"Okay." Bai Mingxian didn't ask, and readily agreed.

After standing still on the top of the mountain, Shi Lei put his hips on his hips and looked towards the basin. At first, he didn't feel anything. After all, the plants are inherently green, and there are many plants in the basin, so it's strange if they aren't green.

After walking about 200 meters, Shi Lei felt that his legs were a bit tired. After all, the slippers he had been wearing before could hardly feel the weight.

This time there was an animal skin tied to one foot, the weight can be imagined, but Shi Lei's physique is not bad, he bent slightly, put his hands on his knees, and rested for a while.

Standing a bit bored, Shi Lei looked at the plants in the basin bit by bit, and then he noticed that the plants in the basin had become greener and taller, almost reaching the calf at this time.

"Ming Xian, look at the lowest part of the basin."

The lowest part of the basin is a relatively flat surface. In the entire basin, the inner hillside is still covered with grass that reaches the height of the feet, and there is no sign of growing taller.

Only on the ground floor of the basin, where the plants are suddenly so luxuriant, something is really wrong, there must be a monster if something goes wrong, Shi Lei is curious on the one hand, but worried on the other hand.

Shi Lei now only hopes that this matter will not disturb them looking for herbs, at worst they will not go in, thinking, Shi Lei stood up straight.

He turned his head and glanced at Bai Mingxian, his face was still paralyzed, and he couldn't see anything, but hearing that his breathing was quite steady, Shi Lei lowered his head to look at his watch.

The sunset time here is relatively late, and it will be completely dark after seven o'clock, so excluding the time to go back, they have more than an hour to find herbs.

"Ming Xian, let's start."

Bai Mingxian responded without saying anything, the two walked down the mountain one after another, because of the protection of the animal skin, the speed of the two was much faster than when Shi Lei came here for the first time.

To be honest, with such a layer of animal skin, Shi Lei really didn't think it was useful at first, but when he really walked, Shi Lei realized it.

Those dark scorpions exuded a dangerous aura, even if they wanted to pierce Shi Lei's feet, they couldn't penetrate them. Shi Lei is not the kind of arrogant person who gets carried away with pride.

After encountering a poisonous thing, he had to dodge what should be done. If he trampled a poisonous thing to death, those companions would come after him if they smelled it. Shi Lei was not interested in trying it, and he didn't have time to waste it.

The two walked all the way down the hillside, and stopped at a place less than three or four meters away from the bottom. He looked around and asked casually, "Ming Xian, did you find anything?"

In fact, even if he didn't ask, Shi Lei saw that Bai Mingxian hadn't said a word, so he could guess that he must have gotten nothing, but what surprised Shi Lei was that there was no voice answering from behind, could something have happened?

Shi Lei was taken aback by his guess, he quickly moved a step, turned around and looked back, there was no Bai Mingxian behind him.

He was thinking whether to call Bai Mingxian, when out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that about a meter or two to his left, Bai Mingxian was squatting and poking something with a crossbow arrow.

Shi Lei's face darkened when he opened his mouth to speak, when he felt a sudden slip on his foot, it was different from the one who stepped on the air, it was more like something wrapped around his ankle, pulling him back vigorously .

Shi Lei was startled and frightened in his heart, who could not be frightened by this sudden situation, but fortunately Shi Lei still had some sense, he bent slightly.

While maintaining his body balance, he tried not to fall, after all, he didn't want to be the food in the belly of those poisonous substances, thank you for your kindness.

At the same time, Shi Lei was making mental preparations, lowered his head to look at the thing on his ankle, the more familiar it became, after a few seconds, a picture appeared in Shi Lei's mind, and he recognized it, It turned out to be the combination of the piranha flower and the killing vine that I met before.

Shi Lei retracted his legs vigorously, and began to compete with the vines that were pulling his ankles. At the same time, he hurriedly raised his head and shouted at Bai Mingxian: "Ming Xian, shoot the vines quickly!"

Shi Lei wanted to grab the saber on his thigh, but if he withdrew his hand that was pulling the vine, he would definitely be dragged there, he had no choice but to look at Bai Mingxian again.

What made Shi Lei's heart inexplicably cold was that after Bai Mingxian stood up, he didn't shoot the crossbow immediately, he was hesitating!Shi Lei was sure that he didn't feel wrong.

Shi Lei was anxious, but he also knew that it was useless to urge Bai Mingxian, otherwise he would fall to the bottom. Shi Lei could guess why Bai Mingxian did this, he had to save himself!

Thinking about it, Shi Lei gritted his teeth and let go of one hand, and used his left hand to grab the knife on the outside of his right thigh. It was really not easy, but there was no way, the right hand was stronger.

Shi Lei twisted his body almost into a twist, and then he pulled out the saber, and after clenching it with his backhand, Shi Lei hurriedly cut the vines he was pulling.

What shocked Shi Lei happened. This can be called a saber that cuts iron like mud. Although it is an imitation, it can't even cut a green plant. It's too unbelievable. believe.

Shi Lei let out a muffled snort, feeling the tightening force on his ankles, he couldn't help cursing, "Damn it, how can this thing keep cutting?"

After cutting for a long time, except for some marks on the outer skin, there is nothing wrong with the inside of the vine. After all, the size of the vine has reached the thickness of an adult's little finger.

Mutation or grown up?Shi Lei muttered to himself, thinking of Bai Mingxian's appearance just now, he couldn't help but have a thought, could it be that guy Bai Mingxian saw it just now, so why?

It's really possible to follow Bai Mingxian's temperament, Shi Lei thought, and tugged on the vine vigorously, without moving, Shi Lei held his breath in his heart.

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly felt numb and numb in his feet, he was almost unconscious due to blood blockage, this feeling was too uncomfortable, Shi Lei couldn't help but look down.

Unexpectedly, his eyes fell on the tip of the vines wrapped around his ankles. If he tore off the vines, would he be fine?
"Small, I can't cure you yet."

Thinking about it, Shi Lei couldn't help but acted. He used the tip of the knife to pick out the top tip of the vine, and then cooperated with the knife to tilt it outward.

After all, the vine is not a human being, not that smart, after leaving the ankle, Shi Lei grabbed him and formed a ball, just as Shi Lei untied the vine, he subconsciously pulled it.

Then he felt his hands loosen, the length of the vines increased, and the ball entangled itself, getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, a crossbow bolt shot at his feet.

The crossbow arrow pierced deeply into the soil, and the tip of the arrow was still pressing against a struggling vine. Shi Lei was taken aback when he saw this, and observed carefully. Shi Lei then realized that the arrow tip came out and was opened in a V shape. mouth.

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