What Shi Lei was looking at was not the herbs that Bai Mingxian was picking up, but Bai Mingxian's calf that had touched the water's edge, and his feet were standing on the water's edge.

It's nothing to say, after all, Shi Lei has nothing to worry about since the bone piercing vine didn't come over, but!There are not only plants, but also animals and insects.

In this calm water, dangers are everywhere, starting from Bai Mingxian's ankles and extending all the way to the calf, there are dense round white bugs with a black spot on the tail.

It was wriggling constantly, and it was burrowing under Bai Mingxian's skin. At this time, the skin on the surface of Bai Mingxian's legs looked like fresh lotus noodles, which was the most unbearable scene.

Shi Lei was stunned, the voice in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what, he maintained his half-squatting half-standing expression, and was stunned for several seconds.

Only then did he suddenly come back to his senses, stood up suddenly, and walked towards Bai Mingxian, while walking, Shi Lei did not forget to secretly look at Bai Mingxian's expression.

The strange feeling in my heart became more and more intense. It was strange that Bai Mingxian didn't seem to feel the penetration of his legs at all. What's going on? Could it be that even Bai Mingxian could hide this bug?
Seeing Shi Lei standing still, Bai Mingxian quickly asked him, "Shi Lei, what are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

In this case, as long as Bai Mingxian's eyes are fine, he will definitely pay attention. Shi Lei's expression is too strange, and Bai Mingxian can't understand it.

As he said that, Bai Mingxian put away his bow and arrow, turned around and took a long stride, and landed on the shore. There was not a single insect near the water's edge. Bai Mingxian stepped on the ground with bare feet, shaking the mud on his feet.

"Ming Xian, isn't this just a water plant?" What's the use of this?The black and green look dirty, Shi Lei couldn't help feeling angry and doubtful, can this thing really heal wounds?
However, thinking of the wound on Bai Mingxian's leg, Shi Lei couldn't help feeling a little worried, wondering if Bai Mingxian could cure that unknown bug.

It's disgusting, if this really gets into a person's body, it's definitely not good, Shi Lei thought, feeling a chill, and just about to open his mouth to speak, he heard Bai Mingxian say: "Take it."

Bai Mingxian handed the water plants in his hand to Shi Lei, and he threw the wet bow and arrow on the ground with a flick of his hand.

Hearing this, Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, subconsciously stretched out his hand and spread out his palm, feeling his hand was cold, he suddenly came back to his senses, his heart tightened, it's not good!Bai Mingxian must wear shoes!

"Ming Xian..."

Shi Lei originally wanted to use one sentence to briefly remind Bai Mingxian, but when he lowered his eyes, he saw that Bai Mingxian had already bent down. Looking from that position, his eyes just fell on his legs, and the penetrating scene happened to be reflected. eye.

It's over... Well, Shi Lei sighed secretly, only to hear Bai Mingxian ask him calmly: "You found out just now?" Shi Lei gave a sincere "Yes", Bai Mingxian was silent.

He maintained a posture bent at [-] degrees, and after standing for a while, he suddenly stood up straight. I don't know if it was because of the bugs, or because he had maintained the same posture for too long, Bai Mingxian's figure swayed.

If it wasn't for Shi Lei's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he grabbed Bai Mingxian, he would have staggered and fell into the puddle, Bai Mingxian turned his ankles and stood with his feet shoulder to shoulder.

After calming down, Shi Lei opened his hands lightly, and asked: "Ming Xian, can you still walk back?" They don't have any tools here, can they take out the bugs with just a saber.

The reason for saying this is because the worms on Bai Mingxian's ankles have already penetrated into the flesh with one-third of their body.It is estimated that it was the first to climb up.

But Bai Mingxian's expression was as if he didn't feel it. Shi Lei looked very curious, and while thinking about it, he asked the question.

Hearing this, Bai Mingxian was silent for a moment, and then said flatly: "This bug should be anesthetized with saliva." So he didn't notice the danger all the time, so half of his calf was covered with such things.

"Do you know what this is?" Shi Lei thought for a while, then hurriedly asked, but Bai Mingxian shook his head without hiding it, "I don't know."

After Bai Mingxian finished speaking, he bent down to put on his shoes, then walked towards the way he came, without turning his head and said, "Let's go back."

Now that we have found the herbs, why waste time in such a dangerous place, Shi Lei looked down at the aquatic plants in his hand.

He had been looking at the scenery on the water just now, so he naturally noticed this aquatic plant. It was located on the edge of the center of the bottom of the basin. If he wanted to collect it, he had to go into the water.

Bai Mingxian did this because of him, if he hadn't been stupid and stupid enough to come out without a harpoon, why would Bai Mingxian suffer this crime.

The more Shi Lei thought about it, the more he regretted it. He shook his head annoyedly, and hurriedly raised his legs to chase after Bai Mingxian who had already walked a few steps, "Mingxian, I'll help you get the weapon. Go faster by yourself. Get the worms out."

Bai Xuefeng is a voodoo master, so she definitely understands bugs, Bai Mingxian hurried back, with Bai Xuefeng's help, she definitely wouldn't let these bugs get in!

Shi Lei didn't say what happened next, Bai Mingxian looked at him and understood instantly, Bai Mingxian shook his head, Shi Lei quickly chased after him, and dragged Bai Mingxian towards the top of the mountain.

Shi Lei was anxious, still not in the mood to pay attention to the situation under his feet, as he walked, he could hear the sound of hard-shelled insects being trampled from time to time.

Bai Mingxian stared blankly at Shi Lei, who looked like a different person, feeling so strange, at this moment, Shi Lei's sluggishness was gone, leaving only firmness and seriousness.

"Shi Lei, you promised Guo Jingyi to go back together."

Bai Mingxian closed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and then he said something, there was a hint of a smile in his cold voice, Shi Lei was taken aback when he heard it.

He paused, and after the two of them stood on the top of the mountain, Shi Lei turned to look at Bai Mingxian, the corner of Bai Mingxian's mouth curled up, and as Shi Lei let go of his arm, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to the ground.

Shi Lei raised the bow in his hand and passed it over, Bai Mingxian's eyes were quick, and he grabbed the other end of the bow, he didn't go to meet Bai Mingxian.

The reason is very simple, face, let me ask which man doesn't like face, if he really catches Bai Mingxian, it will be called embarrassment.

"Thank you." Bai Mingxian gritted his teeth and replied, with sweat dripping from his forehead, Shi Lei was startled, and looked down at Bai Mingxian's calf.

Because of the bugs, Bai Mingxian only wore slippers, he took off the animal skin, Shi Lei could see that Bai Mingxian endured a lot of hard work.

He lowered his head and carefully looked at Bai Mingxian's legs, only to realize that they were swollen all around, but after walking for a while, the original wheat-colored skin also became aggravated.

"Ming Xian, I'll carry you back."

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