This thing is very scary!
If Shi Lei hadn't found this needle, when he poured out the fluorescent stick with his bare hands, he would definitely be stuck, although Shi Lei didn't know what was on it.

But one thing is certain, the person who installed these things must have sinister intentions, but it should not be poisonous, and it is said that silver needles can test poison.

After thinking about it in this way, Shi Lei only felt horrified, the owner of the bottle wanted to harm the person who opened the bottle.

For some reason, Shi Lei suddenly thought of the shadow he saw when it was almost dawn today, and his heart became more and more uneasy. He lowered his eyes and thought for a while.

I made up my mind that if there is a problem or discovery, I must not hide it alone. They are a team, and I have to say something.

This may be related to everyone's safety, Shi Lei didn't say it before, because he didn't want to cause unnecessary panic, everyone was uncertain, and if they entered the cave again, accidents would easily happen.

But it's different now, Shi Lei thought, squinting his eyes, and slowly stood up from the beach. As soon as he raised his head, he heard people discussing how to enter the cave, where to go, etc.

"Shi Lei, what's wrong?"

His expression was dignified. At the beginning of the conversation, everyone didn't notice it. It was Guo Jingyi who had sharp eyes and could tell something was wrong with Shi Lei at a glance.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you can find that there is something wrong with the aura emanating from Shi Lei's body. Guo Jingyi's words made everyone's discussion gradually quiet down.

In the end, it completely disappeared, and the beach became quiet again, but Shi Lei remained silent. He shook his head at Guo Jingyi with some hesitation.

Seeing that Shi Lei didn't want to talk, Guo Jingyi didn't ask any further. Seeing Shi Lei's appearance, she knew that Shi Lei would definitely say that he was just struggling.

The others also focused their eyes on Shi Lei, and after waiting for a while, everyone became impatient, Xi Chuyu looked at Shi Lei impatiently.

Xi Chuyu didn't hate Shi Lei or something, she was dissatisfied with Shi Lei's mother-in-law, it made people hate it, although the others didn't say anything, their faces were a little weird.

Something was really wrong with Shi Lei, Xi Chuyu looked around, seeing that no one was going to say anything, she raised her leg and took a step forward, her gaze fell on Shi Lei.

As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, Shi Lei lowered her voice and said in a deep voice: "There is a needle in the drift bottle, and this morning I..."

Shi Lei simply talked about the situation just now, and the situation that he may have seen this morning, all in a low voice.

At the end, Shi Lei paused, swallowed, moistened his throat, and then expressed his guess.

"I suspect that someone is secretly watching our every move." It may not be a day or two, Shi Lei did not say the latter sentence, after all he is not sure about this matter.

After Shi Lei finished speaking, the originally quiet beach became even more silent for a while, as if a needle fell, and he could hear it clearly.

After being silent for a while, Shi Lei glanced around the crowd, coughed lightly, interrupted everyone's thoughts, and asked lightly: "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, while Xi Chuyu was writing down Shi Lei's words in his notebook for Mo Tingzhi to read, even though Mo Tingzhi didn't need it at all.

After Mo Ting finished reading the words with his eyes and ten lines, he was the first to speak: "This person is waiting for us to enter the cave, and he will use his plan to solve the hidden danger."

Mo Tingzhi's voice was deep and magnetic, especially nice. He was sure that Mo Tingzhi was born with a feeling of indifference but trustworthiness.

As soon as he uttered these words, he won the attention of everyone. Mo Tingzhi's method is easy to say, but extremely risky in practice. One mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

But if they ignore it, it's impossible. After all, there is still a group of ants staring at them. If they are attacked by the front and back, what will happen to them?

This decision was related to their safety, no one dared to speak rashly, they all carefully thought over Mo Tingzhi's words, Shi Lei did the same.

"I think this method can be..." After thinking about it for a while, Shi Lei had his own answer in his heart, and he looked up at the crowd.

Seeing that everyone looked a little dignified, he interrupted aloud, they had no time to wait any longer, as the sun gradually rose, Shi Lei became more and more worried about the group of ants.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Taya's exclamation, "The ants are coming!" There was a thunder on the ground, which was what Taya said.

No one expected that the group of ants that had suddenly lurked on the beach without moving would suddenly rush over, but after thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

Shi Lei twitched the corners of his mouth, just for a while, several surprises came, but at this moment he couldn't tell what it was like, it was just a bit complicated.

They didn't just have bad luck, did they offend some plague god?Although Shi Lei didn't believe this, he still couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Everyone pack up your things quickly and get ready to go!" The others looked in the direction Taya pointed, and saw the place not far away where the torches were planted last night.

At this time, it had turned into a dry beach, and some remaining torch sticks also fell down because of the soft sand, where they were.

It was only a dozen or so steps away from the edge of the wet beach. If this group of ants were like last night, if they wanted to kill each other, they would not be able to please them.

Since they couldn't beat them, they had no choice but to run away. The person who called everyone back to their senses was Guo Jingyi who was the first to react. As the dignified president of the group, how could she panic when encountering something.

After everyone heard this, they seemed to have found some kind of backbone, and they all dispersed, picking up the things they picked up by themselves, and if anyone had too much or too little, they would share them evenly.

"Shi Lei?" Guo Jingyi turned her head and saw Shi Lei staring blankly at the ants running towards this direction, wondering what he was thinking.

Fortunately, Shi Lei's breath was quite calm, Guo Jingyi tentatively called him a word, Shi Lei suddenly came back to his senses, and he glanced at Guo Jingyi in some confusion.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the busy people, which reminded Shi Lei, "I'm going to collect the life raft." Shi Lei walked quickly towards the entrance of the life raft while talking.

There are too many uses for this life raft, not to mention that this life raft doesn't take up much space, and Shi Lei doesn't dislike it either, he moves very quickly, but deflation is not a leak, it will definitely be slower.

Shi Lei also didn't like to wait like this. He looked at the plastic bottles that were gathered together, and felt a little bit reluctant and entangled, should he want it or not?

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