Taya just smashed it once, and the wall is like a tofu project. From the place where Taya smashed, the cracks began to extend, but it took only a few breaths.

The wall very close to Taya was covered with cracks like spider webs, following Taya's shout, Shi Lei suddenly came back to his senses.

After waving at everyone, everyone ran towards the depths of the cave, even Shi Lei himself didn't understand why he did this, his subconscious mind told him that it was only safe to do so.

"Taya, come here!"

Taya only cares about greeting everyone, but forgets that she is the most dangerous one, Bai Mingxian is carrying Xi Chuyu, Guo Jingyi is holding Bai Xuefeng, Shi Lei pushes one of Mo Ting who wants to come to help, let him go after him Everyone.

He himself ran towards Taya, shouting, Shi Lei stretched out his hand and grabbed Taya, subconsciously moved towards his arms, and the two exchanged positions.

Shi Lei used his body to protect the woman in his arms, a gust of water suddenly gushed in from the opening, and rushed towards Shi Lei.

Although the water sounds very soft, it should be fine to bump into a person, but under such high-speed motion, the inertia will only make the impact of the water stronger.

Shi Lei gritted his teeth, trying not to let himself cry out, he raised his head, walked towards the opposite wall along the water with no expression on his face.

Due to the impact of the sea water, his back was in excruciating pain. If he could not walk, Shi Lei would have thought that his back was broken.

"Shi Lei, you...how are you? Are you injured?"

Shi Lei protected Taya, and stood tightly against the wall. After a while, the sea gradually calmed down, and Taya noticed that Shi Lei's body had been stiff all the time, without moving.

Taya was taken aback, and quickly raised her head to check Shi Lei's situation, and saw Shi Lei with his jaw clenched tightly at a glance, Taya quickly withdrew from Shi Lei's embrace, and glanced towards the broken hole.

Shi Lei panted for a few short breaths, and then let out a long breath. His tense body gradually relaxed, and he moved his aching body.

Following Taya's line of sight, turning his head to look over, the sea water did not rush towards the depths of the cave, but rushed towards the direction they came from, and the water flowed downstream.

Seeing this, Shi Lei finally understood why they were so tired after walking for so long, but it was a bit strange to say.

When they first entered the cave, they were going underground, but now they turned uphill unknowingly, so where are they now?
"Shi Lei, Taya, are you all right? Come quickly." Just as he was thinking, in the quiet cave where only the sound of running water could be heard, Guo Jingyi's concerned question suddenly sounded.

After regaining his senses, Shi Lei withdrew his gaze and looked down at Taya who was also looking at him, the worry on the woman's face and the anxiety in her eyes.

Seeing Shi Lei smiled, "It's okay, let's go." As soon as he stretched out his hand to grab Taya's arm, Shi Lei was sure that his back must be blue.

Thinking, Shi Lei tilted his head, spit to the side, accidentally drank the sea water in his mouth just now, took Taya who was still looking at the entrance of the cave from time to time, and walked towards the crowd.

After arriving at the place, Shi Lei let go of Taya, everyone looked at each other, relatively speechless, after a few seconds, Guo Jingyi looked at the embarrassed Shi Lei, and smiled.

Then he asked sternly: "Shi Lei, did the wound on your wrist get wet?" Shi Lei's whole body was wet, his clothes clinging to his body.

She was as embarrassed as a drowned rat, even though she asked this question, Guo Jingyi already had the answer in her heart, so she didn't wait for Shi Lei to answer.

He directly took off the backpack, took out the cloth strips and medicine from inside, took two steps forward, and just as he reached out to pull Shi Lei's arm, Shi Lei, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stopped him.

Guo Jingyi raised her head to look at Shi Lei with some displeasure, Shi Lei smiled helplessly, and patiently explained: "Don't change it yet, I'm covered in water, I'll get wet after changing it."

What Shi Lei said was correct, Guo Jingyi was too anxious just now, and didn't think too much, upon hearing this, Guo Jingyi no longer persisted.

Put the things back, put on the backpack, and said: "Then you hurry up and wring out the water on the clothes, hurry up, don't dawdle!"

Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei ferociously, with an expression that if you don't agree, I will be angry, Shi Lei felt warm in his heart, and nodded with a smile.

Where the torch can't reach, it's pitch black and you can't see your fingers. Shi Lei is wearing a single layer of unlined clothing, so it's not easy to wring out the water.

After a while, Shi Lei came out from the dark place, Guo Jingyi had been waiting by the side, Shi Lei walked over, stretched out his arms and looked at the woman with a smile.

Guo Jingyi glanced at Shi Lei, didn't make a sound, changed his dressing and bandaged him silently, and when putting away his things, Guo Jingyi said fiercely: "Be careful in the future! I'll get angry if I get hurt again!"

Seeing him hurt, Guo Jingyi's heart ached, but she couldn't say that kind of sweet words, so she said something awkwardly and looked away.

Shi Lei seriously assured: "I swear, it will never happen again." Guo Jingyi who heard this said secretly laughing, her cheeks flushed slightly.

This scene, falling into the eyes of others, seemed a bit dazzling. Taya looked at this scene expressionlessly, her face darkened.

Between Shi Lei and Taya, Bai Xuefeng glanced back and forth, thinking of something, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Stepping to Taya's side, Bai Xuefeng lowered her voice and asked, "Taya, are you just watching and doing nothing?"

Taya turned her head and looked at Bai Xuefeng coldly. The indifference in her eyes made Bai Xuefeng's expression flustered for a moment. Those eyes seemed to be able to see into the bottom of Bai Xuefeng's heart and see what she was thinking.

"Bai Xuefeng, if you are jealous of Jingyi, fight it yourself, don't come here to sow discord." But Taya didn't give Bai Xuefeng any face.

She didn't care about tearing her face apart, let alone beating around the bush. With one word, she choked back what Bai Xuefeng was about to say.

Bai Xuefeng's face was a bit ugly, she was silent for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "What are you talking about? It must be a misunderstanding, I just asked casually."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xuefeng gritted her teeth and looked away, moved aside calmly, ignoring Taya, Taya sneered, and didn't say anything else.

No one noticed that Bai Mingxian was staring at Bai Xuefeng, his lips moved slightly, and he muttered silently, if Mo Tingzhi saw it.

I can definitely recognize it. What Bai Mingxian said was, "Who is this Bai Xuefeng?" Bai Mingxian's eyes were very dark, and before Bai Xuefeng noticed it, he looked away.

Shi Lei rolled up the sleeves on his arms. Although the clothes were still a little damp, there was no water coming out of them.

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