"Then how do we leave?" Everyone fell silent after hearing the words, and after a few seconds, Xi Chuyu asked reluctantly.

Seeing that Shi Lei was silent, she muttered a few more words: "Besides, there is no food in there. There are so many lions here, how much meat was cut, and they all gave up?"

Xi Chuyu's words expressed everyone's heartfelt feelings, Shi Lei nodded in agreement, he thought for a while, and smiled at Xi Chuyu.

"These are actually not a problem. Let's carry the dead lion onto the boat first. I also understand the situation in the basin. We don't need to go on foot."

Shi Lei said, pointed to the boat behind him, and said with a smile: "There is a ready-made boat here, of course we need to use it, this boat is our temporary mobile camp."

The only way to survive here is to light a fire by the sea. Although they may not have an appetite, it can ensure that they will not run out of water.

What's more... As far as the poisonous substances in the basin are concerned, how they set up camp is a problem, let alone sleep or something. God knows if they will never wake up after lying down for a night.

"You mean, let's sail the boat?" Guo Jingyi couldn't help frowning when she heard this, and asked with some worry: "But this boat is so big, how can we sail it? There is no energy."

Shi Lei smiled and shook his head, pursed his lips and said: "Everyone, don't stand still, hurry up and lift the dead lion." Anyway, the boat can't run away, so it's important to hurry up and lift the lion.

As for the method, it’s not too late to talk about it after getting on the boat. Xi Chuyu snorted. She, Guo Jingyi, and Bai Xuefeng stood at the bow of the boat, holding bows and crossbows to warn everyone, while the others only carried simple self-defense tools. In a team of two, they carried the dead lions onto the boat one by one.

Don't look at the size of the lion on TV, it looks quite small. In fact, the adult lion is very big. It is even taller than a human being, and the weight can be imagined.

It was really not easy to lift it up. In the end, Mo Tingzhi tore the cloth strips from the curtains and used the pulley principle to pull the lion up.

After they were all lifted up, it was already more than half an hour later, Shi Lei and the others climbed onto the boat out of breath, and as soon as they got on the deck, Shi Lei lay down on the deck regardless of his appearance.

After a while, Shi Lei finally got his breath, turned over and sat up on the deck, "Everyone go into the cabin, Ting Zhi, come with me to the cockpit."

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei suddenly remembered that Mo Tingzhi really couldn't hear him, he stood up, looked up and saw Mo Tingzhi sitting on the deck in a cute way, and walked over.

Shi Lei bent down, reached out and pulled Mo Tingzhi's skirt, Mo Tingzhi raised his head, Shi Lei pointed to the cockpit, Mo Tingzhi stood up and walked towards the cockpit.

"I'll go and have a look too." Seeing that Shi Lei was leaving too, Xi Chuyu hurriedly got up and chased after him, and said hurriedly.

After Shi Lei and Mo Tingzhi came to the cockpit, Shi Lei went to the place where the meat sticks were placed, stretched out his hand to open the drawer, and pulled the drawer down vigorously.

Shi Lei pulled out the other drawers as well, they were empty, with nothing in them, Xi Chuyu was lying on the window next to the door.

Seeing this, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Shi Lei, what are you doing pulling out all the drawers?" Is there any mechanism inside?
Shi Lei turned back and smiled at Xi Chuyu, stood up and walked to the opposite side, there were several buttons in the corner, Mo Tingzhi also walked over when he saw this, he looked at the buttons for a while, raised his eyebrows and said: "What did you find?" ?”

These buttons are always in the corner, and they are not needed when sailing. To be honest, Mo Tingzhi is also very strange. Hearing this, Shi Lei pointed to the number written under the buttons.

"Morse code."

Shi Lei wrote four large characters on the desktop in front of him. Seeing this, Mo Tingzhi was silent for a while, then stretched out his arms and pressed several buttons in sequence according to the sequence he had just calculated.

After pressing the button, nothing changed in the cockpit. Seeing this, Shi Lei was stunned. Did he guess wrong?Shi Lei noticed these colored buttons when he first entered the cockpit, but he didn't pay attention at that time.

Later, when thinking of Luffy's last words, Shi Lei thought of the subtle password he wrote on the note, and he suddenly noticed these buttons.

Yes, on the suicide note left by Luffy, there was a Morse code carved out by the eye of a needle. Shi Lei didn't think too much about it at the time, so he left it. Later, he accidentally took a look and discovered this secret.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard the slight sound of metal turning, "click—" Immediately after the console in front of him, a not-so-small change occurred.
Several control buttons popped out of the empty drawers, and the console above it also changed into another look.

Seeing this, Shi Lei, although he had already guessed that this might happen, when he really came, he still couldn't help being stunned, everyone outside the door was stunned, no one thought that this would happen here.

"This is the real control mechanism of this ship." Mo Tingzhi was very excited. After checking the button, he suddenly stood up from the ground and said happily.

Everyone was stunned, but no matter how many questions they had in their hearts, they couldn't ask them out. After all, everyone knew that Mo Tingzhi had hearing problems.

After Mo Tingzhi fiddled with it for a while, Shi Lei and everyone felt the boat shake, and when it stabilized again, the boat was already floating on the sea.

"Great, with this boat, we can go home!" Xi Chuyu got out from the crowd and ran to the bow. She screamed a few times excitedly, then turned around and said happily to everyone.

Mo Tingzhi was observing the situation on the sea at this time, and he naturally noticed what Xi Chuyu was saying, "But the energy of this control is limited, and it can't drive too far. If you want to sail far, you have to use fuel."

These few words, like a basin of cold water, poured coldly on the hearts of Xi Chuyu and everyone else. Shi Lei was also very excited at first, but when he heard these words, his heart immediately cooled down.

Mo Tingzhi controlled the boat, circled around the small island, and finally landed at the sea opposite the shore where he had just landed. The reason was very simple. There were a few coconut trees and a small piece of withered yellow bushes. , There are two or three coconut trees on the beach.

The dead body of the lion was stacked on the deck at the stern, the deck was soaked with blood, after the boat stopped, Shi Lei hurriedly walked out of the cockpit and called everyone to deal with the dead body of the lion.

"Jingyi, I have to trouble you to bring the saber here."

The lions lined up at the stern, except for the one who was killed by Bai Mingxian, who had a big gash in his abdomen, the others were all killed by arrows, which made Shi Lei very satisfied, the animal skins keep warm, and can be made into clothes and All kinds of things are very precious to them who are in short supply.

What's more... Shi Lei looked down at the slippers on his feet, he had already found a way out for these animal skins in advance.

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