Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Xi Chuyu who had been falling, frowned and said to the crowd, "Let's go somewhere else, we'll talk about it when Xi Chuyu calms down."

At the very least, it had to be somewhere out of the cold wind at the entrance of the cave, otherwise the bugs in Xi Chuyu's body would definitely make waves by taking advantage of the coolness.

In the end, it was Xi Chuyu who suffered, at least he had to find a place where the cold wind could not blow, so that the bugs in Xi Chuyu's body could calm down as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei raised his head subconsciously, and glanced at the torches held by Guo Jingyi and Bai Xuefeng. With the heat source, he couldn't believe that those bugs were still making noise.

"Chu Yu, bear with it, and you'll be fine soon." Thinking of this, Shi Lei withdrew his gaze, and stretched out his hand to gently wrap his arms around Xi Chuyu's shoulder.

The strength of Rong Rong's tugging on her arm did not lessen. He patted Xi Chuyu's shoulder lightly, comforting her softly, and at the same time let her walk at his own pace without refusing.

Shi Lei raised his chin towards the crowd, pointing towards the rock wall on one side, Shi Lei walked under the rock wall at that time, and did not continue to move forward, otherwise he would definitely have encountered this cave entrance.

Well, to be specific, this cave can't be called a cave at all, because they don't even know where they are now.

This place is not a mountain, but more like a groundwater storage place deep underground. Thinking about it, Shi Lei cooperated with Xi Chuyu's somewhat messy pace, and hurried back the same way.

Because of the pain, Xi Chuyu's body twitched from time to time, her whole body was about to collapse, her legs were limp and weak, if Shi Lei let go, she would definitely fall to the ground.

"Don't look at me, okay?" Xi Chuyu was not comforted by the words, but cried even more fiercely, and she raised her arms with some difficulty.

Covering her face, she choked up and said, "I must be very ugly, don't look at me anymore." When she had an attack, she secretly looked at it, it was really scary and disgusting.

When Shi Lei heard this, his heart ached, Xi Chuyu is such a beautiful girl, if it wasn't for bad luck, how could she become like this, while thinking, Shi Lei swore secretly in his heart.

They must go out as soon as possible, and he will never let Xi Chuyu... Just like her brother, Shi Lei stopped after they walked back for about a few meters.

The entrance of the hole is very strange, you can only feel the cold air when you get close to a certain distance, "Come on, Chu Yu, sit down." Shi Lei sat on the ground holding Xi Chuyu.

Let her lean on his shoulder, then winked at the two women, everyone surrounded Shi Lei and the two of them, facing outward to guard.

Because they were worried about Xi Chuyu's situation, everyone would look back from time to time. Guo Jingyi took the torch from Bai Xuefeng's hand, which she gave her just now.

Holding two torches alone, her arms were really tired. Guo Jingyi took a step forward, squatted down, and lowered the torch at the same time. The flames were a short distance away from Xi Chuyu.

In order to let Shi Lei feel the heat, Guo Jingyi lowered her arms very low, so her posture was also very tiring. Shi Lei reached out to Xi Chuyu's side.

After testing the temperature, it was quite warm and not bad, Shi Lei quickly withdrew his hand and supported Xi Chuyu, letting her feel the warmth directly.

Guo Jingyi squatted down and clenched her waist for a while, her arms began to tremble. Seeing this, Shi Lei hurriedly said: "Jingyi, change to someone else, you take a rest."

Even if it is him, he will feel uncomfortable if he maintains a posture all the time. He has not been trained systematically, and there is nothing shameful in saying that he is tired.

While speaking, everyone standing around turned their heads one after another, Taya was the first to bear the brunt, "Jingyi, let me help you." Even if Taya didn't like Guo Jingyi flirting with Shi Lei.

But after getting along for so long, Taya really can't hate Guo Jingyi. Seeing her like this, it's natural to say it, and it doesn't mean to be contemptuous or mocking.

Guo Jingyi pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay." Her arms were trembling a little, if one accidentally slipped her hand, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just like that, everyone changed every quarter of an hour or so, and I don't know how long it took, but Xi Chuyu gradually calmed down anyway.

Her body was limp in Shi Lei's arms, Xi Chuyu was really tired, she was covered in sweat from this tossing, Shi Lei saw Xi Chuyu like this.

She stretched out her hand to untie the cloth strip from her mouth, the part where her teeth could bite was stained with blood, Xi Chuyu's teeth were bleeding from biting, if it wasn't tied, she would have bitten off her tongue.

Shi Lei turned his head, passed Xi Chuyu, looked at the person holding the torch, and nodded slightly at him, expressing that it was all right. Seeing Mo Tingzhi standing up, Shi Lei looked away.

After waiting quietly for a while, Shi Lei shook Xi Chuyu lightly, lowered his voice and asked softly, "Chu Yu, are you feeling better?"

The voice came to Xi Chuyu's ears, it was as gentle as a spring breeze, and her tense nerves gradually relaxed. After a while, the woman supported the ground with her limp arms, left Shi Lei's embrace, and sat up.

Xi Chuyu showed a pale smile at Shi Lei, the smile was really sweet, it could be seen that Xi Chuyu was in a good mood, of course she was happy.

When she was suffering, everyone didn't dislike her and stayed with her, and everyone would be moved, "It's much better." As soon as he spoke, he noticed that Xi Chuyu's voice was a little hoarse.

I guess it was because I shouted too hard just now, Shi Lei smiled and said nothing, then Xi Chuyu continued to say in a soft voice: "Shi Lei, thank you, and everyone..."

In the middle of speaking, the voice stopped abruptly, Xi Chuyu rolled his eyes, and threw his body straight towards Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was afraid that she would fall again, so he quickly stretched out his arms to catch the woman, and the towering twin peaks hit Shi Lei's arms straight.

However, at this moment, Shi Lei didn't have the time to pay attention to these things anymore, because Xi Chuyu had already passed out.

The sudden scene really shocked Shi Lei. He shook the woman lightly, lowered his head slightly and called, "Chu Yu? Can you hear me? Xi Chuyu?"

The woman in his arms didn't respond at all, Shi Lei hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch Xi Chuyu's pulse, which was still beating, Shi Lei was worried, and pressed the woman's neck again, it was indeed all right.

Only then did Shi Lei heave a sigh of relief, and everyone was also confused by the situation, only Mo Tingzhi who was holding a torch was left and the others surrounded him.

Ask Shi Lei what's going on, his back was facing here just now, only Shi Lei knew the specific situation, and faced everyone's questions.

Shi Lei shook his head, but didn't answer, he stretched out his hand to roll over Xi Chuyu's eyelids, looked at it, then clasped Xi Chuyu's chin with his hand, pressed his thumb on the middle, pinched it hard a few times, and then Hegu point.

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