After a while, Bai Mingxian's echoing voice sounded from the deep pit. There were only two short words "come down", which was naturally said to Taya.

After Taya heard it, she took two steps back and put her feet on the wall. Unlike Bai Mingxian who was in a hurry, Taya was relatively cautious.

She retreated little by little. To be honest, if she had followed Taya's temperament, she would not be so slow, but there was Bai Mingxian below, if she jumped, she would definitely hit him.

In order to prevent this tragedy from happening, Taya could only go on patiently. For the sake of convenience, the torch was not lit. Soon, Taya's figure also disappeared into the darkness.

Shi Lei supported his knees with both hands, leaned out his upper body slightly, and patiently listened to the movement below. After a while, he heard Bai Mingxian's cold voice.

"Here we are, right here."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lei saw a flame suddenly lit up in the dark pit, and it was getting bigger and bigger. It must have been Taya who lit the torch.

There was a distance between Bai Mingxian and Taya. It was only after the torch was lit that Taya crawled down a little and got closer.

What she needs to do is, after Bai Mingxian presses the ball of spider silk to the wall, heat it with a torch to melt the ball of spider silk, so that the ball of spider silk sticks, the kind that is particularly strong.

So as long as Taya stretched the torch to the top of Bai Mingxian's head, it would be fine at her feet. At first, the cooperation between the two was a little awkward.

"Obviously, when you reach the bottom of the deep pit, shake the torches." As the light of the fire became smaller, Shi Lei's heart also rose. After a while, Shi Lei suddenly shouted.

The rope at his feet wobbled slightly at most, if it wobbled at the bottom, the strength would not be enough to shake the rope above.

After thinking about it, torches are the most suitable. In fact, the most obvious way is to extinguish the torch after going down, and then light it again.

It's so simple and clear, it can be seen at a glance, but Shi Lei also thought about the safety of the two of them, and felt that it was too risky to do so, so he finally thought of such a compromise.

After a short while of silence, Taya's voice sounded, "Okay, got it." Shi Lei didn't say anything more after hearing that.

The following situation does not allow them to be distracted, so he should not speak, disturbing the two of them, distracting them, thinking of this, Shi Lei straightened his waist.

He turned his head to look, and saw that everyone was just like him, maintaining a sour posture, staring down intently, seeing this, the corners of Shi Lei's mouth twitched a few times.

Shi Lei leaned his back against the wall, relieved the weight of his backpack, and was silent for a while, before he said lightly: "Okay, everyone go back, leave one person here, and take turns to pay attention to what's going on below."

A person always stares at one place and does one thing, no matter how short the time is, there will be moments of irritability and distraction. Instead of doing this with everyone, it is better to take turns.

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei didn't wait for everyone's reaction, he looked down to find an open space, sat down on his buttocks, the weight on his body disappeared, and he immediately felt relaxed.

After the others muttered a few words, they also came over one after another, and found a place to stand or sit down to rest, but their attention has not been withdrawn from the pit.

For a while, the tunnel became quiet, so quiet that it was unreal. Xi Chuyu was the one who stayed behind, and she volunteered, while Taya and the others just went down.

If you think about it, nothing will happen, so you don't need to worry about it, so as soon as Xi Chuyu said it, everyone agreed. Xi Chuyu sat down on the edge, and looked down from time to time.

After I don't know how long, it was Shi Lei, he has been closing his eyes and resting his mind, in fact, his mind is wandering, and he doesn't know where his thoughts are flying.

It was Guo Jingyi who called him, and Shi Lei came back to his senses. After standing up, Shi Lei stretched, then he walked to the edge unhurriedly, took a look with his head, and relaxed between his brows.

"Get up, Taya and Ming Xian are already down." Shi Lei turned around and said a word, the words were like thunder on the ground, and everyone almost jumped up from the ground.

Everyone quickly walked to the edge, and took a look. As expected, the fire light was very small, even smaller than a mung bean. It was constantly shaking and waving back and forth, sending signals to Shi Lei and the others.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one moved for a while, who would be the first to go down?After a moment of silence, Guo Jingyi was the first to stand up.

"I'll come first."

Everyone was shocked by this sentence, and they all said that they went up first, and the two of them went down, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Only Mo Tingzhi took a step back calmly, everyone was discussing who would go down first, Shi Lei didn't argue with everyone, so naturally he noticed this at a glance.

Seeing this, Shi Lei felt a little strange, he quietly moved to Mo Tingzhi's side, raised his arm to stop Mo Tingzhi who was still about to leave.

Leaning close to Mo Tingzhi's ear, he asked with a smile, "Tingzhi, what are you doing?" Mo Tingzhi paused, looked up at Shi Lei coldly, and did not speak.

Shi Lei looked Mo Tingzhi up and down, keeping his expression on his face, but his mind was running quickly, guessing what was going on with Mo Tingzhi.

Mo Tingzhi's actions are really suspicious. It seems that he doesn't want to go down?Could it be that there is something wrong with this?
Impossible, one is that Shi Lei believes that Mo Tingzhi will not be a spy, and the other is that he believes that Mo Tingzhi will not be stupid enough to play tricks under Guo Jingyi's nose.

But what's going on with Mo Tingzhi?Seeing him like this, even after thinking about it, Shi Lei didn't intend to tell him. After thinking about it, Shi Lei thought of the most likely reason.

"Tingzhi, are you afraid of heights?" Shi Lei's voice was extremely low, while talking, he secretly looked at Mo Tingzhi's facial expression.

As soon as these words came out, Mo Tingzhi's eyes immediately sank, and Shi Lei fell silent when he saw this. Thinking about it carefully, it is really possible.

Seeing that Shi Lei stopped talking, Mo Tingzhi's face turned dark instantly, and annoyance flashed across his eyes quickly, but no one noticed it.

Everyone was still arguing, but as soon as Shi Lei came back to his senses, the voice came to his ears, Shi Lei was upset when he heard it, he stopped looking at Mo Tingzhi, as if nothing happened just now.

Shi Lei took advantage of the trend and walked to the edge, peeped his head for a look, moved when the flames paused, presumably Bai Mingxian and Taya were observing the situation.

He turned around and moved closer to Guo Jingyi, the expression on his face sank, and he interrupted everyone's argument with a hint of anger in his voice.

What time is it, and I still have the mind to bicker!

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