How could Shi Lei not feel such a scorching gaze, he smiled at Bai Mingxian and said, "You might not know it just after waking up, but we just went into the bush the day before yesterday, otherwise, everyone wouldn't be able to eat something hot of."

Bai Mingxian responded and closed his eyes, while Shi Lei asked again: "What do you think?" After speaking, Shi Lei unscrewed the bottle, drank a few sips of water, did not say anything, and quietly waited for everyone's reaction.

Naturally, Mo Tingzhi couldn't recognize every sentence Shi Lei said, so Xi Chuyu sat directly beside him and helped him write the contents on paper.

For a while, no one said anything, everyone was weighing the pros and cons in their hearts, Shi Lei was not in a hurry, anyway, there were still a few days, after a long time, Mo Tingzhi spoke first.

"It's fine to enter, but what do you think is there? That piece of feces, judging from the degree of dryness and hardness, it has been away for at least a week."

The place where the bushes are located is very close to the beach, at the bottom of the sand slope, unless necessary, plus it is so close to the sea, there are no animals that like to make their nests here.

Although they are just small animals, they also have their own intelligence, which should not be underestimated. What Mo Tingzhi said makes sense. Shi Lei nodded, but asked back: "Besides it, there may be other things."

It happened that there wasn't enough firewood, so I cut down a tree by the way, a coconut tree trunk, Shi Lei and the others could burn it for several days, in fact they wouldn't run out in three days.

The main reason is to make some common tools and a few torches in case of emergencies, although... Shi Lei thinks that they shouldn't be needed, it's better than nothing.

"I think Shi Lei's proposal is good. As long as Shi Lei agrees, I am willing to go together." Xi Chuyu raised his hand without hesitation, expressing his support for Shi Lei.

As soon as these words came out, Taya was not to be outdone: "There is me." Hearing this, Xi Chuyu snorted unceremoniously, and started fighting with Taya with eyes.

When Shi Lei saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, he turned his head to look at Guo Jingyi who had been silent all this time, thought for a while and asked: "Jingyi, what do you think?"

When Guo Jingyi heard Shi Lei's voice, she looked up for a moment, then said seriously: "If you really want to go, you must be fully prepared, and you can't rush in."

Although they had entered the bush once before, they only strolled around the periphery after all. If they wanted to find prey, they must go inside.

These words reached Shi Lei's ears, and he immediately burst into joy. Guo Jingyi's words implied that she was supporting him.

"Jingyi, I will definitely pay attention to safety, don't worry!" The more Shi Lei thought about it, the more excited he was, he couldn't help patting his leg, and solemnly assured him.

The voice was not too low, and everyone's eyes were focused on him. For a while, the atmosphere in the cabin was strangely quiet.

Shi Lei didn't notice this, he was immersed in Guo Jingyi's words of caring for her, and he was very happy, this scene pissed off several women who liked Shi Lei.

Especially Bai Xuefeng's complexion immediately darkened, she gritted her teeth and looked at Shi Lei with a smirk on her face, feeling aggrieved, thinking of Shi Lei's attitude when Taya beat her that day, Bai Xuefeng was heartbroken.

After Shi Lei came back to his senses, he immediately said seriously: "Everyone raises their hands to decide whether to go to the bush or not." The result can be imagined.

But it's not today, it's already afternoon, the time is too rushed, if you panic, you will make mistakes, it's better to wait until you have more free time.

After discussing for a while, everyone decided to go to the bush in three days. The weather these days has been quite good, but it is a little hot at noon.

They were there, and there were no branches to cover them. If they wanted to avoid heatstroke, they had to take proper measures, such as sun protection. Shi Lei and the others used local materials and mixed water with plant ash.

Speaking of which, the speed of time passing was really fast, and before I knew it, it was the morning when Shi Lei and the others set off.

As soon as it was dawn, Shi Lei and Tayasi Chuyu got up early, the two women used bows and crossbows, Shi Lei used a harpoon.

There was only one day of food left, he couldn't do anything, and he had nothing to wear, so after Shi Lei got dressed, he applied plant ash on his exposed skin to protect himself from the sun.

After everything was ready, the sky outside also completely brightened. It was just after six o'clock, and the movement was not too big, and everyone was still awake.

"Shi Lei, you must be careful when going in, otherwise, I will go with you, one more person, one more strength."

Flicking the harpoon in his hand, it was quite strong, Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction, and as soon as he raised his head, he caught sight of Guo Jingyi who was coming closer.

Hearing the woman's concern, Shi Lei was very excited, but he was not in a daze, and agreed to Guo Jingyi's request, "No."

"Jingyi, among the four people left, Tingzhi and Mingxian both need protection, and you and Xuefeng are the only ones left. What if the other person is in danger?"

Shi Lei also felt sorry for Guo Jingyi, Xi Chuyu knew Taekwondo anyway, practiced since she was a child, her physical strength was better than Guo Jingyi's, so she just went to help carry the container and pack things.

Guo Jingyi heard that she didn't insist on anything, and she couldn't bring too many things, except for the weapons, which were containers for things, and a few pieces of animal skins played this role.

The curtains were torn and used as bandages.The weapons are harpoons and crossbows for melee attacks, and bows and arrows for long-distance attacks. If they cooperate well, the lethality will definitely be great.

After Shi Lei asked people to bid farewell to everyone in the cabin, he disembarked and walked straight towards the bushes. There was not much distance between the two sides, and they arrived in a short while.

"Where do we start looking?"

Although looking at it from a distance, the shrub forest is only a small area, but after getting closer, I realized that the area is quite large.

The area is too big, it's not good at all, it's too troublesome to search, upon hearing this, Shi Lei scanned the bushes within sight, and hooked the corner of his mouth.

"From here, advance sideways."

As Shi Lei said, he pointed to the nearest plant, then waved at the two of them, and walked in first. The two women looked at each other and naturally followed closely.

Being in the low vegetation is no better than the kind of forest where it is easy to get lost. If people want to catch prey, they have a wide field of vision and it is easy to search.

It's different here, the green plants are very lush, Shi Lei has nothing in the branches, wanting to see, Shi Lei can only bend his waist, push and shrink little by little, one row after another.

However, they searched all morning, when the sun moved overhead and began to radiate the heat of the barbecue, Shi Lei stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead and nose.

Putting his hips on his hips and moving his sore waist, Shi Lei stared blankly at a large area to be searched, feeling a headache.

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