When she said this, Xi Chuyu felt so uncomfortable, and it was no wonder that Shi Lei's expression
Although Bai Xuefeng usually has a bit of arrogance, she is not the kind of arrogant and conceited guy, so she naturally has to apologize.

Before he finished speaking, Xi Chuyu interrupted, "It's okay." A pale smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head with a smile: "I understand, I've already thought about it."

Even for Shi Lei, who saved her at the risk of risking her brother, and brought her back from death, she must live on, even if there is only a glimmer of hope.

When Shi Lei first heard Bai Xuefeng mentioning this suddenly, his heart immediately raised his throat, for fear that this woman Xi Chuyu would change her mind again.

He stared at Xi Chuyu secretly and nervously, and when he heard her say this, he carefully observed Xi Chuyu's expression.

Seeing that she didn't look like she was lying, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, the others secretly glanced at each other, no one said that, it was quite embarrassing to say anything at this time.

Seeing that the atmosphere became awkward again, Shi Lei coughed twice, changed the subject, and asked: "What's everyone's opinion?" Mo Tingzhi's proposal is theoretically very possible.

But after all, it was too risky to go down. To be cautious, Shi Lei didn't directly express his thoughts, nor did he say anything about going down to have a look.

After all, Bai Xuefeng's worry was not unreasonable, but Shi Lei didn't want to ignore this discovery and continue on his way. If it was a dead end, he had to return, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Therefore, after deliberation, Shi Lei decided to ask everyone, if he makes the decision alone, he might not be able to convince everyone.

Hearing this, everyone discussed in a low voice, stood aside and looked around from time to time, Taya, who was particularly vigilant, suddenly said, "I have an idea."

Shi Lei blinked, and hurriedly urged: "Then let's talk about it quickly." Others also echoed, Taya hesitated a little when he heard the words.

Only then did he slowly express his thoughts. Taya's idea was actually very simple, that is to send a few people to explore the way ahead.

If there is no way, then go down and try, if there is, don’t go into the pit, take a risk, no matter what you do, there will be risks, and the rest depends on your own choice.

Shi Lei lowered his eyes, thinking about Taya's words thoughtfully, the others also started to think, no one spoke for a while, Taya saw that everyone was silent.

Thinking that her method was not good, she raised her head and was about to speak when she saw everyone's pensive expressions and immediately stopped talking.

"Jingyi, what do you think?" Shi Lei thought about it seriously, and felt that Taya's method could not be heard, but Shi Lei also had his own concerns.

One is the problem of the sea water on the opposite side. The place where the sea water pours into is a big hole, and it is bound to expand as the water surges.

If they are really at the bottom of the sea, then as long as the sea does not dry up, the sea water will not stop. I don't know what is going on at the bottom of the deep pit.

If they delay for too long, even if they go back down, there will be new problems due to the sea water. If there is no problem, then that's fine.

The second worry is whether they will encounter danger after they separate, and how to divide them so that both groups can be safe, and even if there is danger, they can fight back.

What Shi Lei is most worried about is that the trap they are encountering now has already attracted the two people who do not understand the language and their companions.

"It's too dark here, and I don't know if there are people hiding in the dark." Shi Lei thought, scanning the dark surroundings.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see clearly what was going on in the dark. Although he had tried several times before, he still felt a little lost in his heart.

If they are in this situation now, who did it on purpose?After all, this is very likely, the path they have traveled.

They have just arrived, this is their territory, needless to say the result, if those people also expected, they want to do this, Shi Lei and the others will be divided into two groups, and they will fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

When the time comes to defeat them one by one, coupled with the unfamiliarity of the terrain, without a few moves, you may be caught without a fight, and your life may even be in danger.

No matter how he thought about it, Shi Lei felt uneasy, he didn't wait for Guo Jingyi to reply, he hurriedly said: "No, let's go together, if we separate, I don't feel at ease."

He didn't know the beginning and the end, and suddenly came out with a sentence, which almost confused everyone. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately understood Shi Lei's meaning.

If the tunnel is a dead end, there is likely to be an agency. If there are too many people in danger, it will be inconvenient to escape.

Guo Jingyi already had an idea in her mind, she was about to speak when she heard Shi Lei suddenly say something like this, after thinking about it, Guo Jingyi somewhat disagreed: "But they are all, there are too many people, and it is inconvenient to move."

Although Shi Lei's worry was quite reasonable, what Guo Jingyi wanted was to try to balance the interests of the two and minimize the danger.

Because Guo Jingyi knows in her heart that Shi Lei will definitely go to explore such things, this is also her selfishness, Guo Jingyi really doesn't want to see Shi Lei in danger.

She really didn't want to experience it again, seeing Shi Lei kicking the harpoon away suddenly just now, feeling worried for Shi Lei, it was really uncomfortable.

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, no one thought that when Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi had disagreements, Shi Lei was taken aback.

But he still insisted: "As long as everyone is safe, other people don't care." Compared with the previous one, the tunnel here is wider, so even if you escape, you still have room.

Guo Jingyi heard this, stared at Shi Lei for three seconds, then looked away. Shi Lei didn't want to argue with Guo Jingyi, but he really didn't want to agree with Guo Jingyi's idea, so he fell silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere gradually became awkward, the others looked at each other, and Taya was the first to speak: "If not, let's combine the methods."

Guo Jingyi's troops were divided into two groups and won everyone's support. However, exploring the way is also a must, and the speed must be fast, so there is no need to grind.

The people in the two groups should be divided evenly, whether they know kung fu or not, so that only a few people with good kung fu can protect those who can't kung fu and those who are inconvenient.

But the people who go to explore the road must be flexible and the number should not be too many. This point needs to be carefully considered. Therefore, Taya skipped the details and only gave a general idea.

In essence, Taya is supporting Guo Jingyi, Shi Lei also calmed down at this time, thinking carefully about Guo Jingyi's method.

Adding Taya's words, Shi Lei pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement, and was relieved, "That's fine, but there are no more than three people who go to scout the way."

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