Thinking of this, Shi Lei felt the veins on his forehead twitch, and he felt a bit of a headache. For some reason, Shi Lei lost his appetite again.

Leaning on the life raft, Shi Lei closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while, then he felt a little more comfortable, he couldn't stop eating all the time.

Otherwise, I have to be vigilant tonight, and I won't be able to persist, Shi Lei muttered to himself, Shi Lei, who was originally lazy, also wanted to move.

Shi Lei opened his eyes, and after a moment of expressionless expression, he yelled, put his palms on the bottom of the life raft and sat up straight.

"Shi Lei, what's wrong with you?" Taya noticed something was wrong with him, hearing the woman's concern, Shi Lei shook his head slightly, expressing that it was all right.

Shi Lei turned his head to look at his backpack, put his hands on the cloth outside, squeezed it, his fingertips were all wet, the inside must be even more wet, there might be water.

After a pause, Shi Lei opened the backpack expressionlessly. He glanced at it first, and after confirming that the list was not on the top, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he got up with his backpack and walked towards the back of the life raft, where the light was brighter, Shi Lei looked at the situation of the things in the backpack by the light of the fire that had become a little weaker.

Then he pulled out a pressed animal skin from the backpack, Shi Lei held the animal skin, put his arm out of the life raft, twisted it vigorously, and heard the sound of water dripping.

Shi Lei's hands also became wet, after wringing out the water on it, he opened it, and spread the animal skin on the life raft by his side.

Then he stretched out his hand little by little, and took out the things in the backpack. There are quite a lot of pockets in the backpack. When carrying things out, Shi Lei inadvertently stuffed the list into a small pocket. No.

"Shi Lei, why don't you eat my jerky, I ate meat these two days, and I still have some food, enough to eat." Everyone saw Shi Lei's actions.

Maybe at the beginning, I didn't understand why Shi Lei did this, but when Shi Lei took out something, he twisted it or controlled the water.

Everyone thought of the scene of Shi Lei jumping into the sea before, and they understood what was going on. It was Xi Chuyu who spoke, but no one present believed what he said.

It's not that she doesn't believe that she will give food to Shi Lei, there is nothing to doubt about it, the main reason is the amount of food, Xi Chuyu usually eats a lot.

Today, everyone's food is almost enough, and Xi Chuyu naturally doesn't have much. She said this just to make Shi Lei not reject her.

Shi Lei almost took out all the things in the backpack, he was digging out the small pocket outside, after making sure there was nothing in it.

Only then did he pick up the empty backpack, get up and stick his upper body out of the life raft, then turn the backpack upside down and shake it at a low frequency.

"How is it?" Seeing that Shi Lei was silent, Xi Chuyu didn't nod or shake his head. After waiting for a while, Xi Chuyu couldn't help asking.

Following Xi Chuyu's words, the eyes of the others more or less fell on Shi Lei. Shi Lei paused when he heard the words.

He turned his head and glanced at Xi Chuyu, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I sealed the meat box, so it won't get in water."

As he spoke, Shi Lei moved his raised arms twice more, and after the backpack stood upside down for a while, all the water flowed towards the bottom.

Shi Lei just needs to stretch out his hands and grab the water vigorously, and it will be fine, the humidity is definitely inevitable, but fortunately, the weather here is not bad.

Although it was already dark now, the temperature did not drop too much, as long as Shi Lei wrung out most of the water.

For the rest of the super wet stuff, it only takes one night for the backpack to dry, Shi Lei put the backpack on the edge, looking at it, Shi Lei belatedly remembered something.

"Taya, you can arrange security." Shi Lei frowned, looked up at the woman sitting not far away, and said, Shi Lei walked to the entrance and exit of the life raft.

Sitting on the life raft and wrapping his feet with animal skins, Shi Lei stood up and stepped on the sand, said lightly, "I'll go out for the convenience."

In Shi Lei's hand, he held a piece of cloth and a bottle of fresh water. He said this just to remind a few women not to go out casually.

When he noticed it, Shi Lei moved his limbs, only then did he feel the uncomfortable feeling of the clothes sticking tightly to his skin, which made people really uncomfortable.

After Shi Lei stepped out of the life raft, he just stood up straight when he felt a sudden gust of wind blowing towards the inside of the life raft.

After hesitating for a moment, Shi Lei withdrew the hand he just raised. The draft is the coolest in this hot weather, so it's better not to pull it up.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei turned around and walked towards the side of the life raft. The light from the torch could not reach that side, but it was close to the life raft.

The life raft was not very high, so it was convenient to put things in. After Shi Lei walked over, he looked around and made sure that no one was there, so Shi Lei bent down.

"It's really cool." Inside the life raft, because of the large number of people and the small space, it seemed a bit stuffy, but Shi Lei opened the other side just now, so it might be cooler.

Putting the water bottle on the beach, and putting a cloth on it, Shi Lei took a deep breath, the refreshing but sea-like smell penetrated into Shi Lei's lungs.

Shi Lei stretched out his hand and unbuttoned his jacket, his skin was stained with sea water, it hadn't been rinsed yet, and he had been active for so long during the day, his whole body was covered in sweat, making him extremely uncomfortable.

But they didn't have much water now, so they had no choice but to come out and wipe their bodies with a cloth dampened with fresh water. After taking off their shirts, Shi Lei casually put them on the top of the life raft.

When bending over, Shi Lei suddenly remembered the list in his backpack, for some reason, a trace of uneasiness arose in his heart, he lowered his eyes and thought about it.

"Let's take a look." Shi Lei muttered to himself, making up his mind, he would naturally not hesitate any longer, Shi Lei reached out and picked up the bottle and cloth.

While straightening up, he glanced at the back of the life raft, where he was wearing his backpack, seemingly unintentionally. The position of the torch was a bit special.

Because of the flames over there, there is no need to look closely, there will be a shadow near the edge on the beach, Shi Lei just raised his head.

Shi Lei saw the shadow swaying on the edge at a glance. After careful observation, Shi Lei also found that it was a woman, because she had long hair and...obvious twin peaks.

"What does this person want to do?"

Although he could feast his eyes on it, Shi Lei still couldn't help becoming nervous, but when he saw that shadow, he stretched out his hand to hold something, and moved to the torch.

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