"Everyone wake up quickly, we should go to the cave after we have something to eat." Shi Lei also secretly reminded everyone not to sleep anymore, they have no time.

While speaking, everyone walked out of the life raft one after another, Mo Tingzhi was at the end, Shi Lei saw Mo Tingzhi get up.

He returned to the place where he stayed before, sitting on the side of the back of the life raft, Shi Lei yawned, rubbed his eyes, feeling a little sleepy.

Shi Lei closed his eyes, rubbed them, and then jumped off the side of the life raft, stepping on the sand with his bare feet, the animal skin wrapped around his feet was kept at the entrance of the life raft.

Wanting to go there, Shi Lei had no choice but to go around the life raft and turn around. When he walked to the entrance, he happened to pass by Mo Tingzhi who came out.

Mo Tingzhi murmured something in a low voice, the voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it, but Shi Lei paused.

He lowered his eyes, and after being obviously stunned for a moment, his voice was flat, and he deliberately lowered his voice: "I just pretend I didn't hear it."

Afterwards, regardless of Mo Tingzhi's reaction, he continued to walk towards the entrance. Shi Lei had been wrapped in animal skins before, and after doing this again, his movements became much more proficient, which naturally saved a lot of time.

But in a short while, even less than 10 minutes, Shi Lei put the animal skin on his feet firmly and comfortably. Shi Lei stood up and took two steps on the beach.

Especially when the soles of his feet did not feel tight, Shi Lei felt even more satisfied, even though Shi Lei said his feet were wrapped in animal skins before.

But after all, this road cannot be flat all the time. If it is not smooth, there will be stones, wooden thorns, and other dangerous things. If this foot is stabbed, it will be unlucky.

"If you get stuck by an iron, you may get tetanus." This is what Shi Lei is most worried about, although there is no way there are so many irons here, after all, there are few people, and I don't know how many years it will take a human to come here once.

But after all, there are contingencies, Shi Lei has never dared to be careless about this kind of thing, if it really hits, they don't have shoes now.

Although slippers are also shoes, the environment here is humid. If you walk on the beach for a while, your feet will get wet. If you get injured, it will inevitably fester or something.

They are still on their way now, how inconvenient it is, Shi Lei doesn't want to become a waste, this morning, when Shi Lei was on guard.

When he went to light the fire, his feet stepped on the sand, and the icy chill rose along the soles of his feet. The biting cold made Shi Lei shiver subconsciously.

Not only did his mind become clearer, but he also thought of a way, that is, to put something on the place where the feet should step on inside the animal skin.

Maybe, this method is a bit stupid, but it works, besides this, Shi Lei couldn't think of any other way, so he had to put something on the bottom of his feet.

"Shi Lei, why are you getting taller again? Is this your second growth or the third growth?" Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard someone teasing him.

The things under the feet are all the cloth strips that Shi Lei collected from his backpack, and other messy things, as well as the two iron box discs he got before, sandwiched in the cloth to prevent sharp things from penetrating through the cloth.

Shi Lei had already thought of a way, so the speed was naturally faster, but after wearing them, Shi Lei bowed his head happily, and when he wanted to take a look at his first self-made shoes in his life, the smile on his face immediately froze.

Fuck, who owns these two ugly giant hooves?The smile on Shi Lei's face gradually disappeared, and he stared at the beach expressionlessly.

Those two animal leather shoes, which were similar to platform shoes, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling so disgusted in his heart, Shi Lei decided to take them off.

But as soon as he thought about the safety issue, Shi Lei resisted the desire to do something, "Fuck his grandma, hot eyes are nothing, as long as there is nothing wrong with it!"

Shi Lei held his breath in his heart, and forced himself to look away, not letting himself look at the hot eyes under his feet, even the plastic slippers sold in the supermarket are more beautiful than this thing.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw everyone's gazes, all falling on his feet, Shi Lei's mouth twitched, and a hash mark appeared on his forehead.

It really ruined his image, although... he doesn't have much image at all, the more Shi Lei thought about it, the more he felt frustrated, and in the end, he just broke the jar.

What the hell, he's just dressed like this anyway, what's the matter?In just a short while, the sky became much brighter, Shi Lei raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The light of the sun can already be seen vaguely, and it will not take a while before it will rise. By then, they have to leave.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei wasn't in the mood, he didn't care about beauty or ugliness anymore, he glanced around, seeing the things on the beach, Shi Lei was about to move.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Xi Chuyu, "Shi Lei, you... how do I feel, your feet are fatter?"

From Xi Chuyu's perspective, she didn't see anything on the soles of Shi Lei's feet, she only noticed Shi Lei's feet because she heard Bai Xuefeng's joking voice.

Shi Lei twitched the corner of his mouth, showing an awkward smile, he was not interested in talking about this topic, rolled his eyes, Shi Lei changed the topic calmly.

"Are you all feeling hungry?"

The situation in the cave is still unknown. After leaving for a while, they definitely don't have time to eat before they are sure they are safe.

What's more, they still have a fierce battle to fight in a while, and they must maintain ample physical strength. How can they be hungry.

As soon as Shi Lei finished speaking, Taya replied: "I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat at all." Most of the others also meant the same thing.

Except for Mo Tingzhi and Guo Jingyi...Mo Tingzhi is a very self-disciplined person, as long as there is enough food, he will definitely eat three meals a day.

In his words, the body needs energy to function. If you don't eat food, your body will consume itself. If you don't eat a meal or two, it seems like nothing, but in fact...a little bit of depletion of the body.

Mo Tingzhi would not do such a thing, so Mo Tingzhi said that he would eat in a while, and when he arrived, he specially persuaded everyone.

To be honest, everyone said they were not hungry. Shi Lei was not surprised by this answer. After all, everyone had just woken up.

Seeing this, Shi Lei didn't force anything, but changed the subject and said: "Then everyone go to the beach for a walk, if you need anything, bring it with you."

While talking, Shi Lei peeked at the things on the beach, after the sky brightened, Shi Lei could tell what they were from far away.

Everything, for Shi Lei who has stayed in a place isolated from the world for a year, everything is so strange and familiar.

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