It goes without saying how much open space there is on the beach, but after all, there has just been a high tide, and there are more or less things on it that are not good for life rafts.

If Shi Lei and the others directly opened it up, no one would need to go up, and the life raft might be punctured and leak air. This is the only means of transportation they have now.

If it's gone, where are we going to cry, so Shi Lei's torch was taken by Guo Jingyi, she and Bai Mingxian held the torch to help everyone illuminate.

Others went to clean up things on the beach, mainly the part where they needed to park the life raft, which had to be tidied up.

"Everyone, walk slowly. The sand here is relatively soft and easy to sink. Be careful." Everyone dispersed, and looked down at the beach with the help of the bright light.

Shi Lei saw Bai Xuefeng and Mo Tingzhi walking towards the beach at a very fast speed, and couldn't help reminding loudly.

Although those long tubular creatures have all disappeared, who knows where they will appear next time, and whether they will actively attack them.

"Don't worry, I'm watching the road." Hearing this, Bai Xuefeng turned her head, waved at Shi Lei, and replied with a smile in her voice.

The others were also looking for a cleaner place where the torches in the hands of Bai Mingxian and Guo Jingyi could shine.

Mainly because of the previous high tide, a lot of things floated up. Although there is a long distance from modern society, this marine garbage does not distinguish between national boundaries and regions.

Apart from rubbish, there are branches and seaweeds on the beach, as well as some shells and starfish, because Shi Lei walked at the end.

There was only a faint light shining from under his feet, and only vague shadows could be seen. As Shi Lei was walking, he heard a hollow sound of "bang," and felt that something had been kicked.

"Plastic bottle?" Shi Lei looked down carefully, based on the outline, Shi Lei quickly guessed what it was, he kicked it again, listening to the sound, there seemed to be something inside.

Shi Lei twitched the corner of his mouth, hesitated for a moment, then bent down to pick up the bottle. After he stood up straight, he looked up and scanned the beach, and found that there were quite a lot of useful garbage.

If these things are normal, they are ordinary garbage, at most they are recycled or something, but for Shi Lei and the others now, they are life-saving things.

Holding the plastic bottle, Shi Lei caught up with the person in front, and hurriedly asked, "Taya, how did you find it?" Taya and Xi Chuyu kept their heads down and searched.

Shi Lei just watched it for a while, and they didn't need to move places, the beach here is not big, so there is only so little space, logically speaking, it should be about the same.

Hearing this, Taya stood up straight, nodded to Shi Lei and said, "I think the place where we are standing now is good."

Her voice was not deliberately lowered, the beach was very quiet, no matter who spoke, everyone could hear it clearly.

Hearing this, the speed of the crowd slowed down significantly, Shi Lei nodded at Taya, motioning for her to continue, Taya then said: "Shi Lei, look back, I think the distance here is just right. "

After all, they still have to observe the situation in the cave at night. They can't be too far away, but they can't be too close. If there is any danger, it will be convenient for them to escape.

Shi Lei turned around, looked at the cave and where they were, and glanced back and forth a few times, although the cave was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

However, Shi Lei has already memorized the position and distance in his mind. The reason why he walks so slowly is that, like a blind person, he learns to remember how many steps he has taken to calculate the distance and position.

When other people heard the words, they all turned their heads to check the situation here. Logically speaking, the distance Taya chose is quite good.

But... before that, they had to find a place where the moisture on the beach surface would not be evaporated dry after one night.

Otherwise, the next morning, they would be surrounded by those crazy ants, Shi Lei couldn't help sighing when he thought of this.

"Let's go a little further to the beach." Shi Lei smiled helplessly at Taya, and shared his worries, Taya smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Shi Lei, you're still thoughtful." That's when facing Shi Lei, you can see this rare shyness, if you want to be someone else... Tsk tsk.

On Shi Lei's side, he was crazily complaining about the group of ants in his heart, to be honest, Shi Lei's description just now did not wrong those ants at all.

After all, ever since Mo Tingzhi used sea water to kill some ants, those guys have been rushing towards this side like crazy.

Thinking of something, Shi Lei couldn't help turning his head, and glanced at the edge of the wet beach. The reason why Shi Lei could see the situation there was thanks to Xi Chuyu.

When Shi Lei and the others were walking this way, Xi Chuyu ran to the edge by himself, plugged in a torch, and lit it with a match.

Except for Shi Lei who took a stroll in the water before, the others are fine, and the things inside are also quite clean, otherwise, all their things would have to be scrapped.

"Tsk, I didn't expect this group of ants to be so smart that they would sacrifice the lives of their companions to advance this way. It seems that they are really in a hurry."

What Shi Lei was talking about was the group of ants that were crawling desperately towards this side. Shi Lei just turned his head to look, and with the light of the fire, he immediately noticed the movement of this group of ants.

They are not afraid of fire, they are not the same as the previous ants, they have no destructive power, but Shi Lei is sure that the lethality of this group of ants must be greater than the previous ones.

If it was really bitten, it probably wasn't like Guo Jingyi, it was just a red spot, because it was not afraid of fire, and it was quite safe to insert the torch there, nothing happened.

Shi Lei became worried in his heart, if this ant colony is really so desperate to use the lives and corpses of the ants next to the beach to just move forward.

It won't be long before they can catch up. After all, they will leave footprints and smell when they walk. Thinking of this, Shi Lei couldn't help but frown.

It seems that when we are on alert at night, we have to pay attention to the movement of these ants, tsk, it is really troublesome, but Shi Lei is a little bit reluctant to leave now.

"It would be great if I could find something useful on the beach tomorrow morning." For example, plastic sheeting. With it, I can make my own distiller in the future and use various things to obtain water.

There are also plastic bottles. Although they have bottles for fresh water, if they want to reach the cave tomorrow, they will definitely need the help of sea water. Naturally, they must use bottles.

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