The weight of a person can't bear it at all. If you step on it, the result can be imagined. With resistance, the speed of action will drop.

As for the ants that were chasing after them, they could walk freely on the mud, because they were light, so they would not be in the same situation as Shi Lei and the others.

By the time……

For some reason, in Shi Lei's mind, the boat with a large hole appeared suddenly because of the ants, although part of it was because of his own people.

But if it wasn't for the swarm of ants, it wouldn't be strong enough to bite the ship's plank, just using torches, it wouldn't be like that, although Shi Lei didn't say it all the time, he knew the truth in his heart.

After thinking of this question, Shi Lei's heart immediately rose to his throat, he was very anxious, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard a female voice, "Yes, aren't they all hanging beside the backpack? Shi Lei, if it's useful, you can take it yourself." Listen to Shi Lei's question.

Xi Chuyu, who had just freed his hand and had time to rest, quickly replied, Shi Lei responded lightly, turned his head and scanned the crowd first, then lowered his eyes to look at the backpack in the middle.

At this time, everyone was trying their best to paddle towards the seashore. Isn't he disturbing the morale of the army by saying this, let alone...

Shi Lei raised his eyes and glanced at the approaching ants colony, frowned slightly, now is not a good time to talk, thinking, Shi Lei got up.

Go to the backpack and squat down. Two backpacks are placed side by side in the middle of the life raft. Although the harpoon is tied to the backpack, it is placed very skillfully.

They were all placed on top of the backpack, none of them could touch the surface of the life raft, and naturally there would be no possibility of puncturing the life raft. Seeing this, Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction.

He thought to himself, looking at this neat and tidy appearance, he could tell at a glance that it must be Mo Tingzhi's handwriting, thinking, Shi Lei took off all the harpoons, and leaned on the backpack with the end of the harpoon facing upwards.

"Shi Lei, what are you doing with this?" Shi Lei was silently calculating in his mind, how the seven of them should use harpoons or other things to quickly pass through the beach like a swamp.

Hearing someone calling his name, Shi Lei followed the voice, turned around and saw that it was Taya, Shi Lei smiled and said, "I'm thinking about it too."

He didn't perfunctory Taya, it was true, Shi Lei was also a little confused at this time, all kinds of questions came up all of a sudden, making Shi Lei feel inexplicably irritable.

But his face was quite calm all the time. To put it bluntly, he was expressionless and couldn't see anything. Taya responded, but didn't care, and continued to concentrate on rowing the life raft.

Shi Lei stared at the harpoon for a while, looking at the handle, the word "hiking pole" suddenly popped up in his mind, and then Shi Lei thought of how to use the harpoon to quickly pass through that area.

"Since it's muddy, let's go faster, trotting should be fine." If it sinks, you can use a harpoon... Shi Lei muttered to himself, thinking it was okay, he nodded subconsciously.

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lei suddenly felt that the life raft stopped, and when paddling on the sea surface, even if the water surface was calm, it would shake slightly.

What's more, the place where they are is the sea. Could it be that they have landed?Thinking about it, Shi Lei looked up, and was immediately taken aback.

Shi Lei was distracted all the time, his attention was very concentrated, but he still didn't notice the speed. Before he knew it, he came to the surface of the sea and took a fixed look at the wet sand.

Sure enough, as Shi Lei expected, Shi Lei was about to get up when he heard Xi Chuyu's urgent voice from behind him.

"Shi Lei, don't sit still, quickly get your things down."

Only now did Shi Lei come to his senses, when he stood up, he heard a rustling sound behind him, turned around and saw that everyone was carrying backpacks.

Although there are gaps on all sides of the life raft, the edge on the side of the entrance and exit is smaller, and it is still convenient to go down there.

Shi Lei's backpack happened to be next to it, Shi Lei responded, and walked over, his feet were soft, Shi Lei's center of gravity was unsteady, he wobbled, and almost fell down several times.

Fortunately, Shi Lei walked over safely. When he reached out to pick up the backpack, he thought of the harpoon he had taken out, and quickly reminded: "Everyone take the harpoon. After going down, I will put the life raft away." .”

So don't keep your things these few years, Shi Lei briefly mentioned the situation on the beach, and after everyone went down with their things, Shi Lei grabbed the backpack on his back and walked down.

The place where the life raft was stowed was at the entrance and exit, Shi Lei raised his head and glanced at the sea surface, and saw that the ant colony was still a short distance away.

Only then did Shi Lei heave a sigh of relief, time is enough, although it takes a little time to inflate the life raft, it will be much faster when it is stowed.

Shi Lei focused on the gradually shrinking life raft, while the others were tinkering with weapons. After a while, Shi Lei installed the life raft.

Seeing Taya walking over with two harpoons in his hand, he asked as he walked, "Shi Lei, there are a few more harpoons here, I'll give you these later."

Taya kept staring at her feet and didn't pay attention to the situation here. After she finished speaking, Taya moved the place again to prevent the overflowing water from getting her feet wet.

"By the way, do you need my help?"

Taya seemed to have thought of something suddenly. As she spoke, she raised her head suddenly, and the expression on her face immediately changed into a bewildered expression. She looked around in a little confusion, "Huh? Where's the life raft?"

Hearing this, the corners of Shi Lei's eyes twitched, he suppressed a smile in his heart, and replied flatly: "It's over, which harpoon do you use?" After finishing speaking.

Shi Lei was afraid of Taya's embarrassment, so he hurriedly added something to divert Taya's attention. While speaking, Shi Lei felt his feet were chilly.

When he jumped off, the slippers on Shi Lei's feet were gone, no need to think about it, they must have sunk into the bottom of the sea, and they didn't have extra shoes to prepare.

Therefore, Shi Lei has been barefoot since he got on the life raft, and when he stepped on the wet sand, water could flow out when he squeezed it.

The coldness immediately burrowed into the soles of Shi Lei's feet, followed the bones to the tailbone, the cold Shi Lei shuddered, and after standing for a while, two foot shapes appeared where Shi Lei stepped of puddles.

"Here." Taya's attention was diverted as expected, Taya cared more about Shi Lei than the so-called face.

Just as Shi Lei took the harpoon, he heard Guo Jingyi calling for everyone to leave quickly, turned his head and glanced at the sea, Shi Lei couldn't help but "tsk", and the ants immediately came ashore.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shi Lei nodded at Taya at the side, and the two quickly walked towards Guo Jingyi, and soon everyone gathered together.

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