Shi Lei raised his hand and rubbed his sore neck, then turned his head to look at the three of them, seeing that the three of them were all asleep, his intuition was a little strange, he subconsciously tilted his head to look at the place where the backpack was placed, a carp stretched out from the ground jump up.

Standing up suddenly, Shi Lei's blood supply to the brain was insufficient, which made him feel dizzy, he raised his hand to rub his forehead, rubbed his temples, closed his eyes, and after a while, his mind became clear.

"Wake up, the backpack is gone!" Shi Lei looked at the three lying people with a serious face, his heart jumped, he walked over, raised his hand and pushed the three people's shoulders, and at the same time subconsciously looked at the three people His chest rose and fell slightly, making Shi Lei heave a sigh of relief.

Shi Lei glanced at Xi Chuyu inadvertently, but he saw a scene that made his blood rush. Xi Chuyu lay sideways on the ground, with his left arm hanging attentively on his chest, gently pressing the undulating twin peaks.

Because of Xi Chuyu's sideways appearance, the originally plump and rounded Shuangfeng became more turbulent. The Shuangfeng tightly supported the T-shirt, and because of the low neckline, half of the roundness and deep ravine leaked out. I couldn't help but want to reach out and poke my hands in. I'm sure my fingers will be pinched and I won't be able to move.

Shi Lei's body froze in place, he felt the heat slowly rising from his lower abdomen, and his breathing became rapid. At this moment, from the corner of Shi Lei's eyes, he saw Xi Chupeng lying on the side, his body moved, as if he was about to wake up Come here, let Shi Lei's sanity suddenly come to his senses.

"Hold the grass, if Xi Chupeng, the dead sister, sees it, he will not be beaten." Shi Lei swallowed, resisting the desire to continue exploring, looked away, stood up gently, and did not move. Sensually, he walked to Xi Chupeng's side.

As soon as Xi Chupeng sat upright, he saw Shi Lei's magnified face in front of him, so scared that Xi Chupeng leaned back a little, looked at Shi Lei with strange eyes, and said vigilantly: "What are you doing!"

"I..." Seeing Xi Chupeng's gaze, Shi Lei almost didn't come up in one breath, Ma De made the stick!Gritting his teeth, Shi Lei said with a dark face: "The backpack is gone!"

"What? We're not..." Xi Chupeng said, suddenly stopped talking, and looked up at Shi Lei, "Twice, no one noticed."

"There is a problem." Shi Lei's face was serious, "It can make people unconscious, only drugged and smoked."

"You mean..." Xi Chupeng was about to continue, but Shi Lei shook his head and signaled him to shut up with his eyes. Xi Chupeng understood, and changed the subject: "The backpack is gone, what should we eat?"

At this time, the two women also woke up slowly, Shi Lei looked at them, his heart sank again, if it was normal, he called them just now, they should have woken up long ago.

Because in this situation, no one can sleep so deeply, except for the kind of heartless idiot, who will not be vigilant in his heart.

"It's okay, when Jingyi put away her backpack yesterday, she took out the food, and there were mint leaves in it, as well as some dead leaves and branches."

Shi Lei wasn't worried, as he spoke, he glanced at Guo Jingyi with some gratitude, and said in his heart: As expected of the president of a large group, what he thinks is comprehensive.

"That's good, it's just a pity, good backpack, alas..." Xi Chupeng felt a little heartbroken, and the two women got up and walked over when they saw the two talking, asking what happened.

Guo Jingyi looked around the two of them, and already had a guess in her heart. Seeing that Xi Chupeng and Shi Lei's expressions were not good, she said without any surprise: "The backpack was stolen."

Shi Lei shared his and Xi Chupeng's guesses, Xi Chuyu didn't know this, after the change of guard, he fell asleep so sleepy, and didn't notice it, Guo Jingyi seriously recalled the situation last night, and looked at Xi Chupeng.

"Chu Peng, did you smell something in the early morning?"

Xi Chupeng tilted his head and thought for a while, then frowned and shook his head and said, "I really don't remember this. Last night, I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up this morning, my mind was drowsy."

"I have this feeling too," Xi Chuyu echoed, "I used to wake up every morning and feel refreshed as soon as I opened my eyes, but today, I'm still a little confused, which is strange to say."

"Shi Lei, the other party has Miyan." Xi Chupeng narrowed his eyes, his face a little ugly, "How do we catch it? Could it be a savage?"

"It feels more like an extremely fast animal," Shi Lei shook his head, "I felt its gaze, but when I turned around, there was nothing."

"Let's eat first," Xi Chuyu suggested, seeing that everyone's faces were serious, "We'll talk when we're full."

"Okay," Shi Lei nodded, looking at Guo Jingyi, Guo Jingyi got up, went back to the palm leaf where she was resting before, took the palm leaf away, and there was a bamboo tube with dried meat and a water bottle with fresh water under it.

"Jingyi, you really know how to find a place. I didn't see it yesterday. When did you hide it?" Xi Chuyu looked at Guo Jingyi in shock and sincerely admired.

When Guo Jingyi heard this, a smile flashed in her eyes, she hugged all the things, put them on the ground, and ate breakfast, while Shi Lei kept his eyes down in thought, subconsciously raised his hand, and took a sip of water.

Shi Lei felt the moisture in his throat, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, he looked down at the fresh water in his hand, and said suddenly: "How about covering your mouth and nose with a damp cloth?"

"What?" Xi Chupeng looked up at Shi Lei, but couldn't hear what he said clearly.

Shi Lei reached out and pulled out the saber pinned to his waist, and stuck it in the ground, then he took off the vest that was missing two sleeves, and used the saber to cut off a piece of cloth from the front corner of the garment.

"Have you learned about firefighting, have you?" Shi Lei raised his eyebrows, because he thought of a way, a smile appeared on his originally solemn face, "When a fire comes, how can we prevent our mouth and nose from inhaling ashes?"

"You mean...use a damp cloth!" Guo Jingyi squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Good idea."

Xi Chupeng and Xi Chuyu also agreed, Shi Lei also cut off the other corner of the clothes, then stuck the saber on the ground again, and said helplessly: "Come on, whoever has more fabric on the clothes, cut off two pieces, I If you cut it again, you won’t be able to wear it.”

"Shi Lei, I want this piece of cloth." Xi Chuyu rolled his eyes, raised his hand to pick up the piece of cloth Shi Lei cut off, and subconsciously glanced at Guo Jingyi.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jingyi didn't look at this at all, she cut off a piece of cloth from her clothes, Guo Jingyi felt Xi Chuyu's gaze, raised her eyes, and gave her a disgusted look.

"..." The corner of Xi Chuyu's mouth twitched, hello!Can you stop ignoring me like this, don't you like Shi Lei, don't argue about it.

Xi Chupeng took the saber that Guo Jingyi handed him, quickly cut a piece of fabric from his clothes, quickly snatched the piece of fabric from Xi Chuyu's hand, stuffed the piece from his own clothes into his sister's hand, and gave Shi Lei a sideways glance.

Shi Lei is tired, he and his sister control are not in the same dimension, goodbye manually.

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