said, "I'm fine."

Shi Lei hugged Guo Jingyi, and the group followed the native who led the way to a row of wooden houses. Lu Fei said a few words to the native, then turned around and said, "Shi Lei, you are in the wooden house in the middle. I will take the others You go."

"Where is Jingyi? I'll put her down first." Shi Lei asked.

"Come with me." Lu Fei pointed to the house where the Xi brothers and sisters lived, and then walked up to Shi Lei, peeking at Guo Jingyi's eyes and looking into Shi Lei's ear, he whispered: "Brother, I will create opportunities for you Well, are you stupid?"

"Get out, Jingyi is hurt, what are you thinking?"

"...Are you thinking wrong? I mean, if you take good care of her, she will definitely love you." Lu Fei chuckled.

Shi Leimo, after a while, stood in front of the wooden house, and said coolly: "You can go."

Putting Guo Jingyi on a bed covered with animal skins, or on a wooden shelf, Shi Lei checked Guo Jingyi's wound to make sure there was no bleeding, then covered her with a quilt, turned around and came out.

As soon as Shi Lei walked out of the wooden house, Guo Jingyi who was lying on the bed opened her eyes, her ears were instantly red enough to bleed, her cheeks were slightly red and she tilted her head to look at the door, feeling very sweet in her heart.

"Shi Lei, you idiot!"

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, as soon as he came out, he saw the indigenous people and Lu Fei standing not far away, Lu Fei came over and said to Shi Lei: "Their patriarch wants to see us."

"Hmm... let's go." Shi Lei's eyes darkened. This seemed to be a well-intentioned inquiry, but it was actually a notice. He didn't look at the aborigines, just waiting for them to disagree.

Shi Lei, Xi's brothers and sisters, and Lu Fei followed the aborigines to turn left and right, and walked to the front of a large tent, and when they walked near the large tent, the number of aborigines' guards gradually increased.

After Shi Lei and the others walked to the front of the big tent, the guards in front of the big tent stopped everyone and said something to the leading native. Lu Fei tilted his head and explained in a low voice: "He wants to go in and report."

"Be sure to calm down later, no matter what they say, don't be impulsive." Luffy looked at the three of them and reminded worriedly.

When the native guard came out again, he saluted Shi Lei and the others, raised his hand to let them in, and the leading native also stepped aside.

Shi Lei entered the big tent, and immediately saw Princess Taya sitting on the top with her head bowed. Sitting in the middle was a native woman, that is, the head of the clan. On both sides were four elders, all women.

"The aborigines of this tribe are prevalent in a matrilineal society." Seeing that Shi Lei was puzzled, Lu Fei explained softly, "That's what it is called in modern society, female respect."

The patriarch looked at the four of them, and Shi Lei was also looking at the patriarch. Although this woman is not as good as her daughter, the aura on her body, the expression of calm and prestige on her face, and the flash of light in her eyes from time to time are all reminders He, this person is not simple.

The native beside the patriarch whispered something, and the patriarch looked at Luffy, "I heard you can speak our language?"

"Exactly." Luffy saluted the patriarch with the etiquette of the aborigines.

"Why do you come to help us after killing our people?"

"Because we and that group of people are not in the same group." Lu Fei said neither humble nor overbearing.

At this time, the indigenous princess Taya who was sitting aside said, "That doesn't change the fact that you are outsiders! Outsiders are not good people! They should all be damned!" She stared at Luffy angrily, gnashing her teeth.

"Patriarch, if you think so, I have nothing to say. If we hadn't helped you just now, to put it bluntly, you might have killed or injured many clansmen." Lu Fei said with a sneer.

The patriarch squinted his eyes at Lu Fei, tilted his head to look at Princess Taya, and said in a deep voice, "I'm talking to guests, don't be so rude!"

"Grandma!" Princess Taya curled her lips unconvinced, and when she saw the patriarch staring at her, she snorted and turned her head away from speaking.

"You are the guests of our tribe, we will never neglect you, the injured girl, I have sent someone to deliver the medicine, and the food has been delivered to your room. Tomorrow, our tribe will hold a flame party for you."

"Then thank you patriarch for your hospitality." Lu Feili whispered to the three of them, "I'll tell you when I get out."

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