As soon as these words came out, Shi Lei immediately sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but fortunately, Bai Mingxian had moved the weapon that had been placed on his neck before.

He hesitated for a while, then turned around, and stood face to face with Bai Mingxian. Bai Mingxian was silent for a long time, and then said quietly: "Everyone has uniqueness that is different from others, there is nothing to say."

The implication is, don't ask me, I won't tell you!Shi Lei's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Because footsteps sounded outside again, and there were several people who heard the sound, as the sound got closer, Shi Lei suddenly thought of something.

He frowned slightly, and couldn't help thinking, Guo Jingyi and the others are coming this way?What about Xi Chuyu?Could it be that she came too?Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard someone outside suddenly ask: "How is the situation?"

The person who spoke was Guo Jingyi, and the person who asked was naturally Bai Mingxian who sneaked over. Shi Lei thought of Mo Tingzhi who was still waiting in the passage, and wondered if he was going this way by himself.

"Ming Xian, tell Jingyi and the others here that we are coming out, I'll call Ting Zhi to come over." While speaking, Shi Lei bypassed Bai Mingxian, raised his legs and walked quickly towards the passage.

When Bai Mingxian passed by Shi Lei, he responded lightly, expressing his agreement, Shi Lei's feet were fast, but in a short while, he reached the place where he and Mo Tingzhi were separated before.

What makes people feel depressing is that there is no Mo Tingzhi here, Shi Lei is sure that he did not go wrong when he was walking in the dark.

He usually counts the steps to calculate the distance, this is the original place, absolutely right!Then... where did Mo Tingzhi go?

Shi Lei groped against the wall in the dark, walked around the area twice, but there was no movement at all, Shi Lei became more and more anxious.

After hesitating for a while, Shi Lei cleared his throat, and called out tentatively in a deep voice: "Ting Zhi!" The voice echoed in the empty passage.

Shi Lei waited quietly for a few more seconds, but there was no reply from Mo Tingzhi. He stood vigilantly at the same spot, looked left and right, his whole body was tense.

It's not that Shi Lei is timid, he and Mo Tingzhi are separated, the distance between the two sides is not far, if something happened to Mo Tingzhi here, why can't he hear it?
The more Shi Lei thought about it, the more strange he felt, and immediately guessed that someone should have sneaked up on Mo Tingzhi. Thinking of this, Shi Lei suddenly reached out and took off the crossbow on his waist.

Putting his finger on the mechanism, Shi Lei raised his voice and shouted: "Mo Tingzhi, can you hear me?" He shouted several times.

While shouting, Shi Lei raised his legs, walked to the opposite wall, put his shoulders against the wall, and moved towards the hole little by little.

After walking for about three or four steps, Shi Lei suddenly felt as if something had been kicked under his feet, he quickly withdrew his feet and recalled the feeling just now.

I couldn't help but frowned. How could that kind of touch feel like kicking someone?Could it be Mo Tingzhi?Shi Lei was wondering how big this possibility is.

In the quiet passage, a crisp sound suddenly sounded, the sound sounded like a harpoon leaning against the wall and fell down, the sound was very close to Shi Lei.

As if right in front of his eyes, Shi Lei thought for a while, stretched out his arms to support the wall, moved two steps towards the left, bypassing the things blocking the way in front, and then walked to the place where the sound came from.

After standing still, Shi Lei stretched out his foot and kicked, the sound of "哗啦——" followed Shi Lei's movements, and Shi Lei's toes really felt that something was kicked.

"Tingzhi? Is that you?"

Seeing this situation, ahem, although these are all imagined based on feelings, but Shi Lei already knew it in his heart, he stretched out his foot again, and kicked in other places.

The first two kicks were in vain, but when it was the third time, Shi Lei finally kicked what he wanted, he kicked the torch into the air, making the torch fly in mid-air.

Shi Lei's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he stretched out his hand suddenly when he saw the right opportunity, grasped it in his hand instinctively, and the torch came to Shi Lei's!In his hands, he didn't even have to bend down.

After groping in his pocket for a few times, Shi Lei withdrew his hand in disappointment, he didn't have a match in it, and the match was in Mo Tingzhi's place.

This is how to do?He was still thinking about borrowing a torch to see if the guy blocking the way was Mo Tingzhi?Thinking about it, Shi Lei couldn't help but sighed.

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly noticed that there was a sound of breathing behind him, and Shi Lei didn't know he didn't pay attention before.

It was because this guy hid it so well, Shi Lei never noticed it, and it was because this guy's breathing suddenly became heavier that he suddenly noticed it.


Shi Lei's body tensed up in an instant, and that momentary feeling of creepiness was really uncomfortable. At this moment, the man suddenly spoke.

The moment the sound sounded, Shi Lei also heard the sound of a match being struck behind him. After that, a very faint light suddenly lit up in the dark tunnel.

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, he turned to look at this person, couldn't help but twitch his lips, as expected, there was only one person in their team who could appear so quietly.

"Bai Mingxian, are you trying to scare me to death?"

While talking, Shi Lei handed over the match, and unceremoniously gave Bai Mingxian two supercilious glances. Although the flame of the match is small, this was thought of when he made the torch.

Therefore, a flammable fuse is specially left inside. As long as there is a small spark, this torch can be ignited. It's a pity that this is the last one.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei sighed slightly in his heart, and thought: Well, I don't know if I can support them until they go out, but I hope there will be no more trouble.

When the torch was lit, the passageway instantly became brighter, especially for Shi Lei who had been in the dark for a while, it could be said that it was like daylight.

But at this moment, Shi Lei was not in the mood to look around. What he was more worried about was Mo Tingzhi who fell on the ground with his eyes closed and unconscious.

Just now after the torches lit up the passage, Shi Lei immediately took a look at the ground, and naturally recognized the guy lying on the ground at a glance.

Yes, Mo Tingzhi really fell down, he was leaning against the wall, probably because Shi Lei bumped into him just now, his body was crooked and he was about to lie on the ground.


Shi Lei let out a cry of surprise, hurriedly walked to Mo Tingzhi's side, handed the torch to his left hand, grabbed Mo Tingzhi's clothes with his right hand, and pulled him up vigorously.

Asking Mo Tingzhi to sit back, Shi Lei let go of his hand, his action was quite rude.

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